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mattlangford edited this page Nov 15, 2016 · 17 revisions

#NaviGator Wiki

Welcome to the NaviGator Wiki! Check out the readme to get all the necessary software and information for the operating the boat.

##What's NaviGator?

NaviGator is a fully autonomous maritime surface vehicle built by graduates and undergraduates at the University of Florida. It is built to compete in the AUVSI Maritime RobotX Challenge, but it is used for much more. NaviGator is an excellent research platform for students interested in creating autonomous systems. We research and implement all the necessary systems in areas such as controls, computer perception, motion planning, navigation, simulation, and more. While we aim to win, we aim to learn just as much. With that said, Robots are cool, let's build some robots.

##Software Team

Andy Gray

Zach Goins

Ralph Leyva

Jason Nez

David Soto

Forrest Voight

Matthew Langford

Anthony Olive

Tess Bianchi

Lucas Bassett-Audain

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