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django-blti is a Django web framework application intended so serve as a base for IMS LTI 1.3 Tool projects. It implements common class-based views providing launch authentication, payload normalization, and role based authorization. It also includes optional endpoints for tool development based on mock payloads. We understand and regret that the b in the package name is a little misleading, but it is what it is.


    $ pip install django-blti

Django Configuration

It should be sufficient to add the app and supporting settings to project/

    INSTALLED_APPS += ['blti']

    # add session authentication based on lauch authentication

    # relax samesite requirements, limit casual snooping

    # only necessary when running behind ingress proxy

and expose the necessary authentication endpoints in project/

    url(r'^blti/', include('blti.urls')),

Class Based View

A tool is implemented by subclassing blti.views.BLTILaunchView.

After successful launch authentication, the instance variable self.blti will hold the normalized payload data provided by the class's self.launch_data_model method. The default method provides a normalized data model for the Canvas LTI Platform.

Access control is applied based on the view's class variable:

    authorized_role = 'member'

In addition to LTI-defined roles the following rollup roles are also supported:

  • public - no access restrictions
  • member - viewable by staff, instructors, students, and observers
  • admin - viewable by staff, instructors, and content developers

LTI Tool Configuration

Deployed tool configuration is defined in the JSON file named tool.json in the location defined by the environment variable:

    LTI_CONFIG_DIRECTORY = /etc/lti-config

The configuration file content is documented in the pylti1p3 README.

In addition, a management command is available to simplify key pair generation during configuration.

    # python generate_credentials private.key public.key jwt.json

Tool Development

This app also provides an optional development environment activated by defining the environment variable:


and launch url named:

    urlpatterns = [
        re_path(r'^$', MyToolLaunchView.as_view(), name="lti-launch"),

And finally, to initiate the launch sequence, point your browser at /blti/dev

A mocked JWT payload for Canvas is provided, but can be overridden by creating the file resources/lti1p3/file/jwt.json in your tool's app directory. django-blti will walk the list of INSTALLED_APPS, and use the first file by that name discovered.

Project Examples

Visit uw-id-aca/info-hub-lti or uw-id-aca/library-guides-lti or to see LTI Tool examples based on launch views and mocked local development environment.

Legacy Support

LTI 1.1 launch authentication, authorization, and payload normalization is also supported for the time being, but is no longer documented here.