All dates and times were recorded in UTC and following ISO8601 format.
General recording sites:
- Telephone Field
- Foliage
- Central Pond
- E18 Bridge
During the Summer, we had two recorders recording Daytime and Nighttime activity for each location.
Daytime: 48kHz sampling rate and 0:00 to 24:00 UTC recording period. No subsampling. The purpose of this recorder is to record birds.
Nighttime: 192kHz sampling rate and 03:00 to 13:30 UTC recording period. No subsampling. (1 hour before Sunset and 1 hour after Sunrise, will update this recording period as sunset and sunrise times change). The purpose of this recorder is to record bats.
During the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters, we switched to 1 recorder per site.
Configuration: 192kHz sampling rate and 00:00 to 24:00 UTC. 5 min ON, 5 min OFF sleep-cycle recording. This lengthened deployment from 3 days to 1 week.