template <typename T> struct Linehull {
Linehull(Linehull&&) = delete;
void add(T a, T b) {
auto y = bst.insert(Line{a, b, {}});
if (bad(y)) {
while (next(y) != bst.end() and bad(next(y)))
while (y != bst.begin() and bad(prev(y)))
if (y != bst.begin())
prev(y)->succ = y;
y->succ = next(y);
bool empty() const { return bst.empty(); }
T max(T x) const {
auto l = *bst.lower_bound(Line{ x, queryMark, {} });
return l.a * x + l.b;
struct Line;
struct Comp {
Comp(const Linehull& lh):lh(lh){}
bool operator()(const Line& l1, const Line& l2) const {
assert(l1.b != queryMark);
if (l2.b != queryMark)
return l1.a < l2.a;
auto s = l1.succ;
if (s == lh.bst.end())
return false;
return l1.b - s->b < (s->a - l1.a) * l2.a;
const Linehull<T>& lh;
struct Line {
T a, b;
Line operator-(Line l2) const { return Line{ a - l2.a, b - l2.b, {} }; }
mutable typename multiset<Line, Comp>::const_iterator succ;
T cross(Line a, Line b) { return a.a * b.b - a.b * b.a; }
bool bad(typename multiset<Line, Comp>::iterator y) {
auto z = next(y);
if (y == bst.begin()) {
if (z == bst.end())
return false;
return y->a == z->a and y->b <= z->b;
auto x = prev(y);
if (z == bst.end())
return y->a == x->a and y->b <= x->b;
return cross(*z - *y, *x - *y) >= 0;
static const T queryMark = numeric_limits<T>::max();
multiset<Line, Comp> bst;
template <typename T> struct LowerLinehull {
void add(T a, T b) { upper.add(-a, -b); }
bool empty() const { return upper.empty(); }
T min(T x) const { return -upper.max(x); }
Linehull<T> upper;