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This app allows a Django project to be a SAML SP without running shibd and apache mod_shib. The key dependency is the python3-saml package. For easier development and testing, the app also supports configuring a mocked SAML-authenticated session.

Four steps to SAML

Configure the LOGIN_URL and required settings

Add required settings, and configure the saml_login URL in to be the LOGIN_URL in your project/

INSTALLED_APPS = ['uw_saml',]

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['django.contrib.auth.backends.RemoteUserBackend',]

MIDDLEWARE = ['django.contrib.auth.middleware.PersistentRemoteUserMiddleware',]

from django.urls import reverse_lazy
LOGIN_URL = reverse_lazy('saml_login')

Add your SP config

This app uses Django settings to configure the SP and IdP. Copy the UW_SAML setting dict in conf/ to your project/

You will need to update these settings to the correct values for your SP:

sp.entityId sp.x509cert sp.assertionConsumerService.url sp.singleLogoutService.url

Also, be sure to set strict: True for production usage!

Include the uw_saml URLs

Add the uw_saml URLs to your project/

path('saml/', include('uw_saml.urls')),

Register your app as an SP

Register your app with the UW Service Provider Registry

Mocking a SAML login

To mock a SAML-authenticated session in your app, add the setting MOCK_SAML_ATTRIBUTES to project/ When this setting is present, mocking takes precedence over the live SAML workflow. The value of the setting is a SAML attribute set, representing the desired attributes for the mocked user:

    'uwnetid': ['javerage'],
    'affiliations': ['student', 'member'],
    'eppn': [''],
    'scopedAffiliations': ['', ''],
    'isMemberOf': ['u_test_group', 'u_test_another_group'],

Mocking a SAML login with a Django Login

To mock a SAML-authenticated session in your app change the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS to include the mock backend.

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend',)

Also add the following:

    'NAME_ID': 'mock-nameid',
    'SESSION_INDEX': 'mock-session',
    'SAML_USERS': [
            "username": <some username>,
            "password": <some password>,
            "email": <some email>,
            "MOCK_ATTRIBUTES" : {
                'uwnetid': [<some username>],
                'affiliations': ['student', 'member'],
                'eppn': [''],
                'scopedAffiliations': ['', ''],
                'isMemberOf': [
                    'u_test_group', 'u_test_another_group'

replace <some username>, <some password>, <some email> with the values you want. You will use these to login when in mock mode. You can add more mock users by appending to the SAML_USERS array in UW_SAML_MOCK.

Some Recommendations

Safetly setting login credentials


<some username> with os.getenv('MOCK_USERNAME', None), <some password> with os.getenv('MOCK_PASSWORD', None), <some email> with os.getenv('MOCK_EMAIL', None)

Create a .env file and add this:

MOCK_USERNAME=<desired username>
MOCK_PASSWORD=<desired password>
MOCK_EMAIL=<desired emailid>

If you are using docker:

Add the following to your docker-compose inside the main app:


If you are using pipenv it should just work.

If you are using virtual env checkout

Maintaining login session across server restarts

Make sure that:

SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('DJANGO_SECRET_KEY', get_random_secret_key())

Create a .env file and add this:

DJANGO_SECRET_KEY = <50 character random value>

If you are using docker:

Add the following to your docker-compose inside the main app:


If you are using pipenv it should just work.

If you are using virtual env checkout