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160 lines (124 loc) · 6.53 KB

AWS IoT Device Registration Gateway

  • Designed to provide a common registration entrypoint for AWS IoT devices.
  • Avoids complexity of current AWS IoT fleet provisioning workflows.
    • Not integrated into Cloudformation or other cloud deployment frameworks.
    • Certificates required to be provisioned into devices.
    • Requires advanced AWS IoT knowledge.
  • Easy to deploy / maintain / keep source control with AWS CDK and Cloudformation.
  • Code architecture designed to be easily extendable to cover custom cases.
  • Designed for Serverless Architecture, portable to other types of architectures.




  1. Install AWS CDK (Getting started guide can be followed here)

    • $ npm install -g aws-cdk
  2. Install Python dependencies (make sure to use Python3.7 or newer)

    • pip install -r etc/pip/requirements.txt
  3. Make sure that you have Docker installed and running, will be required to build Python's dependencies


  1. Add modification to cdk.json in order to add customizations to your project.

  2. Modify cdk.json and add your desired tokens in ssm.string_value.DEVICE_AUTHORIZER_VALID_TOKENS.

  3. Add your desired AWS IoT Thing types in the AWS console, copy the name and use it in:

    • ssm.string_value.ATTRIBUTES.$TYPE.[].name
  4. Add the AWS IoT Thing Policy and add name to ssm.string_value.DEVICE_AUTHORIZER_VALID_TOKENS.POLICIES.${THING_TYPE}.name .

  5. Execute cdk diff and cdk deploy to deploy your project.

  6. Default environment created is dev but other environments can be created by adding keys to cdk.json at the same level that dev is.


  • API Gateway that points to a Lambda function.
  • Lambda Function that will be in charge of authorize and register devices plus will return the certificate information to the registering devices.
    • Lambda Layer with external dependencies.
  • SSM Parameter Store that will contain the application configuration.
  • AWS IoT Analytics data storage for AWS IoT Registry events (broker subscription has to be enabled in AWS IoT).

Default API Endpoints and Registration payload

  • API Endpoint:
    • ${API_GATEWAY_STAGE_URL}/register
  • Method:
    • POST
  • Headers:
    • DEVICE_TOKEN should be one of the values in ${DEVICE_AUTHORIZER_VALID_TOKENS} -> Defined AWS SSM Parameter Store
  • Body:
    • {"thingName": ${THING_NAME}, "version": "${VERSION}"}

Default AWS IoT resources

These resources by name or ARN are stored in the AWS Parameter Store SSM construct.

  • AWS_ROOT_CA.PREFERRED and AWS_ROOT_CA.BACKUP -> AWS IoT root CA endpoints, a preferred one and a backup one.

  • POLICIES.$ -> AWS IoT Thing Policy based on Thing Type name.

  • ATTRIBUTES.$TYPE.[].name -> AWS IoT Thing Type Attributes based on Thing Type name.

  • AWS IoT Policy Sample:

    • Should be created on the console and managed by that or by boto3. Not recommendable to manage using Cloudformation if naming is required.
    • Name should be added to cdk.json in ssm.string_value.POLICIES section.
    • If using project with defaults. Use as name -> multa_backend_policy_dev
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

Project Extension

In order to add new modules or lambda functions to the project, either Authorizer or Registration Lambdas, base structure is the same:

  • applications module contains the lambda functions and those are formed by components

  • components contain the Classes that will be used in applications and those are formed by handlers Classes and functions.

  • handlers are the base Classes and functions that will execute authorization, validation, registration, etc.

Finally, modify the configuration in cdk.json to point to different Lambda functions other that the defaults.

How to Contribute

  1. Clone repo and create a new branch: $ git checkout -b ${BRANCH_NAME}.
  2. Make changes and test
  3. Submit Pull Request with comprehensive description of changes