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TACC and Galois

Running Galois on TACC has various difficulties from which modules to load for MPI and to compile, to how to handle and compile dependencies, and to the mechanisms for running programs on TACC themselves.


Patrick Kenney

General Info

TACC Login Node:

TACC Website and Lonestar6 Status: tacc

TACC Node Specifications: 128 cores total (2 Sockets with 64 cores) and 256GB RAM

It is recommended to have at least 3 scripts for TACC: scripts/ to handle module dependencies and environment variables (invocable via . scripts/, scripts/ to actually run your program on TACC, and finally scripts/ to run the whole benchmark suite and track configurations (scripts/ are recommended be written later after you have familiarized yourself with TACC runs for your program).

TACC Commands

# get currently scheduled/running jobs
squeue -u <username>
# cancel a scheduled/running job (job-id can be found from squeue)
scancel <job-id>

Scratch Filesystem

Users on TACC have space quotas for their home directories, to avoid strange errors users should do all work on the scratch filesystem that IS accessible from all compute nodes. WARNING: the scratch filesystem is a temporary filesystem and all files untouched for 20 days will be automatically deleted. This scratch filesystem can be accessed via:

# The SCRATCH env var is set automatically for you


Users do not have root access on TACC so dependencies are typically handled using module.

The following modules list will work for running Galois programs without GPUs:

module load intel/19.1.1
module load impi/19.0.9
module load python3/3.9.7
module load boost-mpi/1.72

If any of the above modules are no longer present you can get more info on a module by running module spider <module> i.e. module spider impi. This command will tell you any dependencies required to load the module. For example, the impi module requires the intel module.

Note that sometimes modules will conflict and when this happens the new module is loaded and the old module is unloaded automatically with only a warning printed. For example, the modules gcc/11.2.0 and intel/19.1.1 conflict and in the words of Highlander: There can be only one.

Example Environment Script

Here is an example for TACC's environment script scripts/, it must be loaded before building (. scripts/ and should be loaded as part of a TACC job.

module load intel/19.1.1
module load impi/19.0.9
module load python3/3.9.7
module load boost-mpi/1.72

export LLVM_DIR="$WORK/llvm-project/build/cmake/modules/CMakeFiles/"
export fmt_DIR="$WORK/fmt/build/"

Building Dependencies

Ensure you load dependencies before building anything via the following or equivalent:

. scripts/

If you are not using a package manager like conda or conan for your C++ files then you need to clone and download your dependencies manually. For Galois you need llvm and fmt.

The following will build fmt properly:

cd $WORK
git clone
cd fmt
cmake -B build
cd build
make -j4

llvm needs to be built with certain cmake flags in order to work with Galois, the following sequence will build llvm properly:

idev -m 120 # enter an interactive dev machine to use more threads
cd $WORK
git clone
cd llvm-project
cmake -S llvm -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON \
cd build
make -j

Building Galois

After you have built Galois' dependencies the process is more familiar.

The important bits are to set env vars to tell cmake where to find your prebuilt dependencies. For example: export LLVM_DIR="$WORK/llvm-project/build/cmake/modules/CMakeFiles/". It is recommended to define the env vars as part of your TACC environment script for ease of use.

For those unfamiliar with cmake, if you call cmake which a wrong library version or compiler, then cmake will cache this choice. In order to rebuild with a different library version or compiler you must remove the file build/CMakeCache.txt and then rebuild with the proper settings.

Another caviat is with llvm: my builds were unable to find the header files for llvm despite cmake finding the dependency. In order to resolve this I used the following cmake hack to include them directly: target_include_directories(<exe> PRIVATE $WORK/llvm-project/llvm/include). Note that this does not break builds for different machines since cmake will simply ignore paths that do not exist on the current filesystem.

Launching Jobs

All scheduling should be done via scripts in order to get closer to the Configuration as Code paradigm. This will help you run what you mean to run, be able to tell what was run in the past, and make the whole process far faster than manual running.

Here is a bare template for scripts/ with comments explaining each section (arguments inside <brackets> need to be replaced with application specific arguments that are completely determined by the user):


# required sbatch parameters

# note that TIME is in the format H:MM:SS

# note that the bash paradigm `HOSTS="${HOSTS:-<default>}`
# means: set the env var HOSTS equal to $HOSTS if HOSTS is
# already set, if it is not set then set `HOSTS=default`


# not strictly required but useful for many HPC applications
THREADD=$((128 * ${HOSTS} / ${PROCS}))

# These variables are not necessary but recommended for ease of use
# The data directory is helpful for storing outputs and is recommended
# but not necessary

# JOBN should be parameterized with application parameters as well
# possibly time as well time prevent conflicts and overwriting

# print statements to validate input, can and should
# be extended with application parameters
echo $HOSTS
echo $PROCS
echo $TIME
echo $DATA
echo $QUEUE
echo $JOBN

# start of job that runs on the supercomputer
sbatch << EOT

# special arguments passed to sbatch here instead of by command line
# the mail arguments are optional and are just there to send you email
# notifications when your jobs are scheduled and complete
#SBATCH -o ${JOBN}.out
#SBATCH -e ${JOBN}.err
#SBATCH --mail-type=all
#SBATCH --mail-user=<your-email>

# ensure the proper runtime environment is set
module purge
. ${ENV}

# not strictly required but useful for many HPC applications

# actually run the equivalent of `mpirun` the `--` ensures arguments
# are passed to your executable and not `ibrun`
ibrun -- ${BUILD}/<executable>


The first part and bulk of your run scripts should be configuration variables. You will have to add variables for your application specific arguments here.

The second part prints several of the configuration variables. It is recommended to extend this section with some application arguments and to check this output after a job is launched.

The third and final part is the bash script that actually runs on the supercomputer. It is only necessary to modify the mail targets for sbatch and the line for ibrun where you specify the program arguments. You can think of ibrun like mpirun.

Note that the bash paradigm HOSTS="${HOSTS:-<default>} means: set the env var HOSTS equal to $HOSTS if HOSTS is already set, if it is not set then set HOSTS=default.


TACC is a very large and powerful distributed system with many hosts. However there are many users that wish to run workloads on TACC and the queues can be upwards of 1000 jobs. In order to get your jobs scheduled faster there are a few important toggles in the run script that should be minimized.

Note that PROCS should always be at least the same value as HOSTS, otherwise you will have HOSTS - PROCS number of physical machines lying idle for no reason and everybody loses.

The primary arguments that determine how fast jobs are scheduled on TACC are TIME, HOSTS, and QUEUE.

Setting TIME as small as possible will go a long way to getting your jobs scheduled quickly, however if you are too aggressive then your job will be terminated when it runs for TIME. TIME is usually set in the format H:MM:SS.

The other argument HOSTS is arguably more important, in order for your job to run there need to be $HOSTS idle nodes on TACC and for large numbers of hosts the scheduling algorithm will severely penalize jobs.

It may be the case you need to run on a lot of virtual hosts because your program is single-threaded, does not scale past some threshold like 16 threads, or for some other reason it is okay for multiple versions of your program to run on the same host. In this case you can increase PROCS to the number of virtual hosts you need and TACC will schedule multiple virtual hosts from your program's perspective across the smaller amount of physical hosts.

The final argument QUEUE also has a large impact, typically you will want to use normal. But for some use cases you may want to use more "expensive" machines, like hosts with GPUs or more memory. These more expensive queues would be gpu-a100, gpu-a100-dev, gpu-h100, large, etc.

Benchmark Suites

After you have run and tested a few singular jobs on TACC and gotten an idea of the compute and memory it is a good idea to write a script to run your while benchmark. That is, a script to run jobs for different number of hosts/compute power in general and for different inputs.

Putting your entire benchmark into a script makes it much easier and faster to run benchmarks, reduces errors, and if you are using git to track changes then you can be confident in what was actually run in past benchmark suite runs.

Here is an example way to write a benchmark suite script varying compute power and inputs:


# Data dependent variables


# Compute dependent variables

# Handle graph scale 0
export HOSTS="${HOSTS_SCALE_0}"
export TIME="${TIME_SCALE_0}"

export PROCS="${PROCS_0}"
bash scripts/
export PROCS="${PROCS_1}"
bash scripts/

# Handle graph scale 1
export HOSTS="${HOSTS_SCALE_1}"
export TIME="${TIME_SCALE_1}"

export PROCS="${PROCS_0}"
bash scripts/
export PROCS="${PROCS_1}"
bash scripts/

In the above script we first define all of the required env vars for scripts/ scripts in general and our application dependent env vars for each input scale.

Then we define the env vars to determine compute power, since the above application was more dependent on available memory than compute power the number of physical hosts was set alongside the data dependent vars, this is not always the case.

To be clear there is no right or wrong way to setup a benchmark suite necessary, but it should be clearly formatted with clear intent so readers including you can easily understand what is going on.

It is important that your benchmark suite script calls your run script directly instead of reinventing the wheel.