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此页面包含高级材料。如果您是一名初级 Pine Script™ 程序员,我们建议您在冒险之前熟悉其他更易于使用的 Pine Script™ 功能。

Pine Script™ 映射是以键值对形式存储元素的集合。它们允许脚本收集与唯一标识符(键)关联的多个值引用。


映射的键可以是任何基本类型,其值可以是任何内置或 用户定义的类型。映射不能直接使用其他集合 (映射、数组矩阵)作为值,但它们可以在其字段中保存 包含这些数据结构的UDT实例。请参阅本节了解更多信息。

与其他集合一样,映射总共最多可以包含 100,000 个元素。由于映射中的每个键值对都由两个元素(唯一及其关联)组成,因此映射可以容纳的最大键值对数量为 50,000。

Pine Script™ 使用以下语法来声明映射:

[var/varip ][map<keyType, valueType> ]<identifier> = <expression>

映射的类型模板在哪里,它声明它将包含的键和值的类型,并且返回映射实例或.<keyType, valueType>``<expression>``na

在声明分配给 的映射变量时na,用户必须包含 map关键字,后跟 类型模板,以告诉编译器该变量可以接受带有keyType键和valueType值的映射。

例如,这行代码声明一个新myMap变量,它可以接受保存 字符串键和 浮点值对的映射实例:

map<string, float> myMap = na


此行声明一个myMap分配给带有 字符串键和 浮点值的空映射的变量。稍后分配给该变量的任何映射都必须具有相同的键和值类型:

myMap =<string, float>()


例如,此脚本声明一个colorMap分配给映射的变量,该映射保存 第一个图表栏上的字符串键和 颜色值对。该脚本在图表上显示,并使用它放入第一个条形图上的oscillator所有条形图上的图着色:colorMap


indicator("var map demo")

//@variable A map associating color values with string keys.
var colorMap =<string, color>()

// Put `<string, color>` pairs into `colorMap` on the first bar.
if bar_index == 0
    colorMap.put("Neutral", color.gray)

//@variable The 14-bar RSI of `close`.
float oscillator = ta.rsi(close, 14)

//@variable The color of the `oscillator`.
color oscColor = switch
    oscillator > 50 => colorMap.get("Bull")
    oscillator < 50 => colorMap.get("Bear")
    =>                 colorMap.get("Neutral")

// Plot the `oscillator` using the `oscColor` from our `colorMap`.
plot(oscillator, "Histogram", oscColor, 2, plot.style_histogram, histbase = 50)
plot(oscillator, "Line", oscColor, 3)


使用varip声明的映射变量的行为与在历史数据上使用var 的 行为相同,但它们会在每个新的价格变动时更新实时柱(即自脚本上次编译以来的柱)的键值对。分配给varip 变量的映射只能保存intfloatboolcolorstring类型或 用户定义类型的值,这些类型在其字段中专门包含这些类型或这些类型的集合(arraymatrices或 Map )。

map.put ()函数是映射用户经常使用的函数,因为它是将新的键值对放入映射的主要方法。它将key 参数与value调用中的参数相关联,并将该对添加到映射中id


id要从与给定关联的映射中检索值key,请使用 map.get()。如果id映射包含key. _否则,它返回na

以下示例 借助map.put()map.get()方法计算给定值上 一次收盘价上涨 和 下跌时的bar_index值之间差异。当价格上涨时,脚本将一 对放入映射中; 当价格下跌时,脚本将一对放入映射中。然后,它将包含“上升”和“下降”值之间的“差异”的一对放入映射中,并将其值绘制在图表上:length``("Rising", bar_index)``data``("Falling", bar_index)


indicator("Putting and getting demo")

//@variable The length of the `ta.rising()` and `ta.falling()` calculation.
int length =, "Length")

//@variable A map associating `string` keys with `int` values.
var data =<string, int>()

// Put a new ("Rising", `bar_index`) pair into the `data` map when `close` is rising.
if ta.rising(close, length)
    data.put("Rising", bar_index)
// Put a new ("Falling", `bar_index`) pair into the `data` map when `close` is falling.
if ta.falling(close, length)
    data.put("Falling", bar_index)

// Put the "Difference" between current "Rising" and "Falling" values into the `data` map.
data.put("Difference", data.get("Rising") - data.get("Falling"))

//@variable The difference between the last "Rising" and "Falling" `bar_index`.
int index = data.get("Difference")

//@variable Returns `` when `index` is positive, `` when negative, and `color.gray` otherwise.
color indexColor = index > 0 ? : index < 0 ? : color.gray

plot(index, color = indexColor, style = plot.style_columns)
  • 注意:

    此脚本替换连续data.put()调用中与“Rising”、“Falling”和“Difference”键关联的值 ,因为每个键都是唯一的,并且只能在映射中出现一次data。替换映射中的对不会更改其键的内部插入顺序。我们将在下一节中进一步讨论这一点。

与使用其他集合类似,将特殊类型linelinefillboxpolylinelabeltableChart.point)或 用户定义类型的值放入映射时,重要的是要注意插入的对的 value指向同一个对象而不复制它。修改键值对引用的值也会影响原始对象。

例如,此脚本包含ChartData带有ohlc字段的自定义类型。在第一个图表栏上,脚本声明一个myMap变量并添加对,其中 是初始字段值为 的实例。它通过用户定义的方法在每个柱上添加该对 并更新该对的对象。("A", myData)``myData``ChartData``na``("B", myData)``myMap``update()



indicator("Putting and getting objects demo")

//@type A custom type to hold OHLC data.
type ChartData
    float o
    float h
    float l
    float c

//@function Updates the fields of a `ChartData` object.
method update(ChartData this) =>
    this.o := open
    this.h := high
    this.l := low
    this.c := close

//@variable A new `ChartData` instance declared on the first bar.
var myData =
//@variable A map associating `string` keys with `ChartData` instances.
var myMap =<string, ChartData>()

// Put a new pair with the "A" key into `myMap` only on the first bar.
if bar_index == 0
    myMap.put("A", myData)

// Put a pair with the "B" key into `myMap` on every bar.
myMap.put("B", myData)

//@variable The `ChartData` value associated with the "A" key in `myMap`.
ChartData oldest = myMap.get("A")
//@variable The `ChartData` value associated with the "B" key in `myMap`.
ChartData newest = myMap.get("B")

// Update `newest`. Also affects `oldest` and `myData` since they all reference the same `ChartData` object.

// Plot the fields of `oldest` as candles.
plotcandle(oldest.o, oldest.h, oldest.l, oldest.c)
  • 注意:

    如果该脚本将 的副本传递myData到每个 myMap.put()调用中,则其行为会有所不同。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的用户手册的对象页面的这一部分。

要检索放入映射中的所有键和值,请使用 map.keys()map.values()。这些函数将映射中的所有键/值引用复制id到新的 数组对象。修改从这两个函数返回的数组不会影响映射id

尽管映射是无序集合,但 Pine Script™ 在内部维护 映射键值对的插入顺序。因此, map.keys()map.values()函数始终返回 数组,其元素根据id映射的插入顺序进行排序。

下面的脚本通过每 50 个条m在标签中 显示一次映射中的键和值数组来演示这一点。正如我们在图表中看到的,m.keys()和返回的每个数组中元素的顺序m.values()与 中键值对的插入顺序一致m


indicator("Keys and values demo")

if bar_index % 50 == 0
    //@variable A map containing pairs of `string` keys and `float` values.
    m =<string, float>()

    // Put pairs into `m`. The map will maintain this insertion order.
    m.put("First", math.round(math.random(0, 100)))
    m.put("Second", m.get("First") + 1)
    m.put("Third", m.get("Second") + 1)

    //@variable An array containing the keys of `m` in their insertion order.
    array<string> keys = m.keys()
    //@variable An array containing the values of `m` in their insertion order.
    array<float> values = m.values()

    //@variable A label displaying the `size` of `m` and the `keys` and `values` arrays.
    label debugLabel =
         bar_index, 0,
         str.format("Pairs: {0}\nKeys: {1}\nValues: {2}", m.size(), keys, values),
         color =, style = label.style_label_center,
         textcolor = color.white, size = size.huge
  • 注意:

    “First”键的值是0 到 100 之间的随机 整数。“Second”值比“First”大 1,“Third”值比“Second”大 1。

需要注意的是,替换映射的键值对时,映射的内部插入顺序不会改变。在这种情况下,keys()values()数组中新元素的位置将与旧元素相同。唯一的例外是脚本事先完全 删除了密钥。



indicator("Keys and values demo")

if bar_index % 50 == 0
    //@variable A map containing pairs of `string` keys and `float` values.
    m =<string, float>()

    // Put pairs into `m`. The map will maintain this insertion order.
    m.put("First", math.round(math.random(0, 100)))
    m.put("Second", m.get("First") + 1)
    m.put("Third", m.get("Second") + 1)

    // Overwrite the "Second" pair in `m`. This will NOT affect the insertion order.
    // The key and value will still appear second in the `keys` and `values` arrays.
    m.put("Second", -2)

    //@variable An array containing the keys of `m` in their insertion order.
    array<string> keys = m.keys()
    //@variable An array containing the values of `m` in their insertion order.
    array<float> values = m.values()

    //@variable A label displaying the `size` of `m` and the `keys` and `values` arrays.
    label debugLabel =
         bar_index, 0,
         str.format("Pairs: {0}\nKeys: {1}\nValues: {2}", m.size(), keys, values),
         color =, style = label.style_label_center,
         textcolor = color.white, size = size.huge


map.values()数组中的元素 指向与 map 相同的值id。因此,当映射的值是引用类型(包括linelinefillboxpolylinelabeltableChart.pointUDTs )时,修改map.values() 数组引用的实例也会影响映射id,因为两个集合的内容都指向相同的对象。

key要检查map 中是否存在特定内容id,请使用 map.contains()。此函数是对从 map.keys()返回的数组调用 array.includes ()的便捷替代方法。



indicator("Inspecting keys demo")

//@variable A map containing `string` keys and `string` values.
m =<string, string>()

// Put key-value pairs into the map.
m.put("A", "B")
m.put("C", "D")
m.put("E", "F")

//@variable An array of keys to check for in `m`.
array<string> testKeys = array.from("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F")

//@variable An array containing all elements from `testKeys` found in the keys of `m`.
array<string> mappedKeys =<string>()

for key in testKeys
    // Add the `key` to `mappedKeys` if `m` contains it.
    if m.contains(key)

//@variable A string representing the `testKeys` array and the elements found within the keys of `m`.
string testText = str.format("Tested keys: {0}\nKeys found: {1}", testKeys, mappedKeys)

if bar_index == last_bar_index - 1
    //@variable Displays the `testText` in a label at the `bar_index` before the last.
    label debugLabel =
         bar_index, 0, testText, style = label.style_label_center,
         textcolor = color.white, size = size.huge

要从映射中删除特定的键值对id,请使用 map.remove()。此函数key从映射中删除 及其关联值,同时保留其他键值对的插入顺序。如果映射 包含key.否则,它返回na

id要一次 从映射中删除所有键值对,请使用map.clear()

以下脚本创建一个新m映射, 键值对放入映射中,在循环中使用m.remove() 删除数组key中列出的每个有效键removeKeys,然后调用 m.clear()删除所有剩余的键值对。它使用自定义debugLabel()方法来显示 每次更改后的sizekeysvaluem


indicator("Removing key-value pairs demo")

//@function Returns a label to display the keys and values from a map.
method debugLabel(
     map<string, int> this, int barIndex = bar_index,
     color bgColor =, string note = ""
 ) =>
    //@variable A string representing the size, keys, and values in `this` map.
    string repr = str.format(
         "{0}\nSize: {1}\nKeys: {2}\nValues: {3}",
         note, this.size(), str.tostring(this.keys()), str.tostring(this.values())
         barIndex, 0, repr, color = bgColor, style = label.style_label_center,
         textcolor = color.white, size = size.huge

if bar_index == last_bar_index - 1
    //@variable A map containing `string` keys and `int` values.
    m =<string, int>()

    // Put key-value pairs into `m`.
    for [i, key] in array.from("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
        m.put(key, i)
    m.debugLabel(bar_index,, "Added pairs")

    //@variable An array of keys to remove from `m`.
    array<string> removeKeys = array.from("B", "B", "D", "F", "a")

    // Remove each `key` in `removeKeys` from `m`.
    for key in removeKeys
    m.debugLabel(bar_index + 10,, "Removed pairs")

    // Remove all remaining keys from `m`.
    m.debugLabel(bar_index + 20, color.purple, "Cleared the map")
  • 注意:

    并非数组中的所有字符串都removeKeys出现在 的键中m。尝试删除不存在的键(本例中的“F”、“a”和第二个“B”)不会影响映射的内容。

脚本可以通过map.put_all()组合两个映射。该函数将映射中的所有键值id2对按照插入顺序放入id1映射中。与map.put()id2一样,如果 中 中也存在任何键id1,则此函数将替换包含这些键的键值对,而不影响它们的初始插入顺序。

此示例包含一个用户定义的hexMap()函数,该函数将十进制 int键映射到 其 十六进制形式的字符串表示形式。该脚本使用此函数创建两个映射 和,然后使用mapA.put_all(mapB) 将所有键值对放入 中。mapA``mapB``mapB``mapA

该脚本使用自定义debugLabel()函数来显示显示 和 的的标签,然后在将所有键值对放入其中后显示另一个标签显示 的内容:mapA``mapB``mapA``mapB


indicator("Combining maps demo", "Hex map")

//@variable An array of string hex digits.
var array<string> hexDigits = str.split("0123456789ABCDEF", "")

//@function Returns a hexadecimal string for the specified `value`.
hex(int value) =>
    //@variable A string representing the hex form of the `value`.
    string result = ""
    //@variable A temporary value for digit calculation.
    int tempValue = value
    while tempValue > 0
        //@variable The next integer digit.
        int digit = tempValue % 16
        // Add the hex form of the `digit` to the `result`.
        result := hexDigits.get(digit) + result
        // Divide the `tempValue` by the base.
        tempValue := int(tempValue / 16)

//@function Returns a map holding the `numbers` as keys and their `hex` strings as values.
hexMap(array<int> numbers) =>
    //@variable A map associating `int` keys with `string` values.
    result =<int, string>()
    for number in numbers
        // Put a pair containing the `number` and its `hex()` representation into the `result`.
        result.put(number, hex(number))

//@function Returns a label to display the keys and values of a hex map.
     map<int, string> this, int barIndex = bar_index, color bgColor =,
     string style = label.style_label_center, string note = ""
 ) =>
    string repr = str.format(
         "{0}\nDecimal: {1}\nHex: {2}",
         note, str.tostring(this.keys()), str.tostring(this.values())
         barIndex, 0, repr, color = bgColor, style = style,
         textcolor = color.white, size = size.huge

if bar_index == last_bar_index - 1
    //@variable A map with decimal `int` keys and hexadecimal `string` values.
    map<int, string> mapA = hexMap(array.from(101, 202, 303, 404))
    debugLabel(mapA, bar_index,, label.style_label_down, "A")

    //@variable A map containing key-value pairs to add to `mapA`.
    map<int, string> mapB = hexMap(array.from(303, 404, 505, 606, 707, 808))
    debugLabel(mapB, bar_index, color.maroon, label.style_label_up, "B")

    // Put all pairs from `mapB` into `mapA`.
    debugLabel(mapA, bar_index + 10, color.purple, note = "Merge B into A")

脚本可以通过多种方式迭代访问映射中的键和值。例如,可以循环遍历映射的 keys()数组并 get()每个 的值key,如下所示:

for key in thisMap.keys()
    value = thisMap.get(key)


例如,这行代码从放入其中的第一个键值对开始循环遍历 everykeyvaluein :thisMap

for [key, value] in thisMap

让我们使用此结构编写一个脚本,在表中显示映射的键值对 。在下面的示例中,我们定义了一个自定义toTable()方法来创建 table,然后使用 循环迭代映射的键值对并填充表的单元格。该脚本使用此方法来可视化包含价格和交易量数据的length-bar的映射averages


indicator("Looping through a map demo", "Table of averages")

//@variable The length of the moving average.
int length =, "Length")
//@variable The size of the table text.
string txtSize = input.string(
     size.huge, "Text size",
     options = [, size.tiny, size.small, size.normal, size.large, size.huge]

//@function Displays the pairs of `this` map within a table.
//@param    this A map with `string` keys and `float` values.
//@param    position The position of the table on the chart.
//@param    header The string to display on the top row of the table.
//@param    textSize The size of the text in the table.
//@returns  A new `table` object with cells displaying each pair in `this`.
method toTable(
     map<string, float> this, string position = position.middle_center, string header = na,
     string textSize = size.huge
 ) =>
    // Color variables
    borderColor = #000000
    headerColor = color.rgb(1, 88, 80)
    pairColor   = color.maroon
    textColor   = color.white

    //@variable A table that displays the key-value pairs of `this` map.
    table result =
         position, this.size() + 1, 3, border_width = 2, border_color = borderColor
    // Initialize top and side header cells.
    result.cell(1, 0, header, bgcolor = headerColor, text_color = textColor, text_size = textSize)
    result.merge_cells(1, 0, this.size(), 0)
    result.cell(0, 1, "Key", bgcolor = headerColor, text_color = textColor, text_size = textSize)
    result.cell(0, 2, "Value", bgcolor = headerColor, text_color = textColor, text_size = textSize)

    //@variable The column index of the table. Updates on each loop iteration.
    int col = 1

    // Loop over each `key` and `value` from `this` map in the insertion order.
    for [key, value] in this
        // Initialize a `key` cell in the `result` table on row 1.
             col, 1, str.tostring(key), bgcolor = color.maroon,
             text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize
        // Initialize a `value` cell in the `result` table on row 2.
             col, 2, str.tostring(value), bgcolor = color.maroon,
             text_color = color.white, text_size = textSize
        // Move to the next column index.
        col += 1
    result // Return the `result` table.

//@variable A map with `string` keys and `float` values to hold `length`-bar averages.
averages =<string, float>()

// Put key-value pairs into the `averages` map.
averages.put("Open", ta.sma(open, length))
averages.put("High", ta.sma(high, length))
averages.put("Low", ta.sma(low, length))
averages.put("Close", ta.sma(close, length))
averages.put("Volume", ta.sma(volume, length))

//@variable The text to display at the top of the table.
string headerText = str.format("{0} {1}-bar averages", "'" + syminfo.tickerid + "'", length)
// Display the `averages` map in a `table` with the `headerText`.
averages.toTable(header = headerText, textSize = txtSize)

脚本可以使用 map.copy()函数制作映射的浅表副本。对浅拷贝的修改不会影响原始映射或其内部插入顺序。id``id

例如,此脚本构建一个m映射,其中将键“A”、“B”、“C”和“D”分配给 0 到 10 之间的四个随机mCopy值。然后,它创建一个映射作为 的浅表副本m并更新与其键关联的值。该脚本使用我们的自定义方法在图表中mmCopy图表上显示键值对debugLabel()


indicator("Shallow copy demo")

//@function Displays the key-value pairs of `this` map in a label.
method debugLabel(
     map<string, float> this, int barIndex = bar_index, color bgColor =,
     color textColor = color.white, string note = ""
 ) =>
    //@variable The text to display in the label.
    labelText = note + "\n{"
    for [key, value] in this
        labelText += str.format("{0}: {1}, ", key, value)
    labelText := str.replace(labelText, ", ", "}", this.size() - 1)

    if barstate.ishistory
        label result =
             barIndex, 0, labelText, color = bgColor, style = label.style_label_center,
             textcolor = textColor, size = size.huge

if bar_index == last_bar_index - 1
    //@variable A map of `string` keys and random `float` values.
    m =<string, float>()

    // Assign random values to an array of keys in `m`.
    for key in array.from("A", "B", "C", "D")
        m.put(key, math.random(0, 10))

    //@variable A shallow copy of `m`.
    mCopy = m.copy()

    // Assign the insertion order value `i` to each `key` in `mCopy`.
    for [i, key] in mCopy.keys()
        mCopy.put(key, i)

    // Display the labels.
    m.debugLabel(bar_index, note = "Original")
    mCopy.debugLabel(bar_index + 10, color.purple, note = "Copied and changed")

虽然在复制具有 基本类型值的映射时浅复制就足够了,但请务必记住,保存引用类型linelinefillboxpolylinelabeltableChart.point 或UDT 指向与原始对象相同的对象。修改浅拷贝引用的对象将影响原始映射引用的实例,反之亦然。


此示例创建字符串 键和标签original的映射,并将键值对放入其中。该脚本通过内置的copy()方法将映射复制到变量 ,然后使用自定义方法复制到变量。shallow``deep``deepCopy()



indicator("Deep copy demo")

//@function Returns a deep copy of `this` map.
method deepCopy(map<string, label> this) =>
    //@variable A deep copy of `this` map.
    result =<string, label>()
    // Add key-value pairs with copies of each `value` to the `result`.
    for [key, value] in this
        result.put(key, value.copy())
    result //Return the `result`.

//@variable A map containing `string` keys and `label` values.
var original =<string, label>()

if bar_index == last_bar_index - 1
    // Put a new key-value pair into the `original` map.
         original, "Test",, 0, "Original", textcolor = color.white, size = size.huge)

    //@variable A shallow copy of the `original` map.
    map<string, label> shallow = original.copy()
    //@variable A deep copy of the `original` map.
    map<string, label> deep = original.deepCopy()

    //@variable The "Test" label from the `shallow` copy.
    label shallowLabel = shallow.get("Test")
    //@variable The "Test" label from the `deep` copy.
    label deepLabel = deep.get("Test")

    // Modify the "Test" label's `y` attribute in the `original` map.
    // This also affects the `shallowLabel`.

    // Modify the `shallowLabel`. Also modifies the "Test" label in the `original` map.
    shallowLabel.set_text("Shallow copy")

    // Modify the `deepLabel`. Does not modify any other label instance.
    deepLabel.set_text("Deep copy")
    deepLabel.set_x(bar_index + 5)
  • 注意:

    deepCopy()方法循环遍历original映射,复制每个映射value并将 包含副本的键值对放入新的 映射实例中。

[与 Pine 中的其他集合一样,映射变量在每个条上留下历史轨迹,允许脚本使用历史引用运算符]访问分配给变量的过去映射实例。脚本还可以将映射分配给全局变量,并在函数方法条件结构的范围内与它们交互 。

例如,此脚本使用全局映射及其历史记录来计算 EMA的聚合集。它声明了一个int键和 floatglobalData值 的映射,其中映射中的每个键对应于每个 EMA 计算的长度。用户定义的函数通过将分配给的映射中 的值与当前值混合来计算每个-length EMA 。update()``key``previous``globalData``source

该脚本绘制全局映射的 value()数组中的最大值最小值以及来自(即 50 条 EMA)的值 :globalData.get(50)


indicator("Scope and history demo", overlay = true)

//@variable The source value for EMA calculation.
float source = input.source(close, "Source")

//@variable A map containing global key-value pairs.
globalData =<int, float>()

//@function Calculates a set of EMAs and updates the key-value pairs in `globalData`.
update() =>
    //@variable The previous map instance assigned to `globalData`.
    map<int, float> previous = globalData[1]

    // Put key-value pairs with keys 10-200 into `globalData` if `previous` is `na`.
    if na(previous)
        for i = 10 to 200
            globalData.put(i, source)
        // Iterate each `key` and `value` in the `previous` map.
        for [key, value] in previous
            //@variable The smoothing parameter for the `key`-length EMA.
            float alpha = 2.0 / (key + 1.0)
            //@variable The `key`-length EMA value.
            float ema = (1.0 - alpha) * value + alpha * source
            // Put the `key`-length `ema` into the `globalData` map.
            globalData.put(key, ema)

// Update the `globalData` map.

//@variable The array of values from `globalData` in their insertion order.
array<float> values = globalData.values()

// Plot the max EMA, min EMA, and 50-bar EMA values.
plot(values.max(), "Max EMA",, 2)
plot(values.min(), "Min EMA",, 2)
plot(globalData.get(50), "50-bar EMA",, 3)

映射不能直接使用其他映射、数组矩阵作为值,但它们可以保存 在其字段中包含集合的用户定义类型 的值。

例如,假设我们要创建一个“2D”映射,它使用 字符串键来访问 包含 字符串键和 浮点值对的嵌套映射。由于映射不能使用其他集合作为值,因此我们首先创建一个包装类型,其中包含一个字段来保存实例,如下所示:map<string, float>

//@type A wrapper type for maps with `string` keys and `float` values.
type Wrapper
    map<string, float> data

定义类型后Wrapper,我们可以创建 字符串键和 Wrapper值的映射,其中data映射中每个值的字段都指向一个实例:map<string, float>

mapOfMaps =<string, Wrapper>()

下面的脚本使用此概念构建一个映射,其中包含保存多个代码请求的 OHLCV 数据的映射。用户定义的requestData()函数从股票代码请求价格和交易量数据,创建映射, 数据放入其中,然后返回 包含新映射的实例。<string, float>``Wrapper

该脚本每次调用的结果 requestData()放入 中mapOfMaps,然后 使用用户定义的方法创建嵌套映射的字符串toString()表示形式,并将其显示在图表上的 label


indicator("Nested map demo")

//@variable The timeframe of the requested data.
string tf = input.timeframe("D", "Timeframe")
// Symbol inputs.
string symbol1 = input.symbol("EURUSD", "Symbol 1")
string symbol2 = input.symbol("GBPUSD", "Symbol 2")
string symbol3 = input.symbol("EURGBP", "Symbol 3")

//@type A wrapper type for maps with `string` keys and `float` values.
type Wrapper
    map<string, float> data

//@function Returns a wrapped map containing OHLCV data from the `tickerID` at the `timeframe`.
requestData(string tickerID, string timeframe) =>
    // Request a tuple of OHLCV values from the specified ticker and timeframe.
    [o, h, l, c, v] =
         tickerID, timeframe,
         [open, high, low, close, volume]
    //@variable A map containing requested OHLCV data.
    result =<string, float>()
    // Put key-value pairs into the `result`.
    result.put("Open", o)
    result.put("High", h)
    result.put("Low", l)
    result.put("Close", c)
    result.put("Volume", v)
    //Return the wrapped `result`.

//@function Returns a string representing `this` map of `string` keys and `Wrapper` values.
method toString(map<string, Wrapper> this) =>
    //@variable A string representation of `this` map.
    string result = "{"

    // Iterate over each `key1` and associated `wrapper` in `this`.
    for [key1, wrapper] in this
        // Add `key1` to the `result`.
        result += key1

        //@variable A string representation of the `` map.
        string innerStr = ": {"
        // Iterate over each `key2` and associated `value` in the wrapped map.
        for [key2, value] in
            // Add the key-value pair's representation to `innerStr`.
            innerStr += str.format("{0}: {1}, ", key2, str.tostring(value))

        // Replace the end of `innerStr` with "}" and add to `result`.
        result += str.replace(innerStr, ", ", "},\n", - 1)

    // Replace the blank line at the end of `result` with "}".
    result := str.replace(result, ",\n", "}", this.size() - 1)

//@variable A map of wrapped maps containing OHLCV data from multiple tickers.
var mapOfMaps =<string, Wrapper>()

//@variable A label showing the contents of the `mapOfMaps`.
var debugLabel =
     bar_index, 0, color =, textcolor = color.white, size = size.huge,
     style = label.style_label_center, text_font_family = font.family_monospace

// Put wrapped maps into `mapOfMaps`.
mapOfMaps.put(symbol1, requestData(symbol1, tf))
mapOfMaps.put(symbol2, requestData(symbol2, tf))
mapOfMaps.put(symbol3, requestData(symbol3, tf))

// Update the label.