All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
SciPaMato is an application. Therefore, the versioning scheme is not adhering to Semantic Versioning, which is mostly targeting software components or libraries. Nevertheless, I’m sticking with three part version numbers (e.g. 1.0.0), increasing the second number for bigger changes and the third number for relatively small changes and bug fixes. The first part of the version number will most likely remain version 1 for a longer period of time and may only change with a major rewrite of parts or the entire applicatin.
In the version prior to 1.0.0, the second digit indicated the the development iteration, the third was keeping track of the number of the release within that iteration. Given a version number 0.ITERATION.RELEASE, we were incrementing
ITERATION version matching the project iteration
RELEASE version with every release within the given iteration.
E.g. release 0.5.6 was the 6th release in iteration number 5. |
References to user stories are in the form Iteration/Story-Number. |
2.1.2 — 2025-02-27
#843 Add field "Statistical Method" to Review csv (and PDF) exports
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, jOOQ, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, lombok, wicketstuff, detekt, mockk, equalsverifier, gradle
2.1.1 — 2025-01-25
Bumped spring-boot, wicket, jOOQ, KRis, lombok, mockk, equalsverifier, gradle
Removed debug logs for complex search
2.1.0 — 2025-01-08
Bumped kotlin, coroutines, wicket-bootstrap, wicketstuff, mockk, equalsverifier, gradle
2.0.11 — 2024-12-19
Bumped spring-boot, spring-dependency-management, wicket, jOOQ, KRis, guava
2.0.10 — 2024-12-07
Bumped spring-boot, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, lombok, jooq-gradle-plugin, reckon, sonarqube-plugin, equalsverifier
2.0.9 — 2024-11-15
reverted gradle update due to issue on server
2.0.8 — 2024-11-15
Bumped spring-boot-admin-starter-client, gradle, jooq-gradle-plugin, equalsverifier
avoid a null poiner exception
2.0.7 — 2024-10-31
avoid a null poiner exception
2.0.6 — 2024-10-29
bumped jooq-gradle-plugin
#727 Open Help/Changelog in new browser window
2.0.5 — 2024-10-24
bumped spring-boot, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, wicket, wicketbootstrap, wicketstuff, feign, guava, jasperreports, gradle, jooq-gradle-plugin, jaxb-gradle-plugin, lombok-gradle-plugin, mockk, equalsverifier
2.0.4 — 2024-09-19
#718 Switch license plugin
bumped spring-boot, kotlin, coroutines, gradle, jOOQ, guava, lombok, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign, feign-jaxb-jarkarta, kris, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, spring-dependency-management, jakarta.el-api, jnuit5, mockk, equalsverifier, sonarqube, detekt, dependency-license-report, docker/login-action gradle/actions
migrated from gradle-build-action to gradle/actions/setup-gradle
2.0.3 — 2024-06-20
2.0.2 — 2024-06-09
2.0.1 — 2024-06-02
Bumped spring-boot, spring-dependency-management, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, kotlin, kotlinx-coroutines, wicket jasperreports, jakarta.el-api, guava, kotest, mockk, equalsverifier, gradle, docker-login-action, wrapper-validation-action
Refactored: Prepared for upcoming kotlin-2.0 migration
Fix Tab Title to "Code"
2.0.0 — 2024-03-28
#669 Bump Java version to 21
#657 Bump major components (spring-boot-3.2, jOOQ 3.18, Flyway, wicket-10, spring-batch 5, jakarta, font-awesome 6)
#602 Bump Wicket Stack
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, kotlinx-coroutines, wicket, wicketstuff, jOOQ, flyway, KRis, guava, lombok, spring-cloud-starter, gradle, KRis, detekt, sonarqube, openfeign, jasperreports, kotest, mockk, equalsverifier, testcontainers,
1.10.3 — 2024-02-04
#601 Migrate from Bootstrap 4.x to 5.3
Bumped dependencies kotlin, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, guava, feign, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign, gradle, reckon, jaxb, detekt, unit5, mockk, testcontainers, equalsverifier, github actions gradle-build-action, gradle-wrapper-validation, cache, upload-artifact and codeql
1.10.2 — 2023-12-08
Bumped dependency kotlin, spring boot, wicket, wicketstuff, feign, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, jasperreports, testcontainers-java monorepo, equalsverifier, gradle, detektplugin, jaxb gradle plugin, setup-java action
#620 Reverted (Data Migration: Update Abstract of old Studies with PM_ID)
1.10.0 — 2023-11-14
1.9.0 — 2023-10-08
Bumped dependency postgresql, kris, gradle, sonarqube, setup-java-action
Removed java platform 11 compatibility: Require minimum java platform 17.
1.8.11 — 2023-09-03
Bumped kotlin, kotlinx-corouteines, wicket, wicketstuff, spring-boot, spring-dependency-management, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, feign, flyway, kris-core, jasperreports lombok, junit5, kotest, mockk, equalsverifier, testcontainers
Bumped gradle, sonarqube plugin, detekt
Bumped checkout action, docker login action
1.8.10 — 2023-06-25
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, couroutines, wicket, wicketstuff, flyway, jasperreports, kotest, kluent, testcontainers, detekt, equalsverifier, sonarqube-gradle-plugin, docker-login-action
Let scipamato run on JVM 17
#528 Handle authors from PubMed with greek capital letters that otherwise fail author string validation
1.8.9 — 2023-04-29
Bumped kotlin, jasperreports, flyway, junit-jupiter, gradle, reckon
Typo in German localization when syncronizing core to public
1.8.8 — 2023-04-20
Bumped spring-boot, wicket, wicketstuff, jasperreports, feign, kotest, mockk, gradle, gradle-jaxb-plugin
1.8.7 — 2023-04-05
#463 Synchronization from core to public to use german labels for concatenated short studies
Bumped kotlin, flyway, KRis, gradle, testcontainers
1.8.6 — 2023-03-25
Bumped spring-boot, flyway, KRis, kotlin-logging, feign, spring-cloud-start-openfeign, jasperreports, wicket-jquery-ui, gradle-wrapper, lombok, sonarqube-gradle-plugin, kotest, mockk, equalsverifier
1.8.5 — 2023-01-19
Bumped kotlin, spring-boot, wicket, wicketstuff, wicket-spring-boot-starter, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, flyway, lombok, kris spring-dependency-management, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign, feign, kotlin-loggin, mockk, spring-mockk, kluent, equalsverifier, junit5, kotest, testcontainers, gradle, sonarqube-plugin, detekt, login-action
#360 Use version catalogs (instead of buildSrc/Lib) for version management
spek, kwik, jcenter
1.8.4 — 2022-09-24
Bumped spring-boot, wicket-jquery-ui, spring-boot-admin, flyway, openfeign, spring-dependency-management, junit-jupiter, spek, mockk, jaxb-gradle-plugin, lombok-gradle-plugin
1.8.3 — 2022-08-18
Bumped spring-boot, spring dependency-management, spring-boot-admin, junit-jupiter, mockk, equalsverifier
1.8.2 — 2022-07-22
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, coroutines, wicket, wicketstuff, jOOQ, openfeign, spring-dependency-management, jasperreports, detekt, testcontainers, gradle-wrapper, lombok-gradle-plugin
1.8.1 — 2022-06-27
Main class name for core application after conversion to kotlin
1.8.0 — 2022-06-27
Bumped spring-boot
#344 Handle spring batch data synchronization from core to public asynchronously
1.7.12 — 2022-06-25
Bumped spring-boot, wicket-jquery-ui, flyway, kotlin, kotlinx-coroutines, jOOQ, spring-cloud-starter, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, lombok-gradle-plugin, sonarqube-gradle-plugin
1.7.11 — 2022-05-21
Bumped spring-boot, wicket and wicketstuff, flyway, kotlin-logging, spring-cloud, spring-boot-admin, mockk, testcontainers, lombok-gradle-plugin
#333 Organize licenses for license report
1.7.10 — 2022-04-21
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, wicket, wicketstuff, jOOQ, flyway, detekt, spring-boot-admin, coroutines, testcontainers, lombok-gradle-plugin
1.7.9 — 2022-04-03
Bumped kotlin, spring-boot, wicket and wicketstuff, jasperreports, flyway, spring-boot-admin, gradle-wrapper
1.7.8 — 2022-03-25
Bumped spring-boot, flyway, jOOQ, spring-cloud-starter, gradle-wrapper, spek, mockk, equalsverifier
1.7.7 — 2022-02-25
Bumped spring-boot, wicket, wicketstuff, wicket-jquery-ui, spring-boot-admin-starter, jOOQ, flyway, jasperreports, gradle, springmockk, equals-verifier, gradle versions plugin, lombok-gradle-plugin, reckon-gradle-plugin
1.7.6 — 2022-01-21
Bump spring-boot, gradle-wrapper, jOOQ, flyway, wicket-jquery-ui, KRis-core, mockk, openfeign, versions gradle plugin, equalsverifier, spring-boot-admin, testcontainers
1.7.5 — 2021-12-22
Bump spring-boot, wicket-spring-boot-starter, flyway
1.7.4 — 2021-12-20
[CVE-2021-42550] Bump logback from 1.2.7 to 1.2.9
1.7.3 — 2021-12-19
Bumped wicket-spring-boot-starter, springmockk, spring-boot-admin, kotlin-loggin
[CVE-2021-45105] Bump log4j from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0
1.7.2 — 2021-12-15
Bumped flyway, equalsverifier, gradle
[CVE-2021-44228] (Log4Shell): Bump log4j from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0
1.7.1 — 2021-12-14
Bumped kotlin, kotlin-loggin, flyway, wicketstuff
[CVE 2021-44228] (Log4Shell): Even though SciPaMaTo uses logback for logging, we now use log4j-2.15.0 for the api and log4j-to-slf4j to be on the safe side.
1.7.0 — 2021-12-07
Bumped spring-boot, spring-cloud, spring-cloud-starter, jOOQ, flyway, wicket, gradle, detekt, junit-jupiter, kotlin-logging, equalsverifier, reckon
dependency on jackson-module-kotlin, a few explicit jaxb-dependencies
1.6.9 — 2021-11-18
#306 Population Filter & Search
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, flyway, mockk
1.6.8 — 2021-11-14
#292 Add option to exclude codes from a complex search
Bumped gradle, spring-boot-admin, wicket, wicketstuff, flyway, jasperreports, lombok-gradle-plugin, jackson-module-kotlin
1.6.7 — 2021-10-26
Bumped spring-boot, jackons-module-kotlin, wicket-jquery-ui, spring-boot-starter-admin, flyway, openfeign, jasperrports, testcontainers, equalsverifier
#300 Fix synchronization corner case with Newsletters with Papers without code
1.6.6 — 2021-09-23
Bumped spring-boot
1.6.5 — 2021-09-23
Bumped kotlin, spring-boot-admin, kotlin-logging, detekt, wicket, wicketstuff, flyway, jOOQ, junit-jupiter, lombok-gradle-plugin
#294 Searching by Newsletter Issue and other fields don’t provide all search options
1.6.4 — 2021-08-22
Bumped kotlin, spring-boot, gradle, flyway, kluent, kotlin-logging, jaxb-core and impl spring-boot-admin, openfeign, detekt, equalsverifier, spek, testcontainers, lombok-gradle-plugin
1.6.3 — 2021-07-10
Bumped wicket, wicketstuff, jackson-kotlin, flyway, equalsverifier
Fixed typo in Code 1S in German
1.6.2 — 2021-07-04
Bump spring-boot, kotlin, kluent, mockk, spring-boot-admin, jOOQ, gradle, wicket-jquery-ui, flyway
1.6.1 — 2021-06-19
Bumped spring-boot, flyway, gradle-versions-plugin, jaxb-gradle-plugin, kotlin-logging spring-cloud, spring-cloud-starter, gradle-wrapper, kluent, sonarqube-gradle-plugin
1.6.0 — 2021-05-26
Bump spring-boot, gradle-wrapper, kotlin, gradle-testsets-plugin, license-gradle-plugin, jaxbCore, openfeign jOOQ, flyway, jasperreports, junit, detekt, equalsverifier
1.5.12 — 2021-05-01
Bump flyway, jaxb-impl, SonarQube gradle plugin
Converted core-sync to kotlin
Regression from #270 with puplicationYear being populated multiple times
1.5.11 — 2021-04-26
Fixed regression in 1.5.10 with optimized layout
1.5.10 — 2021-04-25
Bumped spring-boot, wicket, wicketstuff, wicket-jqury-ui, wicket-bootstrap, flyway, jaxb-gradle-plugin lombok-gradle-plugin, jackson-kotlin, spring-boot-admin-starter, testcontainers, equalsverifier, jOOQ
Optimized Layout for very small screens
1.5.9 — 2021-03-30
#265 Enable complex search to filter for papers with or without attachments or by attachment name
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, flyway, detekt, jackson-kotlin, gradle versions-plugin, kotlin-logging, mockk, spring-cloud-starter, openfeign, KRis
1.5.8 — 2021-03-03
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, jOOQ, flyway, equalsverifier, kris, junit, mockk, gradle-wrapper wicket-jquery-ui, spring-boot-admin, testcontainers, font-awesome
#262 Restore ability to delete searches (Restore Confirmation behavior)
1.5.6 — 2021-01-27
#250 Review CSV Export
Bumped spring-boot, spring-cloud-starter, spring-cloud-openfeign, jOOQ spek, testcontainers, kotlin-logging, detekt, flyway, wicket-jquery-ui, mockk, kluent, springmockk, gradle-wrapper, jackson-kotlin, spring-dependency-management, equalsverifier, sonarqube-plugin
1.5.5 — 2020-12-10
Bumped kotlin, spring-cloud, spring-cloud-starter, flyway
#247 Fix captions in Paper Summary PDF
1.5.4 — 2020-12-01
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, spring-cloud, spring-cloud-starter, jooq, flyway, wicket, wicketstuff, wicket-bootstrap, kwik, jaxb, jackson-kotlin, gradle, spek, kluent, spring-mockk, spring-boot-admin, jaxb-gradle-plugin, mockk
1.5.3 — 2020-11-08
#236 Prepopulate field 'result exposure range' with value 'µg/m3' for new papers
1.5.2 — 2020-11-07
Bumped jasperreports, KRis, jOOQ, javax.el, testcontainers
#232 Fix regression: Persisting papers with codes broken
1.5.1 — 2020-10-31
Bumped spring-boot, wicket, wicket-bootstrap, wicket-jquery-ui, jOOQ, detekt, mockk, kluent, kwik, kris, jasperreports, font-awesome, flyway, gradle, equalsverifier, lombok-gradle-plugin
Kotlin Conversion of common-pesistence-api, common-persistence-jooq, common-wicket, public-*
#114 Reactivate integration-tests for SciPaMaTo public-web
1.5.0 — 2020-10-20
Bumped gradle, kotlin, kwik, equalsverifier, detekt, spek, junit, spring-cloud-starter, spring-cloud-openfeign, kotlin-logging, lombok-plugin, reckon gradle plugin
Renamed tab label in PaperEntryPage to align with field order
#198 Migrate to Wicket 9.0
#215 Improve Layout of various pages for small/medium screens
1.4.10 — 2020-08-14
Bumped spring-boot, gradle-wrapper, kwik, springmockk, detekt, spring-boot-admin spring-dependency-management plugin, lombok gradle plugin
Moved ID column in Result panel table to the end
Added some more logs for repo methods changing data
1.4.9 — 2020-08-05
#202 Auto-correct ahead-of-print articles from PubMed - case-insensitivity
Wiki: fixed some typos
1.4.8 — 2020-08-03
Bumped spring-boot-starter, jOOQ, spring-boot-admin, spring-cloud, spring-cloud-starter-openfeign jasperreports
#204 Fix storing newsletter topic sort
1.4.7 — 2020-07-21
#202 Auto-correct ahead-of-print articles from PubMed
Bumped detekt, jooq-modelator, gradle-wrapper, jasperreports, spring-cloud, jooq, wicket, wicket-spring-boot-starter, wicketstuff, wicket-jquery-ui, wicket-bootstrap kotlin-logging, openfeign, fontawesome, equalsverifier, spek, spring-mockk, jooq-modelator-plugin, kwik
#196 Properly use UTF-8 property files for wicket localization
Rename master branch to main
#177 Removed mockito, mockito-kotlin, assertj. Converted all tests to kotlin.
1.4.6 — 2020-06-22
Bumped spring-boot-starter, spring-boot-admin, spring-cloud-starter, jOOQ, KRis, kotlin-logging, jaxb-impl, detekt, gradle-wrapper, spek, gadle, wicket-jquery-ui, equalsverifier, testcontainers, lombok-gradle-plugin, sonarqube-gradle-plugin, jooqModelator
1.4.5 — 2020-05-11
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, detekt, KRis, kwik, wicket-boostrap, wicketstuff, font-awesome, gradle, junit-jupter, kluent, mockk, spring-cloud, wicket, KRis, testcontainers, openfeign lombok-gradle-plugin
#179 Enrich Changelog with Full Changelog and link to tree
apache-io, commons-lang3, commons-collections4, jool
1.4.4 — 2020-03-27
Bumped spring-boot, kotlin, gradle, detekt, jasperreports, junit, spring-cloud and starter, kotlin-logging, openfeign, equalsverifier, testcontainers, mockito, lombok-plugin, jaxb-plugin
1.4.3 — 2020-03-13
Bumped kotlin, gradle-wrapper, jasperreports, spek, kluent, kris
1.4.2 — 2020-03-02
Bumped spring-boot-starter, jOOQ, wicket-spring-boot-starter, junit, gradle-wrapper, spring-boot-admin, kwik, detekt, equlalsverifier, testcontainers, mockito, spring-dependency-management plugin, lombok plugin, jaxb-plugin
#129 Replace copied JRis classes with ch.difty.kris:kris-core
1.4.1 — 2020-01-18
Bump dependencies: spring-boot-starter-parent, gradle-wrapper, wicket-bootstrap
1.4.0 — 2020-01-14
#136 Upgrade Spring-Boot to 2.2, Flyway 6.0, jOOQ 3.12.1
Bump dependencies: spring-boot-starter-parent, wicket, sicketstuff, wicket-spring-boot, kotlin, jOOQ, detekt, testSet-plugin, mockk, lombok-plugin wicket-jquery-ui, spring-cloud-starter, openfeign, testcontainers, mockito, kwik, kluent, spring-dependency-management, reckon, jaxb plugin, jasperreports, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, equalsverifier, spek
#150 Move gradle project from /implementation/scipamato into git root
1.3.1 — 2019-10-15
#119 Core - Truncate Display value for SearchOrder to not have the combobox in the search order panel grow excessively.
#138 Added Nullability annotations in code
Dependency updates for spring-boot-starter, spring-cloud, spring-cloud-starter, openfeign, jasperreports, font-awesome, equalsverifier, testcontainers, mockito
Plugin updates for gradle-lombok-plugin, sonarqube
Various technical improvements (#124 - thanks to @jcornaz, #138, #133)
1.3.0 — 2019-09-25
#118 Core - Export stuies in RIS format for import into citiation programs
Dependency updates for spring-boot-starter, wicket, wicketstuff, wicket-bootstrap, openfeign, junit, testcontainers, lombok-plugin, jooqmodelator-plugin
#127 Core - Remove LoadingBehavior where not absolutely necessary
1.2.4 — 2019-08-20
Dependency updates for spring-boot-starter, openfeign, font-awesome, mockito, lombok-plugin, flyway-plugin, gradle-wrapper, jooq
#109 Core - Restore searching in methods fields (with positive and negative search terms)
1.2.3 — 2019-07-20
Dependency updates for kotlin, junit, lombok-plugin, commons-collections4, font-awesome, gradle-wrapper, mockito, spring-boot-admin
#105 Core - Restore ability to create new searches with more than 20 saved searches
1.2.2 — 2019-06-26
Bumped version of spring-boot-starter, spring-cloud, openfeign, spring-dependency-management, jasperreports, lombok-plugin
1.2.1 — 2019-06-18
#91 Core - complex search enhancement: Method search to include short study fields
Bumped versions of spring-dependency-management, wicket-spring-boot-starter, wicket, wicketstuff, wicket-bootstrap, jasperreports, font-awesome, flyway-plugin, jaxb-plugin
1.2.0 — 2019-05-24
Bumped versions of spring-boot-starter, wicket, wicket-bootstrap, wicket-webjars, jasperreports and -fonts, equalsverifier, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, bootstrap, font-awesome, flyway, lombok-plugin
#80 - Migrate from JUnit4 and JUnitParams to JUnit5
#82 - Migrating the build system from using maven to gradle
1.1.5 — 2019-03-22
Bumped version of asm, spring-cloud, jasperreports, commons-collections4, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, equalsverifier, wicket-jquery-ui
1.1.4 — 2019-03-13
#70 - Core: Filter Newsletters by newsletter topic
Added many wiki pages
Test coverage, refactorings and small optimizations behind the scene
#63 - Core: Change layout of new study fields panel in paper edit page - take 2
Bumped spring-boot-parent to 2.1.3
#50 - Public: pym integration into CMS - Fix resizing of the page height after switching to a different new study issue with a shorter or longer list than the most recent one (The issue was fixed in the pym integration in the parent CMS page of SwissTPH by CS2). SciPaMaTo only assisted with issueing log statements on the browser console.
1.1.3 — 2019-02-12
1.1.2 — 2019-01-29
Updated the wiki to better reflect the current state of the project
#44 - Core & Public: Fix typo in Code '4H' (en): cardovascular → cardiovascular
#46 - Sync: Fix exception (NPE) when synchronizing NewStudyTopics from Core to Public
#48 - Core: Provide better feedback about the underlying cause if the PubMed API is unable to retrieve an article
#51 - Core: Newsletter Edit Page: Issue and Issue Date only enabled for newsletters in status
In Progress
#52 - Public: Fix direct access to paper detail page via page parameters
1.1.1 — 2019-01-16
1.1.0 — 2018-12-20
#13 - Core: SummaryPDF to show concatenated short fields if main fields methods/population/results are null. Also search by population place in quick search field
. -
#17 - Core: Let user filter by newsletter. Also enable (and fix) searching by newsletter topic and headline. Also fix auto-saving behavior of the non-tabbed fields in the Search Page.
#14 - Migrate from local SonarQube server to SonarCloud
#16 - Core: Fix editing Search Conditions by not automatically closing the page and triggering the search after having updated a field.
Fixed License in POM file to reflecte the change from GPL3 to BSD-3
1.0.5 — 2018-12-03
#9 - Public: Reorder the filter fields in the SimpleFilterPanel
Core: PaperEntryPage: Reduce row count of title field to 3
#7 - Core: Remove Validation from PaperEditPage. Message in the Synchronization Page seems to be enough.
#6 - Core: Extension of the Literature Review PDF Report: Don’t allow pagebreak within study
1.0.4 — 2018-12-02
#5 - Core: Tweak Layout of paper entry page for smaller resolution screens
#7 - Sync: Improve Synchronization feedback:
Let the entire job fail if one job step fails
Provide warn messages for unsynchronized entities (papers with no codes assigned)
Updated dependencies: spring-boot, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, equalsverifier
1.0.3 — 2018-11-26
Enhanced test coverage
#3: Core: Fix Exception when importing new paper from PubMed
a couple of minor bugs
1.0.2 — 2018-11-26
1.0.1 — 2018-11-21
#1: Translate Exception into more user friendly form: DataViolationException when trying to delete code
Bumped version of dependencies: wicket 8.2.0, wicket-spring-boot-starter 2.1.5, wicket-bootstrap 2.0.6
#2: Error when creating literature review PDF after using the browsers back button (10/15)
1.0.0 — 2018-11-11
09/87: New short field ('Kurzerfassungs-Feld') conclusion. Synched to Public result field. Shown in some reports.
09/05 - Core: Add facilities to manage codes and code classes
Core: Moved Sync Menu into Reference Data Menu
Public: Layout tweak in NewStudy list page
Bumped dependencies: spring-boot-2.1.0, bval-jsr, spring-boot-admin-starter-client, equalsverifier
Simplified dependency management:
Remove explicit version overrides for dependencies managed already in spring-boot-super-pom (jOOQ, Flyway, lombok, mockito, assertj, byte-buddy, commons-lang3, jaxb-api, jaxb-runtime, maven-plugins
Remove dependency management entry or at least version number for dependencies managed already in spring-boot-super-pom
Migration to spring-boot-starter-parent-2.1.0
Remove obsolete spring bean overrides
Enable spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding where requiered (a. in case of overriding beans with test beans (test profile) and b. with spring batch jobRepository (production)
Refactored ListPages for Codes, Keywords, Newsletter Topics abstracting common code
09/93 - Public: Limit width of keyword filter field
09/84 - Sync: Fix issue with obsolete reference data records in SciPaMaTo-Public not being deleted during sync. Also fixed foreign key constraint violation when trying to sync topics of newsletters that are not published. Fix sync of newsletter related tables based on wrong foreign key constraints
09/86 - Public: Fix padding in public search page
09/88 - Public: Fix typos
0.9.4 — 2018-10-28
09/73 - Core: Add facility to manage the keywords
Bumped dependencies spring-cloud, flyway
Slightly improve the newsletter topic maintenance infrastructure (layout, back-button)
09/82 - Core: Fix Literaturliste-PDF-Report (include Goals and DOI)
0.9.3 — 2018-10-24
09/10 - Public: Allow filtering by keywords
09/80 - Core: Disable newsletter fields if paper is not assigned to newsletter
Update dependencies spring-boot-parent, flyway, byte-buddy, commons-lang3, mockito, equalsverifier, wicket-jquery-ui, byte-buddy, jaxb-api, jaxb-impl, jaxb-runtime, spring-boot-starter-admin-client
09/67 - Core: Remove obsolete newsletter topics from sort list
09/74 - Core: Prevent double clicks on buttons and disable save button until auto-save completed
09/44 - Core: Fix core access for users of type VIEWER
0.9.2 — 2018-10-03
Updated dependencies wicket, wicketstuff, wicket-bootstrap
09/64 - Core: Prepend the first word of the brand to the number label in the edit page
09/63 - Core: Make newPaper button in PaperListPage more distinguishable (Type Primary)
09/57 - Core: Do alert if Original Abstract differs between Pubmed and SciPaMaTo. Normalize line ends before comparing
09/72 - Core: Add newly created paper to head of id list for moving back and forth (after first save)
Maximum Upload File Size correctly reset to 10M
09/57 - Core: Fix Pubmed import from file for certain html tags in text Not fixed for direct import from pubmed! (new dtd can’t be parsed by jaxb)
09/59 - Core → Public: Make sync more resilient by basing the sync on number instead of id
0.9.1 — 2018-09-17
Public: French translation of the PublicPaperDetailPage
09/56 - Core: Access Pubmed using api_key if configured
Bumped dependency versions: spring-boot-starter, jOOQ, mockito, byte-buddy, equalsverifier, sonar-maven-plugin
09/43 - Core: Fix caching behavior for user role cache. Fixes internal error after adding user.
09/46 - Core: Improve layout of PaperEntryPage and ResultPanel
09/47 - Core/Public: Fix sort order of papers when paging through the paper detail pages
Fixed adding/removing papers from newsletters
0.9.0 — 2018-09-09
09/41 - Public: Include configuration for commercial font IcoMoon
09/43 - Core: Allow users to modify their user record including password
09/43 - Core: Allow admins to manage user accounts and their roles
Bumped wicket-spring-boot-starter, wicket-bootstrap
09/45 - Public: BootstrapMultiselect configurable to switch from 'contains' to 'startsWith/begins' search strategy (wicket-bootstrap-2.0.3)
Use LocalDateTextField now bundled with wicket-bootstrap-2.0.3
09/49 - Core: Fix Summary Report - reset swapped fields
09/50 - Core: Fix parsing of location of aheadOfPrint Pubmed studies
Viewers to access only PaperListPage/PaperEditPage
0.8.9 — 2018-08-30
08/50 - Public: Referential integrity constraints - where possible
08/45 - Core: Manage the Newsletter Topics
08/56: Synchronize languages from core to public
08/56: Implement pseudo-foreign-key-constraint logic for composite keys in SciPaMaTo-Public
08/58 - Core: Added ability to sort the newsletter topics + synchronize to SciPaMaTo-Public
08/61 - Core: Added validator checking for existing records with DOI or PM_ID assigned
08/60 - Public: List of new studies from previous newsletters on NewStudyListPage, as well as a list of links requested for by the customer (maintained in database)
08/65 - Public: Enable zapping through papers of a newsletter from within detail page
Bump dependencies: jOOQ, spring-cloud, assertj, jasperreports, asm, byte-buddy, commons-lang3 maven-compiler-plugin, jacoco-maven-plugin
Core: Collapsible Menu entries with submenu items
08/52 - Core: Raise default session timeout from 30 to 60 minutes. Separate cookie names
08/54: When synching from Core to Public: Use Kurzerfassungs-fields if main fields are missing
Core → Public: Increased the chunk sizes of some sync jobs
08/62: Enable switching locale of SciPaMaTo-Public from CMS when shown in iframe
08/49 - Core: Do not allow two newsletters in status WIP
08/59 - Core: Allow searching for missing years w/ or w/o equal sign (="" or "")
Wiki: Implemented review suggestions by Zoë Roth
Core to Public Sync: Fix logging of Housekeeper Job
0.8.8 — 2018-08-06
08/47: Fix Layout of scipamato page to avoid a cut button in scipamato public when shown in an iframe
0.8.7 — 2018-08-03
Bumped dependencies: spring-boot-starter-parent, jOOQ, Flyway, lombok, jOOL, mockito, equalsverifier, spring-boot-admin, postgres jdbc driver, bytebuddy, commons-collections4
Move from org.jooq.jool to org.jooq.jool-java-8
Fix package name for wicketstuff annotation scan package name
Fix commercial font usage: fix filtering of css resources
08/43: Public: Fix loading public paper details by number, e.g. /paper/number/1234
Core: Sort Newsletter Topics alphabetically in Paper Editor
0.8.6 — 2018-07-02
Migrated to Java 10, Spring Boot 2.0.3 and Apache Wicket 8.0.0
Bump other dependencies: wicket-spring-boot-starter-parent, wicket-bootstrap, jOOQ, flyway, mockito,spring-boot-starter-admin
Improved the javadoc: warnings eliminated, javadoc for classes generated by jOOQ and jaxb skipped
Optimizd confguration of maven-resource-plugin
Avoided printing stack-trace to the log in case of missing network for Pubmed access
Explicit data source configuration in core web module
Renamed ScipamatoApplication to ScipamatoCoreApplication
Renamed UserDetailService to UserDetailsService
Have spring batch use the batchDataSource
0.8.5 — 2018-06-15
08/08 - Core: Add/Maintain Newsletter. Assign/remove papers to/from newsletter. Search by newsletter attributes
08/22 - Public: Added referential integrity constraints between codes and code_classes
08/35 - Core/Public: New Studies: Manage newsletters in Core, assign papers with topics. Syncronize to Public (new studies)
08/23 - Core: Re-extracted scipamato-core-logic that is needed for the migration tool (not part of the open-source aspect of scipamato)
Bump dependencies: Spring Boot starter, jOOQ, lombok, flyway, jasperreports, mockito, assertj, equalsverifier, jacoco-maven-plugin
08/36 - Public: Open paper detail page from new-study page in separate browser tab
JooqReadOnlyRepo implementations use the record to entity mappers also for the find methods
0.8.4 — 2018-04-18
Upgraded dependencies: spring-boot-parent
Switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA as IDE. Fixed many issues warned about by the IDE
08/12 - Core: Fix startup of SciPaMaTo-Core (introduced in 0.7.3 - commit be8407bfbb4572ef6f3fdddaf024ab0116e7e07b)
08/24 - Public: Fix sorting of result table
0.8.3 — 2018-04-06
dependency bumps: wicket-spring-boot, jOOQ, PostgreSQL JDBC Driver, spring-cloud
08/20 - Public: reduce columns/column sizes in result view (abbreviated authors, journal instead of location)
08/12 - Public: Add pym.js to support loading SciPaMaTo-Public within a responsive iframe
08/21 - Public: Styling of NewStudy page
0.8.2 — 2018-03-15
08/17 - Public: Fix Internal Error when opening papers with Numbers that don’t exist as IDs
08/18 - Public: Link from NewStudyPage to PublicPage opens in new browser tab
0.8.1 — 2018-03-14
07/65 - Public: Searching with PubYearFrom w/o PubYearUntil only finds papers with the exact PubYear (not anymore PubYear >= PubYearFrom). PubYearUntil w/ empty PubYearFrom still finds papers with PubYear ⇐ PubYearUntil
Wiki Updates (Public Filtering)
07/62 - Public: Adjust the german label/title for clearing the search on PublicPaperPage
07/66 - Public: Fix jumping back from DetailPage to NewStudy Page if called from there
08/16 - Wicket-Filestore issue probably due to same location for core and public
0.8.0 — 2018-03-13
08/13 - Public: Add page with new study (with stubbed data for now)
Dependency updates: wicket-bootstrap
0.7.7 — 2018-03-09
07/62 - Public: New Button to clear the search criteria
07/41 - Public: Increase base font size from 13 px to 15 px
07/56 - Public: Repeat the simple search fields in Extended Search
07/64 - Public: Provide possibility to quote text search terms (e.g. authors)
07/04 - Public: Remove ability to search by id/number
0.7.6 — 2018-03-07
Added customized sonar quality profile used for SciPaMaTo
Added customized look and feel for scipamato-public based on todc-bootstrap. With optional MetaOT-Font which is commercial
Updated screenshots sonar + architecture
Updated dependencies: wicket, jOOQ, flyway, mockito, spring-cloud, equalsverifier, assertJ
Improved some topics according to Effective Java, 3rd edition
Navbar in SciPaMaTo-Public: Do not show by default. Can be overridden via page parameter showNavbar. Default state is configurable via property scipamato.navbar-visible-by-default
Navbar: Do not fix it to top (Position.STATIC-TOP)
Page Title: use brand instead of hardcoding it
Amend sonar quality profile and fix some issues highlighted by sonar (mostly serializable related)
0.7.5 — 2018-02-05
Added structure101 configuration to project both for studio and workspace
architectural refactorings to remove dependency cycles (tangles) both on class and package level
keep generated pubmed-api classes strictly within scipamato-core-pubmed-api
have infinitest ignore integration tests
renamed public packages from ch.difty.scipamato.public_ to ch.difty.scipamato.publ
updated spring-boot-starter-parent, postgresql jdbc driver, spring-boot-admin
jOOQ related classes copied from spring-boot (spring-projects/spring-boot#11324)
0.7.4 — 2018-01-19
Updated jOOQ, jasperreports, spring-cloud, flyway
07/47: Correctly add the maven wrapper
Fixed logging configuration to not write into /tmp
0.7.3 — 2018-01-14
Test Coverage of untested parts of SciPaMaTo
Switched from GPLv3 to BSD3 license
CodeStyle: Adjusted code style based on review by Prof. Dierk König. Added Eclipse formatter to project.
Integrated classes of scipamato-common-config and scipamato-core-logic into other modules to (slightly) reduce number of maven modules. Based on review by Prof. Dierk König.
Renamed DefaultAuthorParser to PubmedAuthorParser
Improved JavaDoc for author strings, highlighted dependency on author parser strategy and current limitation with JSR303 validation of author strings.
Updated jOOQ, flyway, lombok, jasperreports, assertJ, jacoco-maven-plugin
Switched to mockito-2
AuthorParser: Don’t let streams escape their context. Based on review by Prof. Dierk König.
Do not run the data synchronization from core to public during the nightly build (profile-sonar)
A few minor so far non-surfacing bugs showing up when working on the test-coverage :-)
A few imprecise repo methods that started failing with lombok-1.16.20
0.7.2 — 2017-12-22
07/44: Use @ConfigurationProperties to define custom properties
Version bump: spring-boot-admin-starter-client
Explicitly manage the bootstrap version (3.3.7-1) that was overridden by spring-cloud-dependencies to 3.2.0
Public 07/43: https configuration. Allow referencing SciPaMaTo-Public from iframe. Redirect from http
0.7.1 — 2017-12-13
QuickStart guide Wiki page
Improved DeveloperInformation and Operations Wiki pages
Improved DataSource/HikariCP configuration and added tests
Switched to implicit constructor injection as of spring 4.3
07/30: Do not synchronize null int/long columns as 0 (PublicationYear, PM_ID...)
07/25: Code-Synchronization: Don’t synchronize internals, aggregate 5A/B/C to 5abc
0.7.0 — 2017-12-09
Public: 07/01: Add table paper and two sample records. Simple filter in public GUI to retrieve and display the data from database.
Public: 07/03: Allow to filter by collective code groups Population (Children vs. Adults) and/or StudyType (Experimental, Epidemiological or Methodology)
Public: 07/04: Searching by paper number
Public: 07/05: Detail Page when clicking on the title of a paper in the overview list (same fields as Summary PDF)
Public: 07/09: External link in detail view pointing to the PubMed site of the related paper
Public: 07/14: Rest-like URL using the paper number with bookmarkable links (e.g. http://localhost:8081/paper/number/2) that can be used e.g. in newsletters
Public: 07/24: Allow filtering by Codes
07/13: Synchronize Papers, Codes and CodeClasses from SciPaMaTo-Core to SciPaMaTo-Public
Core: 06/21+24: Open external links (to the ChangeLog or wiki pages) in new browser tab
Story 07/01: New maven modules scipamato-common-entity, scipamato-common-persistence-api, scipamato-common-persistence-jooq
Documentation updates
pom refactoring and cleanup
Small refactorings and improvements
Version bump: spring-boot-parent, jOOQ, Flyway, commons-lang3, equalsverifier, sonar-maven-plugin
The link to the change log points to the current version directly
Switching to flyway 5.x brings with it a rename of the flyway meta table (from schema_version to flyway_schema_history ). While
current versions of flyway can deal with the old table name, this fallback will be dropped in flyway 6.x. I recommend you to manually rename
the table in your database instances (alter table schema_version rename to flyway_schema_history; ).
obsolete jOOQ configuration classes. Simplified jOOQ configuration based on spring boot auto-configuration
Fixed and improved transaction handling in integration tests
07/20: Do not automatically run AdHocTests (PubmedXmlServiceIntegrationAdHocTest accessing PubMed over the internet)
Public: 07/16: Add spring-security to SciPaMaTo-Public: Anonymous login for the page, required login for actuator endpoints
0.6.3 — 2017-11-06
Updated jaxb-api, jasper-reports, spring-cloud-starter-feign, assertJ, JUnitParams
pom refactoring
Bug 06/22: Fixes the exception we had after clicking on a freshly imported pubmed paper.
Bug 06/23: Include new format for collective authors in the author validation.
Bug 06/27: Fix layout issues with XmlPasteModal panel (Caption, initial size)
Bug 06/27: When the XMlPasteModal was opened and closed, it could not be opened again without page refresh
0.6.2 — 2017-11-01
new maven modules scipamato-wicket and scipamato-public with minimal functionality
Feature 06/21: Add Menu Link to the github wiki page (Help)
Feature 06/24: Add Menu Link with build version number pointing to the CHANGELOG document on github
Improved documentation and code coverage
Updated to spring-boot-1.5.8, wicket-7.9.0, bumped wicket-spring-boot-starter, jOOQ-3.10.1, feign
Fix version alignment between different modules for jOOQ and the postgresql jdbc driver
Selective improvements with Eclipse Clean-up functionality
Bug 06/23: Parsing Authors from PubmedXml: Delimiter between normal authors and authors with CollectiveName needs to be semicolon.
Bug 06/22: PaperListPage: Refresh ResultPanel after having imported via XML from PubMed to immediately show the updated paper list.
0.6.1 — 2017-09-20
6/12: enable caching (ehcache3) for static reference data
6/17: Transformed the project to a maven multi-module project, allowing to reuse author parsing in the data migration project
pom cleanup
Introduced Project Lombok for Getters/Setters, Equals/HashCode and Builders
Rebased the database creation scripts. Now not adding papers or searches anymore, only reference data
switched from markdown to asciidoc for wiki pages
Created ChangeLog according to Keep a Changelog
use OktHttp with feign
various improvements in wiki pages, javadoc, sonar suggested code changes
dependency updates: spring-boot-starter, wicket, wicket-spring-boot-starter, jOOQ, postgres-jdbc-driver, spring-boot-admin, assertJ
Spring batch project for the migration of the legacy data into SciPaMaTo (separate project)
6/13: Fix behavior when accessing PubMed without network access
6/11: Codes/CodeClasses were not translated according to browser locale
fix jooq-codegen-maven-plugin after having flyway populate an empty db
minor architectural improvements (remove dependencies across layers)
Wiki: Fix description of string searches
Fixed First Author Parsing from Author string in case of Junior (Jr) after initials
0.6.0 — 2017-07-17
6/7: Drag and drop import of PubmedXML (using DropZoneUpload)
improvements in wiki pages, raised test coverage
dependency updates (jasperreports)
6/6: fix upload for attachments > 1MB (now limited to 10MB)
0.5.6 — 2017-07-03
0.5.5 — 2017-07-02
5/38: Short Summary PDF (Kurzerfassung)
using undertow instead of tomcat
Replace AjaxTimerBehavior with SelfUpdateEvent behavior for id, created, modified
Use the number instead of (DB) id in the names of the pdf files
several updates in wiki pages, javadoc, sonar code improvements
0.5.4 — 2017-06-28
5/36: Improved exclusion handling (exclude/re-include directly out of paper. Icon)
5/37: do not switch the label when toggling searchExclusion checkbox
5/30: Visual appearance of navigation buttons
wiki page updates
dependency update: spring-boot-admin
5/35: Validator for codeclass1 should not trigger in search mode
0.5.3 — 2017-06-25
5/9: Adding attachments to papers
wiki page updates, sonar code improvements
Codes were not loaded properly when loading papers by number or pmid
LinkIconPanel fix
0.5.2 — 2017-06-19
5/30: Allow excluding papers from PaperEntryPage
5/31: Jump back from PaperEntryPage to either PaperListPage or PaperSearchPage, depending from where we called the page
wiki page updates, javadoc fixes, German translation updates, sonar code improvements
dependency update: wicket-bootstrap
5/29: Search exclusions were not saved in searches
Layout fixes
0.5.1 — 2017-06-15
5/28: Navigation through the different papers in the search result
wiki page updates, javadoc fixes
dependency updates: spring-boot-starter, spring-boot-admin, spring-cloud-starter-feign
NPE with Pubmed retrieval with null PMID
0.5.0 — 2017-06-09
added spring-boot-admin-starter-client
dependency updates: wicket, wicket-bootstrap
5/21: Dropped H2 support → sticking with PostgreSQL only for now
0.4.5 — 2017-06-01
dependency updates: postgres-jdbc, jOOQ, flyway, feign-jaxb, JUnitParams, jaxb2-maven-plugin
wiki page updates, javadoc improvements
minor refactorings
Fix keeping the different 'new field' instances synchronized in the web page
0.4.4 — 2017-05-11
Test release from jenkins
0.4.3 — 2017-05-11
Releasing the project with the jenkins release job
0.4.2 — 2017-05-10
new business id (Number), which is different from the sequence backed database id
Import data from pubmed with only the PmID entered
Paper Entry Page: Separate tab for 'new fields'
Make the PostgreSQL backend the first class member while currently still supporting the H2 backend (supporting the prototyping, not for support.)
Flyway for database migrations
dependency updates
wiki page updates
H2 support
Removed dummy home page
Removed spring-data
0.4.1 — 2017-03-11
0.4.0 — 2017-02-23
First shot at parsing, importing from and comparing SiPaMaTo content with PubMed articles based on PMID. Working with Pubmed XML file exports. Direct API call to PubMed in order to compare common fields.
sonar code improvements
improved test coverage
0.3.5 — 2017-02-08
Searching by created/last modified
Manage SciPaMaTo with Jenkins CI
Replace AutoSaveBehavior with direct ajax saves
wiki page updates
small bug fixes
0.3.4 — 2017-02-01
Implemented various feed-back items from users
git commit-id-plugin to show repo information in actuator
wiki page updates, javadoc updates
dependency updates: spring-boot-starter-parent
0.3.3 — 2017-01-29
0.3.2 — 2017-01-25
PDF reports
additional test data
Do not set the publication year in new papers
maintain users in the database
wiki page updates, layout improvements
dependency updates: wicketstuff-annotation, wicket-spring-boot-starter,jOOQ
fix paging the papers in the list view
Layout/translation fixes based on user feedback
0.3.1 — 2017-01-06
0.3.0 — 2017-01-06
Show a papers creator/last modifying user
layout adjustments in paper entry page
wiki page updates
dependency updates: spring-boot-starter, jOOQ, wicket
0.2.0 — 2016-12-15
Complex search capability
Exclude papers found in searches
refactor and cleanup
small bug fixes
dependency updates