Full-stack MERN recipe CRUD app. Back-end is an express API to a MongoDB database with hundreds of recipes. It also serves the front-end's static react files.
This was the first MERN stack app I built after finishing FullStackOpen.
Initial database data was populated using the amazing API at TheMealDB. Unfortunately I found the structure of the data returned from this API difficult to work with, so I scraped it, reformatted it, and put it into my own database.
Live site hosted on Heroku at https://fathomless-hamlet-32500.herokuapp.com
- Mobile-first responsive design
- Consistent theming using Material UI
- Responsive forms using Formik and Yup
- Search recipes based on category, tag, area, name, popularity, date added, or any combination of the above
- HTTP responses are cached using React Query to limit the amount of requests
- User's can add easily add avatars using drag-and-drop file upload
- Ability to save favourite recipes, create new recipes, and discuss with others
- Embedded YouTube player for recipe demonstration videos
- Compressed image assets to reduce initial load time
- API Unit Testing using JEST
- Error handling middleware
- API request sanitation and validation
- CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions
- Name - String
- Category - String
- Area - String
- Instructions - String
- Ingredients - [{ Name: String, Measure: String }]
- ThumbImageURL - String
- Tags - [String]
- SourceURL - String
- DateAdded - Date
- User - ObjectID
- Comments - [{ CommentText: String, User: ObjectID, DateAdded: Date }]
- UpvoteCount - Number
- Summary - String
- PrepTime - Number
- CookTime - Number
- Servings - Number
- Username - String
- PasswordHash - String
- Email - String
- SubmittedRecipes: [ObjectID]
- SavedRecipes: [ObjectID]
- JoinDate: Date
- AvatarImageURL - String
- POST "/" --> Logs in user if password matches saved password hash
GET "/" --> Searches database for recipes based on request query object variable.
GET "/:id" --> Searches database for recipe that matches specific id.
GET "/data" --> Retrieves distinct categories, tags, and areas in database.
DELETE "/:id" --> Deletes recipe that matches specific id.
POST "/" --> Creates a new recipe.
PUT "/:id" --> Updates a recipe that exists in the database.
POST "/:id/upvotes" --> Updates the amount of upvotes a recipe has. Users can only modify upvotes +- 1.
POST "/:id/comments" --> Adds a comment to the specific recipe.
GET "/" --> Returns all users in the database.
GET "/:id" --> Returns a specific user by ID.
POST "/" --> Creates a new user.
PUT "/:id" --> Updates a user's information.
POST "/:id/savedRecipes" --> Adds a recipe to the user's saved recipes.
DELETE "/:id" --> Removes a user with the specific ID, as well as all of their submitted recipes, from the database.
I still plan on implementing the following features:
- Front-end integration testing using Cypress
- Install rate-limiter-flexible package to prevent DDOS
- Add contact page
- Add pagination to user's submitted recipes
- Set up image store for recipe images in AWS S3
- Set up reverse proxy using NGINX
- Add filter for user submitted recipe images
- Add 404 page