Updated frontend dependencies (security) Added support for WARC file reading with Inputstream, this can be used if WARC files are not on a file-system. (Skipping HttpInputStream implementation for reading WARCs with offset) Support for WARC resource type (Warc-Indexer) without URL in WARC header. (still needs work) Minor Solr query syntax fix, so it will also work on Solr 6. (not recommended to use Solr6!) Docker support. (so far limited support... write more later) Support for legacy WARC-Indexer before version 3.0 that does not have url_norm field. See below. New property in solwayback.properties 'url.normaliser'. Will default to normal. Other options are minimal and legacy. New property in solwayback.properties 'solr.search.params'. Add default solr params to every query. (Uncommented advanced query method added.)
Fixed in-player video player for some MP4 videos that was classified by Tika as 'application/mp4'. Fixed log4shell vulnerabity in SolrWayback bundle (Solr and warc-indexer)
Support for Warc record type 'resource'. Also required fix in the warc-indexer and resourcetype added to config3.xml (in indexing folder) Improved playback for Twitter API harvest (https://github.com/netarchivesuite/so-me). (also changes in solrconfig.xml) Implemented new WARC file resolver. If WARCS files are removed after indexed, you can add a text file with the new location. Whenever a WARC needs needs to be loaded, if the WARC file is on the list, it will use that location instead of the one indexed into Solr.
Further improvements in serviceworker: a) The SolrWaybackRoot-servlet application is no longer required if the Serviceworker is loaded. For legacy browsers where servicerworker does not work, the root servlet will required for improved playback. b) In rare cases referer is missing so crawltime for the origin resource is unknown. As a default it uses current year as crawltime. This situation is often not relevant for playback since the requests often are to trackers and adds.
Cleaned up in logging to the solrwayback.log file. It should not be as spammy now. Upgraded frontend dependencies (security updates).
Fixed bug in load more facets for domain facet when there also was a filter query involved.
All Playback live leaks are now blocked or redirected back to SolrWayback with a javascript Serviceworker added to playback. No more leaking to the live web! This will also improve playback when the live leak can be resolved in SolrWayback. (Thanks to Ilya Kreymer for pointing me in this direction). The Serviceworker implementation require the SolrWayback server to run under HTTPS. This can be archived by setting an Apache or Nginx in front of the Tomcat. The Serviceworker feature is supported by most recent browser versions. See: https://caniuse.com/serviceworkers Playback will still work in legacy browsers using url rewrite, but can leak to the live web in if not blocked by proxy server or sandboxed. Encoding fix in javascript rewrite: Modify < > handling to preserve the original representation (including faulty ones). This closes SOLRWBFB-58 Upgraded frontend depencencies (security updates).
Wordcloud stop words works can be configured in solrwaybackweb.properties. Added new property(wordcloud.stopwords) in solrwaybackweb.properties with default stopwords (english). Will use empty stopword list if not defined Word cloud html pages extraction reduced from 10.000 to 5.000 as difference was minimal, but doubles performance API method to extract word+count for a query+filterquery(optional) : /services/frontend/wordcloud/wordfrequency?q=xxx&fg=yyy API method to extract wordcloud image for query+filterquery(optional): /services/frontend/wordcloud/query?q=xxx&fg=yyy
Solr query caching for performance boost. Added new optional properties in solrwayback.properties #Solr caching. Will be default false if not defined solr.server.caching=true solr.server.caching.max.entries=10000 solr.server.caching.age.seconds=86400
When clicking a link and opening playback in a new tab. The browser URL will match the crawl-time of the html page.
Added a better parallel indexing script for Linux/macOS with more options. (warc-indexer.sh) With warc-indexer.sh you can define number of threads. It keeps track of already index WARC-file so you can start it again after adding new WARC-files to the folder. Example: THREADS=20 ./warc-indexer.sh warcs1
The file location of the two property-files solrwayback.properties and solrwaybackweb.properties can be configured so they do not have to be in the HOME directory. To change to location copy this file: https://github.com/netarchivesuite/solrwayback/blob/master/src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml to the folder '/apache-tomcat-8.5.60/conf/Catalina/localhost' and rename it to solrwayback.war Remnove the uncomment of the environment variables and edit the location of the files. During start up of the tomcat server, the values will be logged in solrwayback.log.
Updated the README.md with more information about scaling and using SolrWayback in production.
Indexing scripts updated for SolrWayback Bundle SolrWayback bundle release 4.1.0 uploaded to Github releases
Brotli encoding fix for javascript. Introduced JavascriptPlayback class. Does nothing but handle brotli, but can later be improved to do url-replacement in javascript files.
Fixed chunked transfer encoding error when HTTP header declared it was chunked, but was not.
New optional properties can be added to solrwaybackweb.properties to limit maximum number of export results. These values is their default values.
Start year for domain statistics is not using the archive.start.year value in solrwaybackweb.properties Hover text added to search guidelines and the 2 questions marks (image/url search) First production ready of release of SolrWayback 4.x on github. README.md various grammer fixes (thanks Mat Kelly!)
Fixed SolrWayback not loading at all in Safari browser (was due to regexp) Fixed facet query encoding regression error. Version of Solrwayback added to the web-properties method.
Upgraded vue-cli framework from 4.4.0 to 4.5.9 (frontend framework) Facets and links below images can be right clicked and open in a new tab. Spinner added when loading images in result set for HTML pages. Realtime search hints if query seems faulty. The following query: cats and dogs") will result in 3 warnings. 1) lowercase 'and' 2) unbalanced quotes 3) unbalanced parentheses
Custom logo+link can be inserted top left corner. Defined in solrwaybackweb.properties
#Show a custom image in top left corner. (png,jpeg,svg). (150x60 pixel) #Link when clicking the logo top.left.logo.image=/kb_logo_desktop_blue.svg top.left.logo.image.link=https://www.kb.dk/
Gephi link-graph (search toolbox) implemented with new GUI. Description+help text improved. HTML tags n-gram implemented(seacrh toolbox). Found on same tab as the normal n-gram search(radio button) Notification if the cap of 500 images is reach for image geo-search. Both warc-file exports also have the option to export in warc.gz format now (zipped). Page resources (playback toolbox) now also shows maximum timespam back- and forward for the resources.
Clean up in logging to the tomcat log-file.
Linkgraph remimplemeted with improved GUI. Less spaghetti for large graphs and local sub-graph highlighting for a node by click. Maximum node degree increased to 40.
CVS export option for the n-gram query visualization
Page resources (playback toolbar) shows total timespan for resources in top so it is easier to see how far apart the resources are from the main page.
Added icon on search result to show warc headers for that record.
Facet counts are formatted to be more readable for large numbers.(thousand delimiters)
Data fields on records new listed in alphabetical order.
Export to warc file also has option to export to a zipped warc.gz file.(still waiting frontend enabling)
Fixed encoding bug for playback (html content charset) that was introduced in 4.0.1 due to switch to chaining inputstreams.
Backend + GUI refactoring
Added optional property to solrwaybackweb.properties. Default value is 1998 if property not set. Start year of the collection is used in several visualizations.
#n-gram and domain statistics etc. needs a start year for the visualizations. Will default to 1998 if not defined.
Playback support for chunked transfer encoding. This also require new version of the warc-indexer when indexing (ukwa/webarchive-discovery#232)
Images geo search reimplemented with better design. Lazy load of images, dynamic heatmap and spreading out images on same location.
Smurf (N-gram) visualization implemented in toolbox.
Domain stats visualization reimplemented (toolbox)
PWID reimplemented (playback toolbar)
Memory improvement for streaming warc-export. Minimal memory required for the web-app which was a scaling problem for multiple simultaneous exports.
Memory improvement during playback when servering large binaries (images/audio/video etc.)
Minor playback improvements.
Added unittest+warcs for various decompression (brotli,gzip,chuncking)
Added unittest for warc-export. (Mockito)
Spinners added for more service-calls.
Minor css-changes to layout
The following features still needs to be implemented
HTML-tags graph
Link graph
Gephi linkgraph export
Website previews
Frontend completely rewritten (VUE framework) Services upgraded from Jersey to apache-cxf
log4j upgraded to logback
Various third part dependencies upgraded as well.
Playback improvements.
Warc-export with resources will find more resources to include.
Ranking change (in solrconfig.xml). Boost html pages a little more.
Facet years sortet by year and not count.
Faster loading of results and pagination. Facets are loaded in a seperate service call and not reloaded when paging.
The two export to CVS options has been merged into one where you can select which fields to export from search result.
"About this archive" text added. This can be configured in solrwaybackweb.properties to load a custom file instead.
Search guidelines added. This can be configured in solrwaybackweb.properties to load a custom file instead.
Services has been split into frontend-services and backend-services.
Introduced toolbox on search page. Some features from the playback toolbar has been moved into this toolbox.
Wordcloud added as new feature to toolbox.
Result visualization by domain for search results. Shows top 30 domains in search results over the years.
Icons added for different document types. (video/audio/html etc.)
Url search reimplemented and working. Search by an url, it will be puny encoded and normalized.
Lazy loading of images. Once again performance improvement and not hitting the backend as hard.
"Back to top" and pagination link added after search results.
Spinner animations added to all service calls while it is loading.
In browser audio+video player added for documents of this time. If browser does not support the encoding, it can be downloaded as before.
Improved twitter playback for twitter warc-files harvesed with https://github.com/netarchivesuite/so-me
Still missing the folllowing features before version 4.0:
PWID (show XML in browser + clipboard function)
GPS location search
HTML-tags graph
Link graph
Domain stats
Gephi linkgraph export
Website previews
Smurf (new feature)
Property changes in solrwayback.properties: Socks v.4 proxy did not perform well and has been removed, so has the properties: proxy.port+proxy.allow.hosts
Property changes in solrwaybackweb.properties:
# About this archive. Will be shown when page is loaded and when about is clicked.
# Search help is shown when the icon next to search is clicked.
# Both properties can be changed to a full filepath with a custom text.. HTML formating allowed.
# Below values uses the default text files in SolrWayback.
#define fields that can be selected for CVS export
export.csv.fields=id,index_time, author, description,keywords,description,license_url,content,content_encoding,content_length,content_language, content_type_droid,content_type_ext,content_type_full,content_type_norm,content_type_served,content_type_tika,content_type,content_type_version,elements_used,hash,wayback_date,crawl_year,url_norm,url_path,url,url_type,domain,host,host_surt,public_suffix,resourcename,image_size,links_images,links_domains,links_hosts,links_hosts_surts,links_norm,links_public_suffixes,links,server,status_code,generator,redirect_to_norm,source_file_path,source_file_offset,source_file,text,title,type,warc_key_id,warc_ip ,ssdeep_hash_bs_3, ssdeep_hash_bs_6, ssdeep_hash_bs_12, ssdeep_hash_bs_24, ssdeep_hash_bs_48, ssdeep_hash_bs_96,ssdeep_hash_bs_192
Tomcat upgraded to 8.5.51 in SolrwWayback bundle release. Due to GhostCat (CVE-2020-1938 - AJP). Special tomcat config required:
<Connector port="9721" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
connectionTimeout="20000" />
Twitter API playback updated and improved (require newer version of warc-indexer)
Timing logs for solr query, both for Solr Qtime and total time seen from SolrClient.
Fixes UTC timing bug for some date conversion.
General cleanup and refactoring.
Few playback improvements (the 'utf-8' error fixed)
Attempt to fixed pagination (20+20 = 2020 instead of 40 in javascript). Probably only happens in some browsers.
Security/Vulnerability fix for all frontend dependencies. Minor playback improvements (special characters like \ in url)
Fixed white-space before url in PWID xml generation
PWID service. Can query collection for a PWID. syntax is: (server)/services/pwid/web/urn:pwid:netarkivet.dk:2018-12-10T06:27:01Z:part:https://www.petdreams.dk/katteracer-siameser Will return the document is collection(netarkivet) is correct and the given url (https://www.petdreams.dk/katteracer-siameser) is harvest exactly on 2018-12-10T06:27:01Z. For HTML pages playback will be shown, for resources (images etc.) the binary will be returned.
Link graph export to cvs-format that can be loaded by Gephi. Export is streaming and can extract million of domains. Implemented temporary web-page for the link graph export. (New menu link added) Warc files made with WebRecorder can be now be indexed and gives better playback than with Heritrix3 warc-files. Fixes was mostly in the warc-indexer(Gzip support). Improved Playback for twitter-API harvest. (missing images in some situations) Various minor playback improvements. background-image for div tags most important fix. Minor fix with SVG images, converting them to PNG and scaling caused all kind of java troubles with ImagesIO.
Property to also disable CSV export of result. Was already implemented for warc-export. New property allow.export.csv=false in solrwaybackweb.properties Various playback fixed when redirecting. Fixed a bug with redirect http -> https as only difference in URL. Block redirect cycles early when detected to prevent browser going for maximum redirects. Backend method to see the arc/warc header, not implemented in frontend yet. Updated log-frame(slf4j) to 1.7.21
Fix issued with warc-indexer 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1 broke backwards solr schema compatibility. Also some url normalization bugs was fixed. A property in solrwayback.properties can enable using the old schema if you dont want to reindex with warc-indexer 3.0.1.
Apache2 license added.
Search option to group by URL, unchecked as default since it makes search slower. This will only show one result for the same URL.
When exporting a resultset to WARC-format there is an option to 'expand' HTML documents so all their resources are exported as well.
Added both and localhost to solrwayback.properties proxy allow property. Required for supporting both socks proxy 4 and socks proxy 4a.
Domain statistics moved to search interface.
Graceful shutdown of socks proxy (fixing deploy to tomcat issue for developers)
Option property to link to an additional playback engine (local open wayback, archive.org etc.). Link is placed next to the Solrwayback playback link on title.
Playback improvements. (img srcset tag, embed url, video/audio having nested source-tags)
Search by entering URL option in search interface. This will also convert the URL from IDN to puny code, making search by URL easier.
Faster search but only loading the fields showing in the short record presentation. Only load all fields when showing them for a record. For index-size > 300GB this is a factor 2 or more.
Domain growth stats graph also included in search-frontend and not only playback toolbar.
GPS image search. Replaced google maps with leaflet.js - Leaflet javascript/css included in WAR file. Map properties in solrwaybackweb.properties renamed, google prefix removed.
For image GPS search the start location parameters extracted to property-file.
For PID export the collection name has been extracted to property file.
For screenshot preview using headless chrome, the timeout parameter has been extracted to property-file. Optional, 10 seconds is default
Facets are now defined in the property file (solrwaybackweb.properties), optional property.
If SolrWayback is deployed in the tomcat under another contextname than solrwayback, it will try load a property file with that context name before defaulting to solrwayback.properties.
Showing HTTP status code in toolbar. Also show toolbar for empty responses (301,302 etc.)
Rewrite of frontend urls so SolrWayback can run as HTTPS.
API for generating Wordcloud image generator for domain: http://server:port/solrwayback/services/wordcloud/domain?domain=test.dk
The first release for IIPC newsletter
Binary bundled release: https://github.com/netarchivesuite/solrwayback/releases