Releases: ualbertalib/jupiter
Production v.1.2.4
Release include changes:
It's a regular patch release, with no significant change to the UI/application. All standard deployment procedures apply.
@henryzhang87 When you have a moment, please proceed with deployment. Thanks!
Production v1.2.3
Fixes in this release:
- View object in the browser PR#866
- Dependency for deployment of 1.2.0 in the release note.
@henryzhang87 please note we will need to add Poppler in the RPM or install by Ansible. This is a dependency for ActiveStorage to render preview for PDFs. Details are on the changelog.
Production v.1.2.2
- added more error handling and logging for the data migration task from Fedora to ActiveStorage.
All the deployment details stay the same as
Production v.1.2.1
This release includes the missing migration rake task needed for v.1.2.0
Also included in the release:
- Added the changelog
- Added the backend batch ingest function
- Fixed the conference poster type.
All the deployment steps needed are the same with v1.2.0.
Production v.1.2.0
Changes in this release:
[1.2.0] - 2018-08-22
- Thesis deposit and edit for ERA administrators #709
- Main search results will sort by relevance by default #693
- Deposit into Fedora is pushed into the background.
Deployment notes:
Deployment progress will be recorded here: #820
@mbarnett I'd need confirmation on what needs to be in place for the storage setup to enable the use of the intermediate storage for backgrounding the deposit into Fedora.
- what path?
- backup requirements? I assume serving the files are still through Fedora at this point? Do we need to clean the storage space. If my assumption is wrong, what backup schedule we'd need to put into place to avoid potential risk of data lost (before the objects are ingested into Fedora)
- Any other notes needed for this ActiveStorage change?
This release will need to be modified once changelog is in place #819
Production v.1.1.0
Major features included:
- embargo expiry job to remove expired embargoes
- Add Content Security Policy
- Upgrade to Rails 5.2
- PMPY integration changes.
To deploy this version, we will need to:
- back up the database
- deploy the release on all app servers at the same time
- run the db migration job
Jupiter 0.10.2.beta.1
- Avoid suppressing error reporting to rollbar #516
Jupiter 0.10.1.beta.1
- fix the thesis view page #500
Jupiter 0.10.0.beta.1
This release includes:
- Separate concerns between RDF term URI naming and Ruby method names
- Ordering of departments and supervisors for thesis objects
<Note: we will need a further discussion with the system admins re: tagging conventions with labels and deployment workflow>
Jupiter 0.9.0
Included in this release:
- move from mysql to postgresql
- UI fixes and enhancement
- issue on visibility of ccid-protected objects
- remove login page