Releases: unepwcmc/SAPI
Releases · unepwcmc/SAPI
- improvements to the activity page
Species+ Admin:
- internal notes
- fixes to E-library document bulk upload
CITES Trade Admin:
- skip distribution validations for higher taxa
- skip distribution validations when source W and XX
- interface bugfixes
0.8.3 (2014-09-24)
- choice of csv separator
- EU Legislation page
- fix to randomly appearing French country names
- activity page
Species+ Admin:
- documents management for elibrary
- documents search for elibrary
- changes to event management for purposes of the EU Legislation page
CITES Trade:
- choice of csv separator
CITES Trade Admin:
- fixes to batch update
- fixes to search by taxa with cascading
- automatic resolution of reported -> accepted taxon concept
0.8.2 (unreleased)
0.8.1 (unreleased)
Trade Admin
- ability to update shipments in batch
Species+ Admin
- new event types in preparation for e-library integration
- Rails upgrade to 3.2.19
0.8.0 Checklist Translation
0.8.0 (2014-08-04)
CITES Checklist
- site and outputs available in 3 lngs
Ruby version upgraded to 2.0.0
Upgrade to ruby 2.0
0.7.0 (2014-06-11)
Species+ Admin tool
- Authentication & authorisation
- User stamping
- Internal downloads
- Stronger data consistency checks
- Managing trade validation rules
- Mechanism for mapping CITES <-> IUCN
Trade Admin tool
- Improved appendix validation process
- Small interface improvements
- Subspecies pages
- Distribution tags in Species+ & Checklist downloads
0.6.9 (2014-04-08)
- Fixes display of quotas with -1 value, as they should show as "in prep" on Species+
- Fixes "VALID" value on EU Decisions download to use new way to
calculate it from the start and end events
Species+ Admin tool
- Fixes the calculation of is_current value for EU Suspensions, to use
the start and end event, instead of the is_current attribute in the
table - Fixes creating new taxa (copy ancestors from parent)
- Adds synonyms and trade names download
Trade Admin tool
- Fixes resolving hybrids & trade names
- Fixes filtering by reporter_type in dashboard_stats
- Fixes dashboard stats
- fixes issue in Checklist PDF to do with incorrect html markup
Species+ Admin tool
- distribution download
- Fixes to hybrids import
- Fixes to report upload taxon resolution
- Fixes to sandbox batch / individual operations
- Fixes to validations, including hybrids
- Fixes to searching by hybrids, synonyms, accepted names
- Searching by reported_as for the admin tool
- Fixes to public interface, including cap on number of results displayed online
This release adds multiple features and bug fixes:
- Fixes issues with autocomplete speed;
- Fixes issue with inherited EU listings;
- Fixes issue with strange names showing under Subspecies and synonyms;
Admin tool
- Adds EU annex regulation and EU suspension regulations bulk management;
- Adds Quotas bulk creation;
- Admin can now mark geo entities as not current
CITES Checklist
- Fixes bug with appendix dropdown;
- Adds download by net/gross export/imports format;
- Adds download with commas/semi-colons on admin interface;
- Improves usability of editing sandbox shipments;
- Improves usability of managing shipments;
- Adds scripts to import trade names, hybrids, shipments and permits data;
- Adds feature to register public interface downloads, and allows downloading that list of public downloads;
- Adds features to delete shipments;
- Adds public interface to view shipments in the different possible formats;
0.4.0 (2013-12-18)
- adds functionality for managing trade data:
- filtering by all shipment properties
- adding / editing / deleting individual shipments
- adds downloads of trade data
- adds search by common names to Species+
- adds search by territories to Species+
- adds a number of features and bugfixes for species management tool