open acm
ph ls @acm/
open all
ph ls
open default
ph show foobar/foo
type specific
ph type @acm --prog dmenu
type all
ph type
open_database show grep add remove edit list_entries type_entries dump move - interdatabase move disabled
list_cached get_from_cache prompt_creds open_from_file open_from_cache
- if path in list_cached -> get_from_cache
- if path not in list_cached and no_cache -> open_from_file
- if path not in list_cached and not no_cache -> open_from_cache
if not path: error - db does not exist
if not no_cache and path in list_cached: get_from_cache
prompt_creds if no_cache: open_from_file else: open_from_cache
keyfile no_cache no_password database all path
open_database(all=True) -> [('passhole', kp1), ('bar', kp2)]
if database: prompt_creds return open_database(path, path) else: exists_config read_config check_config - database
if all:
dbs = []
for name in config:
db = open_database(name, config[name][database])
if section.default:
return dbs
# elif name:
# return open_database(name, config[name][database])
elif path:
name = get_database
return open_database(name, config[name][database])
for name in config:
if section.default:
return open_database(name, config[name][database])
error - no default