This is an Area2D
able to listen for mouse / touch events.
The Node where this interactive Area2D
is attached can be touched, dragged, used as a drop area.
An interactiveArea2D
uses Gesture behind the hood.
Attach the interactiveArea2D Scene as child to your Node.
Add a
to theinteractiveArea
Node and set its shape e.g(RectangleShape2D
). -
Set your shape size and position.
important note: be sure you have no Control
in the parent tree, it could intercept the events. Or You can also set mouse: ignore
to the Control
to avoid it to intercept the events.
Read the doc about Godot Input Events
To drag an image around, create a Sprite2D
and attach the scene interactiveArea2D
to it.
Then connect the dragged
signal using this .
@onready var sprite2D = $sprite2D
@onready var dragArea = $sprite2D/interactiveArea2D
func _ready():
draggable = sprite2D
You can add boundaries to limit the dragging to the window size.
To do so, you need to position your Sprite2D at (0,0)
Then just use your sprite to define the boundaries size.
draggable = sprite2D,
useBoundaries = sprite2D
You may want to define the boundaries using another Rectangle instead: change useBoundaries = yourNode
Declare the area
in your script to allow connecting listeners:
@onready var interactiveArea2D = $interactiveArea2D
Now you can attach listeners to the touchable
and draggable
func _ready():
interactiveArea2D.connect('dragged', _dragged)
interactiveArea2D.connect('startedDragging', _startedDragging)
interactiveArea2D.connect('press', pressed)
# --------------------------------------
func _dragged(_position):
G.log('dragged', name, _position);
func _startedDragging():
G.log('started dragging', name);
func pressed():
G.log('pressed on', name);
To drag your Node needs few more settings: you need to tell it what Node is to be dragged, and what parent it's dragged on, to apply the parent scale to the new positions.
interactiveArea2D.draggable = self
interactiveArea2D.parentReference = get_parent()
By default the dragging starts immediately but you can ask to start after a longPress
interactiveArea2D.afterLongPress = true
Also, you may have scaled a parent. If so, you need to tell the interactiveArea2D
what scale to apply to calculate the dragged position.
var parent = $your/scaled/parent
interactiveArea2D.zoom = parent.scale.x