author | description | ms.service | ms.topic | | |
baanders |
include file for Azure Digital Twins tutorials - configuring the sample project |
digital-twins |
include |
5/25/2020 |
baanders |
Next, set up a sample client application that will interact with your Azure Digital Twins instance.
Navigate on your machine to the file you downloaded earlier from Azure Digital Twins end-to-end samples (and unzip it if you haven't already).
Once inside the folder, navigate into AdtSampleApp. Open AdtE2ESample.sln in Visual Studio 2019.
In Visual Studio, select the SampleClientApp > appsettings.json file to open it in the editing window. This will serve as a pre-set JSON file with the necessary configuration variables to run the project.
In the file body, change the instanceUrl
to your Azure Digital Twins instance host name URL (by adding https:// in front of the host name, as shown below).
"instanceUrl": "https://<your-Azure-Digital-Twins-instance-host-name>"
Save and close the file.
Next, configure the appsettings.json file to be copied to the output directory when you build the SampleClientApp. To do this, right-select the appsettings.json file, and choose Properties. In the Properties inspector, look for the Copy to Output Directory property. Change the value to Copy if newer if it is not set to that already.
:::image type="content" source="../articles/digital-twins/media/includes/copy-config.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio with appsettings.json and 'Copy to Output Directory' property highlighted in Properties." border="false" lightbox="../articles/digital-twins/media/includes/copy-config.png":::
Keep the AdtE2ESample project open in Visual Studio to continue using it in the tutorial.
[!INCLUDE Azure Digital Twins: local credentials prereq (outer)]