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File metadata and controls

140 lines (103 loc) · 5.03 KB


Rez is designed around the concept of plugins. Plugins can be used to extend rez's functionalities without modifying any of rez's source code.

Rez comes with built-in plugins that are located at :gh-rez:`src/rezplugins`. New plugins are encouraged to be developed out-of-tree (outside rez).

List installed plugins

Currently installed plugins can be queried by running :option:`rez -i`

$ rez -i

Rez 2.113.0

PLUGIN TYPE         NAME        DESCRIPTION                                        STATUS
-----------         ----        -----------                                        ------
build process       local       Builds packages on local host                      loaded
build process       remote      Builds packages on remote hosts                    loaded
build system        cmake       CMake-based build system                           loaded
build system        custom      Package-defined build command                      loaded
build system        make        Make-based build system                            loaded
package repository  filesystem  Filesystem-based package repository                loaded
package repository  memory      In-memory package repository                       loaded
release hook        amqp        Publishes a message to the broker.                 loaded
release hook        command     Executes pre- and post-release shell commands      loaded
release hook        emailer     Sends a post-release email                         loaded
release vcs         git         Git version control                                loaded
release vcs         hg          Mercurial version control                          loaded
release vcs         stub        Stub version control system, for testing purposes  loaded
release vcs         svn                                                            FAILED: No module named 'pysvn'
shell               cmd         Windows Command Prompt (DOS) shell.                loaded
shell               gitbash     Git Bash (for Windows) shell                       loaded
shell               powershell  Windows PowerShell 5                               loaded
shell               pwsh        PowerShell Core 6+                                 loaded

Configuring plugins

Plugins can be configured by adding a plugins key to your like this:

plugins = {
    "filesystem": {}

Existing plugin types

Developing your own plugin

Rez plugins require a specific folder structure as follows:

    / (adds plugin path to rez)
    / (defines configuration settings for your plugin)
    / (your plugin file)
    / (your plugin file)

To make your plugin available to rez, you can install them directly under src/rezplugins (that's called a namespace package) or you can add the path to :envvar:`REZ_PLUGIN_PATH`.

Registering subcommands

Optionally, plugins can provide new rez subcommands.

To register a plugin and expose a new subcommand, the plugin module:

  • MUST have a module-level docstring (used as the command help)
  • MUST provide a setup_parser() function
  • MUST provide a command() function
  • MUST provide a register_plugin() function
  • SHOULD have a module-level attribute command_behavior

For example, a plugin named 'foo' and this is the in the plugin type root directory:

"""The docstring for command help, this is required."""
from rez.command import Command

command_behavior = {
    "hidden": False,   # optional: bool
    "arg_mode": None,  # optional: None, "passthrough", "grouped"

def setup_parser(parser, completions=False):
    parser.add_argument("--hello", ...)

def command(opts, parser=None, extra_arg_groups=None):
    if opts.hello:

class CommandFoo(Command):
    # This is where you declare the settings the plugin accepts.
    schema_dict = {
        "str_option": str,
        "int_option": int,
    def name(cls):
        return "foo"

def register_plugin():
    return CommandFoo

All new plugin types must define an in their root directory so that the plugin manager will find them.

 from rez.plugin_managers import extend_path
 __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)