NonProfit Tech for Good發佈了2016 Global NGO Online Technology…
NonProfit Tech for Good發佈了2016 Global NGO Online Technology Report,這份報告整理了2,780個NGOs組織回應其問卷調查,參與者橫跨六大洲133個不同國家,其中有60%的NGO自評是屬於「小而美」的組織規模(這份調查中並無用制式的員工人數或資金經費額度來評比組織大小,而是讓填寫者可自由寫出對自己組織該歸類於大中小三級中哪一類規模。)當然這其中2700多個所謂的NGO/NPO也有自各的議題關注或倡議焦點,調查中除了揭示今年全球大小NGO/NPO在網站工具與社交媒體使用狀況的統計外,這份報告也稍微分析了一下各NGO捐助者的世代屬性與捐款行為偏好。我個人長期訂閱NonProfit Tech for Good的消息,是覺得其調查結果可作為理解當前NGO/NPO總體社群狀況的參考,故稍把其內容轉貼過來。
• 92% of NGOs worldwide have a website. 絕大多數NGO有自家網站
• 70% use the .ORG domain. 2% percent use .NGO. 9% percent use .COM. 2% percent use .NET. 18% use other domains, predominately country code domains. 針對NGO網域名註冊統計,超過半數以是以.ORG(包含本國國碼者)註冊網域名。
• 46% regularly publish a blog. 75% regularly send email updates to donors and supporters. Small NGOs have an average of 6,035 subscribers. Medium NGOs have 55,596. Large have 357,714. 居然不到半數定期更新網站上的訊息? 意外的是,會定期寄送電子報的居然超過四分之三,且自認為是小型的NGO也平均有6000位電子報訂戶耶。
• 75% accept online donations. Payment methods accepted include credit cards (82%), PayPal (52%), direct debit (47%),mobile text (6%), and digital wallets (3%). 線上捐款的使用程度與付款工具統計
• 95% have a Facebook Page. Small NGOs have an average of 5,723 likes. Medium NGOs have 28,337. Large NGOs have 127,930.
• 83% have a Twitter Profile. Small NGOs have an average of 3,332 followers. Medium NGOs have 13,680. Large NGOs have 66,167.
• 40% have an Instagram Profile. Small NGOs have an average of 504 followers. Medium NGOs have 2,676. Large NGOs have 10,548.
• Other social networks used by NGOs worldwide are LinkedIn (52%), YouTube (51%), Google+ (30%), Pinterest (22%), Tumblr (6%), and Snapchat (2%).
• 32% of NGOs worldwide assign the responsibility of social media management to a communications staff person. 11% have a full-time or part-time social media manager. 15% depend upon volunteers. The remaining 42% assign the responsibility to development, program, administrative, and/or executive staff.
• 78% agree that social media is effective for online fundraising. 果然還是臉書制霸
• 79% of NGOs in Asia have a website.
• 62% use the .ORG domain. 8% percent use .NGO. 9% percent use .COM. 4% percent use .NET. 17% use other domains, predominately country code domains.
• 44% regularly publish a blog. 72% regularly send email updates to donors and supporters. Small NGOs have an average of 2,350 subscribers. Medium NGOs have 9,080. Large NGOs have 29,806.
• 50% accept online donations. Payment methods accepted include direct debit(66%), credit cards (59%), PayPal (28%), digital wallets (10%), and mobile text (7%).
• 92% have a Facebook Page. Small NGOs have an average of 3,446 likes. Medium NGOs have 12,790. Large NGOs have 49,994.
• 67% have a Twitter Profile. Small NGOs have an average of 1,336 followers. Medium NGOs have 4,341. Large NGOs have 48,668.
• 25% have an Instagram Profile. Small NGOs have an average of 881 followers.Medium NGOs have 2,855. Large NGOs have 5,481
• Other social networks used by NGOs in Asia are YouTube (49%), LinkedIn (41%), Google+ (37%), Pinterest (13%), Tumblr (5%), and Snapchat (2%).
• 26% of NGOs in Asia assign the responsibility of social media management to a communications staff person. 14% have a full-time or part-time social media manager. 17% depend upon volunteers. The remaining 43% assign the responsibility to development, program, administrative, and/or executive staff.
• 86% agree that social media is effective for online fundraising.
Originally published at on December 14, 2016.
By jxtsai on December 14, 2016.
Exported from Medium on March 15, 2019.