When a release is ready, use the following steps to release the new version:
- Bump the version number in _version.py
- Update the CHANGELOG with the changes for this release.
- Tag the release.
git tag -a -m "v1.3.0" "v1.3.0"; git push --tags
- Upload the release to pypi. You will need to upload the source and wheel versions. This can be done with distutils. Visit this link for information on creating your .pypirc file.
$ python3 setup.py sdist upload -r pypi
Submitting dist/doctor-1.3.0.tar.gz to https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
Server response (200): OK
$ python3 setup.py bdist_wheel upload -r pypi
Submitting dist/doctor-1.3.0-py2-none-any.whl to https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
Server response (200): OK