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File metadata and controls

60 lines (51 loc) · 3.44 KB

The Pirate Shop

This sample web application simulates the functionalities of adding products to the cart and promotion engine. The link with a detailed description of the problem statement.

The web application implements the following functions:

  • CRUD operations on the cart.
  • Automatic promotion application.
  • Promotion priority in the evaluation.

Implementation Details

  • Platform Details:
    • Ruby - 2.5
    • Rails - 5.0.7
    • Sqlite3
  • Design Details:
    • Implements backend using Ruby-on-Rails with full MVC architecture backed by sqlite3 database.
    • Implements frontend using twitter bootstrap framework and overrides for custom desgin.
    • Service layer pattern is implemented to keep the controllers light.
    • List of Models:
      • Order - Represents attributes and functions of an order with the CRUD operations.
      • LineItem - Represents the individual component of the order.
      • Product - Represents the attributes used for describing an individual product.
      • Promotion - Represents the attributes used to describe a promotion (code, expiry_date, usage_limit, etc).
      • Promotion Actions - Represents the different kinds of actions that can be performed for a promotion (flat-rate, flat-percent, etc) at order level and at item level.
      • Promotion Rules - Represents the set of rules that check for the eligibility of a promotion (item count, line item category,etc).
      • Adjustment - Captures the of discount at an item-level or order-level and the associated promotion details.
    • List of APIs:
      • POST /api/line_items - Add items to the cart.
      • PUT /api/line_items/ - Updates the items in the cart.
      • DELETE /api/line_items/ - Deletes the particular item.


  • The web-app creates one order per session and updates the same order on subsequent add to carts. To create a new order, please use the incognito window to access the application and close when you want to destroy the session.
  • The Promotion by will be applicable if all the promotion rules are eligible.
  • Item-discount or Order-discount are tracked with the help of adjustments and each adjustment maintains the eligibility using eligible attribute.

Running the code

  • Running on Docker
    • Build the docker image for the web-app, by going to the apps directory and running docker build -t clicktime
    • Run the docker container - docker run -d --name clicktime -p clicktime:latest
    • Now the web application should be available from the browser using the address - http://localhost:3000/

Note: Please use this link to install docker depending on the existing platform.

  • Running directly on the host
    • Make sure to install ruby 2.5 on host.
    • Install the bundler - gem install bundler -v 1.14.0
    • Install the dependent gems - bundle install
    • Run the DB migrations - rake db:migrate
    • Setup the initial data - rake db:setup
    • Compile the assets - rake assets:precompile
    • Run the server - bundle exec rails s

Note: The above steps to run the web-app were tested on a Linux based platform.

Test Cases

Note: The test suite structure is created in the spec folder. To see existing test cases run - rspec spec/


Name: Vachan Daffedar Aswathanarayana Email: