US ATLAS hosted two shared Tier 3 at BNL and SLAC, also known as Analysis Facilities (AF). These
two faclities are available to all US ATLAS physicists and computer scientists.
...They are
organized and managed to support US ATLAS users' need for computing resources including login,
run interactive and batch jobs, access ATLAS data, store private data, etc.
These three facilities also support tools specific for users analysis, including ATLAS/CERN
software in CVMFS, Grid middleware, Rucio clients, Machine Learning packages, MPI, Jupyter
Lab with PyROOT, Xcache with auto data discovery, GPUs, etc.
The three facilites are backed by staff to support software environments, unix systems and
This documentation includes the following:
* [User Onboarding](UserOnboarding): details the process of applying for user accounts at BNL, SLAC, and UChicago
* [Data Storing, Accessing, and Sharing](doma): explains the ways users can use their ATLAS data at AFs
* [Jupyter at Analysis Facilities](jupyter): highlights the different aspects of jupyter and how to use it at AFs
* [Data Analysis Tutorials](Tutorial-2019Aug): step-by-step tutorials on using AFs for analyses
* [Containers](Containers): detailed information on container-based data processing and how to use them at AFs
* [FAQ](faus-tips): answers to frequently asked questions
If you would like some additional help using AFs, you can reach ATLAS/AF staff on our Mattermost page US-sharedtier3.