Thank you for using HELPq, and we're really excited that you want to help out!
This project is developed mostly by me (Edwin Zhang), but quite a few hackathons have their own forks. Releases to master can be expected to be stable and ready to use (with configuration, of course), but dev will be the most up to date.
We actively welcome your pull requests!
However, before you begin, please create an issue so we can determine if the work, feature, or bugfix either has someone is already working on it as a part of the current roadmap, or if the feature is not something that would belong in the HELPq as a core feature.
This is mostly meant for discussion, so we can discuss things fully and make a really awesome product :)
We use issues to track public bugs. Please make sure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.
We also use issues to track feature requests and discuss. Please mark your issue as 'Feature Request' in this case!
Keep it clean, and keep things modular!