title | description | services | author | ms.service | ms.topic | ms.date | ms.author | ms.custom |
include file |
include file |
automation |
mgoedtel |
automation |
include |
05/04/2021 |
magoedte |
include file |
Resource | Limit | Notes |
Maximum number of new jobs that can be submitted every 30 seconds per Azure Automation account (nonscheduled jobs) | 100 | When this limit is reached, the subsequent requests to create a job fail. The client receives an error response. |
Maximum number of concurrent running jobs at the same instance of time per Automation account (nonscheduled jobs) | 200 | When this limit is reached, the subsequent requests to create a job fail. The client receives an error response. |
Maximum storage size of job metadata for a 30-day rolling period | 10 GB (approximately 4 million jobs) | When this limit is reached, the subsequent requests to create a job fail. |
Maximum job stream limit | 1 MiB | A single stream cannot be larger than 1 MiB. |
Maximum number of modules that can be imported every 30 seconds per Automation account | 5 | |
Maximum size of a module | 100 MB | |
Maximum size of a node configuration file | 1 MB | Applies to state configuration |
Job run time, Free tier | 500 minutes per subscription per calendar month | |
Maximum amount of disk space allowed per sandbox1 | 1 GB | Applies to Azure sandboxes only. |
Maximum amount of memory given to a sandbox1 | 400 MB | Applies to Azure sandboxes only. |
Maximum number of network sockets allowed per sandbox1 | 1,000 | Applies to Azure sandboxes only. |
Maximum runtime allowed per runbook1 | 3 hours | Applies to Azure sandboxes only. |
Maximum number of Automation accounts in a subscription | No limit | |
Maximum number of Hybrid Worker Groups per Automation Account | 4,000 | |
Maximum number of concurrent jobs that can be run on a single Hybrid Runbook Worker | 50 | |
Maximum runbook job parameter size | 512 kilobytes | |
Maximum runbook parameters | 50 | If you reach the 50-parameter limit, you can pass a JSON or XML string to a parameter and parse it with the runbook. |
Maximum webhook payload size | 512 kilobytes | |
Maximum days that job data is retained | 30 days | |
Maximum PowerShell workflow state size | 5 MB | Applies to PowerShell workflow runbooks when checkpointing workflow. |
Maximum number of tags supported by an Automation account | 15 |
1A sandbox is a shared environment that can be used by multiple jobs. Jobs that use the same sandbox are bound by the resource limitations of the sandbox.
The following table shows the tracked item limits per machine for change tracking.
Resource | Limit | Notes |
File | 500 | |
File size | 5 MB | |
Registry | 250 | |
Windows software | 250 | Doesn't include software updates. |
Linux packages | 1,250 | |
Services | 250 | |
Daemon | 250 |
The following table shows the limits for Update Management.
Resource | Limit | Notes |
Number of machines per update deployment | 1000 | |
Number of dynamic groups per update deployment | 500 |