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File metadata and controls

448 lines (350 loc) · 13.4 KB
author ms.service ms.topic

Model ID announcement

To announce the model ID, the device must include it in the connection information:

ClientOptions options = new ClientOptions();
deviceClient = new DeviceClient(deviceConnectionString, protocol, options);

The ClientOptions overload is available in all DeviceClient methods used to initialize a connection.


For modules and IoT Edge, use ModuleClient in place of DeviceClient.


This is the only time a device can set model ID, it can't be updated after the device connects.

DPS payload

Devices using the Device Provisioning Service (DPS) can include the modelId to be used during the provisioning process using the following JSON payload.

    "modelId" : "dtmi:com:example:Thermostat;1"

Implement telemetry, properties, and commands

As described in Understand components in IoT Plug and Play models, device builders must decide if they want to use components to describe their devices. When using components, devices must follow the rules described in this section.


A default component doesn't require any special property.

When using nested components, devices must set a message property with the component name:

private static void sendTemperatureTelemetry(String componentName) {
  double currentTemperature = temperature.get(componentName);

  Map<String, Object> payload = singletonMap("temperature", currentTemperature);

  Message message = new Message(gson.toJson(payload));

  if (componentName != null) {
      message.setProperty("$.sub", componentName);
  deviceClient.sendEventAsync(message, new MessageIotHubEventCallback(), message);

Read-only properties

Reporting a property from the default component doesn't require any special construct:

Property reportedProperty = new Property("maxTempSinceLastReboot", 38.7);


The device twin is updated with the next reported property:

  "reported": {
      "maxTempSinceLastReboot" : 38.7

When using nested components, properties must be created within the component name:

Map<String, Object> componentProperty = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
    put("__t", "c");
    put("maxTemperature", 38.7);

Set<Property> reportedProperty = new Property("thermostat1", componentProperty)


The device twin is updated with the next reported property:

  "reported": {
    "thermostat1" : {  
      "__t" : "c",  
      "maxTemperature" : 38.7

Writable properties

These properties can be set by the device or updated by the solution. If the solution updates a property, the client receives a notification as a callback in the DeviceClient or ModuleClient. To follow the IoT Plug and Play conventions, the device must inform the service that the property was successfully received.

Report a writable property

When a device reports a writable property, it must include the ack values defined in the conventions.

To report a writable property from the default component:

private static class EmbeddedPropertyUpdate {
  public Object value;
  public Integer ackCode;
  public Integer ackVersion;
  public String ackDescription;

EmbeddedPropertyUpdate completedUpdate = new EmbeddedPropertyUpdate(23.2, 200, 3, "Successfully updated target temperature");
Property reportedPropertyCompleted = new Property("targetTemperature", completedUpdate);

The device twin is updated with the next reported property:

  "reported": {
      "targetTemperature": {
          "value": 23.2,
          "ac": 200,
          "av": 3,
          "ad": "Successfully updated target temperature"

To report a writable property from a nested component, the twin must include a marker:

Map<String, Object> embeddedProperty = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
    put("value", 23.2);
    put("ac", 200);
    put("av", 3);
    put("ad", "complete");

Map<String, Object> componentProperty = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
    put("__t", "c");
    put("targetTemperature", embeddedProperty);

Set<Property> reportedProperty = new Property("thermostat1", componentProperty));


The device twin is updated with the next reported property:

  "reported": {
    "thermostat1": {
      "__t" : "c",
      "targetTemperature": {
          "value": 23.2,
          "ac": 200,
          "av": 3,
          "ad": "complete"

Subscribe to desired property updates

Services can update desired properties that trigger a notification on the connected devices. This notification includes the updated desired properties, including the version number identifying the update. Devices must respond with the same ack message as reported properties.

A default component sees the single property and creates the reported ack with the received version:

private static class TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback implements TwinPropertyCallBack {

    String propertyName = "targetTemperature";

    public void TwinPropertyCallBack(Property property, Object context) {
        double targetTemperature = ((Number)property.getValue()).doubleValue();

        EmbeddedPropertyUpdate completedUpdate = new EmbeddedPropertyUpdate(temperature, 200, property.getVersion(), "Successfully updated target temperature");
        Property reportedPropertyCompleted = new Property(propertyName, completedUpdate);

// ...

deviceClient.startDeviceTwin(new TwinIotHubEventCallback(), null, new TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback(), null);
Map<Property, Pair<TwinPropertyCallBack, Object>> desiredPropertyUpdateCallback =
    new Property("targetTemperature", null),
    new Pair<>(new TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback(), null));

The device twin shows the property in the desired and reported sections:

  "desired" : {
    "targetTemperature": 23.2,
    "$version" : 3
  "reported": {
      "targetTemperature": {
          "value": 23.2,
          "ac": 200,
          "av": 3,
          "ad": "Successfully updated target temperature"

A nested component receives the desired properties wrapped with the component name, and should report back the ack reported property:

private static final Map<String, Double> temperature = new HashMap<>();

private static class TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback implements TwinPropertyCallBack {

    String propertyName = "targetTemperature";

    public void TwinPropertyCallBack(Property property, Object context) {
        String componentName = (String) context;

        if (property.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(componentName)) {
            double targetTemperature = (double) ((TwinCollection) property.getValue()).get(propertyName);

            Map<String, Object> embeddedProperty = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                put("value", temperature.get(componentName));
                put("ac", 200);
                put("av", property.getVersion().longValue());
                put("ad", "Successfully updated target temperature.");

            Map<String, Object> componentProperty = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                put("__t", "c");
                put(propertyName, embeddedProperty);

            Set<Property> completedPropertyPatch = new Property(componentName, componentProperty));

        } else {
            log.debug("Property: Received an unrecognized property update from service.");

// ...

deviceClient.startDeviceTwin(new TwinIotHubEventCallback(), null, new GenericPropertyUpdateCallback(), null);
Map<Property, Pair<TwinPropertyCallBack, Object>> desiredPropertyUpdateCallback = Stream.of(
  new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Property, Pair<TwinPropertyCallBack, Object>>(
    new Property("thermostat1", null),
    new Pair<>(new TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback(), "thermostat1")),
  new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Property, Pair<TwinPropertyCallBack, Object>>(
    new Property("thermostat2", null),
    new Pair<>(new TargetTemperatureUpdateCallback(), "thermostat2"))
).collect(Collectors.toMap(AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue));


The device twin for a nested component shows the desired and reported sections as follows:

  "desired" : {
    "thermostat1" : {
        "__t" : "c",
        "targetTemperature": 23.2,
    "$version" : 3
  "reported": {
    "thermostat1" : {
        "__t" : "c",
      "targetTemperature": {
          "value": 23.2,
          "ac": 200,
          "av": 3,
          "ad": "complete"


A default component receives the command name as it was invoked by the service.

A nested component receives the command name prefixed with the component name and the * separator.

deviceClient.subscribeToDeviceMethod(new MethodCallback(), null, new MethodIotHubEventCallback(), null);

// ...
private static final Map<String, Double> temperature = new HashMap<>();

private static class MethodCallback implements DeviceMethodCallback {
  final String reboot = "reboot";
  final String getMaxMinReport1 = "thermostat1*getMaxMinReport";
  final String getMaxMinReport2 = "thermostat2*getMaxMinReport";

  public DeviceMethodData call(String methodName, Object methodData, Object context) {
    String jsonRequest = new String((byte[]) methodData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

    switch (methodName) {
      case reboot:
        int delay = gson.fromJson(jsonRequest, Integer.class);

        Thread.sleep(delay * 1000);

        temperature.put("thermostat1", 0.0d);
        temperature.put("thermostat2", 0.0d);

        return new DeviceMethodData(200, null);

      // ...

        log.debug("Command: command=\"{}\" is not implemented, no action taken.", methodName);
          return new DeviceMethodData(404, null);

Request and response payloads

Commands use types to define their request and response payloads. A device must deserialize the incoming input parameter and serialize the response.

The following example shows how to implement a command with complex types defined in the payloads:

  "@type": "Command",
  "name": "getMaxMinReport",
  "displayName": "Get Max-Min report.",
  "description": "This command returns the max, min and average temperature from the specified time to the current time.",
  "request": {
    "name": "since",
    "displayName": "Since",
    "description": "Period to return the max-min report.",
    "schema": "dateTime"
  "response": {
    "name" : "tempReport",
    "displayName": "Temperature Report",
    "schema": {
      "@type": "Object",
      "fields": [
          "name": "maxTemp",
          "displayName": "Max temperature",
          "schema": "double"
          "name": "minTemp",
          "displayName": "Min temperature",
          "schema": "double"
          "name" : "avgTemp",
          "displayName": "Average Temperature",
          "schema": "double"
          "name" : "startTime",
          "displayName": "Start Time",
          "schema": "dateTime"
          "name" : "endTime",
          "displayName": "End Time",
          "schema": "dateTime"

The following code snippets show how a device implements this command definition, including the types used to enable serialization and deserialization:

deviceClient.subscribeToDeviceMethod(new GetMaxMinReportMethodCallback(), "getMaxMinReport", new MethodIotHubEventCallback(), "getMaxMinReport");

// ...

private static class GetMaxMinReportMethodCallback implements DeviceMethodCallback {
    String commandName = "getMaxMinReport";

    public DeviceMethodData call(String methodName, Object methodData, Object context) {

        String jsonRequest = new String((byte[]) methodData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        Date since = gson.fromJson(jsonRequest, Date.class);

        String responsePayload = String.format(
                "{\"maxTemp\": %.1f, \"minTemp\": %.1f, \"avgTemp\": %.1f, \"startTime\": \"%s\", \"endTime\": \"%s\"}",

        return new DeviceMethodData(StatusCode.COMPLETED.value, responsePayload);


The request and response names aren't present in the serialized payloads transmitted over the wire.