DDD OSM is an OpenStreetMap 2D and 3D renderer. It has been built from the ground up with the purpose of building correct city and landscape 3D models.
It consists of a set of DDD Pipelines that process OSM data and build a 2D or 3D representation of it. These pipelines can export SVG, PNG or 3D models of an area of interest with different styles.
In addition, these processes can produce tiled results, which allows to process and present larger areas in chunks.
Ways and intersections processing (both in 1D and 2D)
Areas processing: containment and layering
Buildings and bulding parts relationships
Association and alignment of features to ways/areas/buildings...
Coastlines and rivers
Elevation model (2D contours, 3D elevation, stairs, filtering...)
3D bridges, tunnels and stairs (WIP, very buggy)
3D buildings and roofs (WIP)
Traffic signs, road marks and traffic lights
Full metadata traceability across 2D and 3D features
2D and 3D outputs (SVG, PNG and GLTF)
3D objects for many different OSM items
Tiled output generation
Geometry catalog and object reuse (allows for 3D geometry buffering and instancing)
Extensible and configurable
Note: latest versions are doing and caching the extraction automatically from country-latest.pbf, so this step needs not to be done manually.
Using PBFs:
osmconvert spain-latest.osm.pbf -b=-5.870,40.760,-5.470,41.160 -o=salamanca-latest.osm.pbf
osmconvert spain-latest.osm.pbf -b=-8.980,41.980,-8.480,42.480 -o=vigo-latest.osm.pbf
osmconvert spain-latest.osm.pbf -b=-8.600,43.170,-8.200,43.570 -o=acoruna-latest.osm.pbf
Then, geojson (TODO: use osmium directly):
./osmtogeojson city-latest.osm.pbf > /tmp/city.geojson
(TODO) ddd has now a command line option to do this... review and document.
for a in $(ls *.svg) ; do inkscape -w 64 -h 64 $a --export-filename ../amenity-$a.png ; done
Resize with margin:
mogrify -path x -resize 120x120 -gravity Center -extent 128x128 *.png