Simple HTML5 Charts using the canvas element
Here are samples of the project. These will be rendered with <canvas>
(and yes! they support animation)
This project is maintained as the canonical fork of mature nnnick/Chart.js project because the author has gone missing to work on an even-stalled rewrite but many contributors are ready to help out now. The master branch here is solely a continuation of the original Chart.js project and allows contributors to submit pull requests to an active project. Only the following are in-scope for master:
- Bug fixes
- Documentation improvements
- Stabitily fixes
- Continuous integration testing
Don't even think about submitting code that changes functionality without updating ALL relevant documentation and unit tests.
You are welcome to discuss refactoring here and we will make branches for collaboration on any cool ideas. But remember, the main goal of this project is to wait for Nick to come back from hibernation and say "thanks for all your hard work, here is a patchset to fix all your issues which has no controversy and is ready and field tested."
You can find documentation at
Chart.js was taken down on the 19th March. It is now back online for good and IS available under MIT license.
Chart.js is available under the [MIT license] (