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683 lines (558 loc) · 37.6 KB

Table of Contents

Starting a New Debug Session

To start a debugging session you will need to create a launch configuration for your program. Here's a minimal one:

    "name": "Launch",
    "type": "lldb",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "${workspaceFolder}/<executable file>",
    "args": ["-arg1", "-arg2"],

These attributes are common to all CodeLLDB launch configurations:

attribute type
name string Required. Launch configuration name, as you want it to appear in the Run and Debug panel.
type string Required. Set to lldb.
request string Required. Session initiation method:
  • launch to create a new process,
  • attach to attach to an already running process,
  • custom to configure session "manually" using LLDB commands.
  • initCommands [string] LLDB commands executed upon debugger startup.
    exitCommands [string] LLDB commands executed at the end of the debugging session.
    expressions string The default expression evaluator type: simple, python or native. See Expressions.
    sourceMap dictionary See Source Path Remapping.
    relativePathBase string Base directory used for resolution of relative source paths. Defaults to "${workspaceFolder}".
    sourceLanguages [string] A list of source languages used in the program. This is used to enable language-specific debugger features.
    reverseDebugging bool Enable reverse debugging.

    Launching a New Process

    These attributes are applicable when the "launch" initiation method is selected:

    attribute type
    program string Path of the executable file. Required, unless using cargo attribute.
    cargo string See Cargo support.
    args string ❘ [string] Command line parameters. If this is a string, it will be split using shell-like syntax.
    cwd string Working directory.
    env dictionary Additional environment variables. You may refer to existing environment variables using ${env:NAME} syntax, for example "PATH" : "${env:HOME}/bin:${env:PATH}".
    stdio string ❘ [string] ❘ dictionary See Stdio Redirection.
    terminal string Destination for debuggee stdio streams:
    • console for Debug Console
    • integrated (default) for VSCode integrated terminal
    • external for a new terminal window
    stopOnEntry boolean Whether to stop debuggee immediately after launching.
    preRunCommands [string] LLDB commands executed just before launching the debuggee.
    postRunCommands [string] LLDB commands executed just after launching the debuggee.

    Flow during a launch sequence:

    1. The initCommands sequence is executed.
    2. The debugging target object is created using launch configuration attributes (program, args, env, cwd, stdio).
    3. Breakpoints are set.
    4. The preRunCommands sequence is executed. These commands may alter debug target configuration (e.g. alter args or env).
    5. The debuggee is launched.
    6. The postRunCommands sequence is executed.

    At the end of the debugging session exitCommands sequence is executed.

    Stdio Redirection

    The stdio property is a list of redirection targets for each of the debuggee's stdio streams:

    • null value will cause redirect to the default debug session terminal (as specified by the terminal launch property),
    • "/some/path" will cause the stream to be redirected to the specified file, pipe or a TTY device*,
    • if you provide less than 3 values, the list will be padded to 3 entries using the last provided value,
    • you may specify more than three values, in which case additional file descriptors will be created (4, 5, etc.)


    • "stdio": [null, "log.txt", null] - connect stdin and stderr to the default terminal, while sending stdout to "log.txt",
    • "stdio": ["input.txt", "log.txt"] - connect stdin to "input.txt", while sending both stdout and stderr to "log.txt",
    • "stdio": null - connect all three streams to the default terminal.

    * Run tty command in a terminal window to find out the TTY device name.

    Attaching to a Running Process

    These attributes are applicable when the "attach" initiation method is selected:

    attribute type
    program string Path of the executable file.
    pid number Process id to attach to. pid may be omitted, in which case debugger will attempt to locate an already running instance of the program. You may also put ${command:pickProcess} or ${command:pickMyProcess} here to choose a process interactively.
    stopOnEntry boolean Whether to stop the debuggee immediately after attaching.
    waitFor boolean Wait for the process to launch.
    preRunCommands [string] LLDB commands executed just before attaching to the debuggee.
    postRunCommands [string] LLDB commands executed just after attaching to the debuggee.

    Flow during an attach sequence:

    1. The initCommands sequence is executed.
    2. The debugging target object is created using the program attribute.
    3. Breakpoints are set.
    4. The preRunCommands sequence is executed. These commands may alter debug target configuration.
    5. The debugger attaches to the specified process.
    6. The postRunCommands sequence is executed.

    At the end of the debug session exitCommands sequence is executed.

    Note that attaching to a running process may be restricted on some systems. You may need to adjust system configuration to enable it.

    Custom Launch

    The custom launch method allows user to fully specify how the debug session is initiated. The flow of a custom launch is as follows:

    1. The targetCreateCommands command sequence is executed. This sequence is expected to create the debugging target object (see target create command).
    2. Debugger uses the target to insert breakpoints.
    3. The processCreateCommands command sequence is executed. This sequence is expected to create the debuggee process (see process launch command).
    4. The debugger reports current state of the debuggee to VSCode and starts accepting user commands.
    attribute type
    targetCreateCommands [string] Commands that create the debug target.
    processCreateCommands [string] Commands that create the debuggee process.

    Debugging Externally Launched Code

    Debugging sessions may also be started from outside of VSCode by invoking a specially formatted URI:

    • vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch?name=<configuration name>,[folder=<path>]
      This will start a new debug session using the named launch configuration. The optional folder parameter specifies the workspace folder where the launch configuration is defined. If omitted, all folders in the current workspace will be searched.
      • code --open-url "vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch?name=Debug My Project"
    • vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/command?<env1>=<val1>&<env2>=<val2>&<command-line>
      The <command-line> will be split into the program name and arguments array using the usual shell command-line parsing rules.
      • code --open-url "vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/command?/path/filename arg1 \"arg 2\" arg3"
      • code --open-url "vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/command?RUST_LOG=error&/path/filename arg1 'arg 2' arg3"
    • vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/config?<yaml>
      This endpoint accepts a YAML snippet matching one of the above debug session initiation methods. The type and the request attributes may be omitted, and will default to "lldb" and "launch" respectively.
      • JSON-like YAML (if you are not quoting keys in mappings, remember to insert a space after the colon!):
        code --open-url "vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/config?{program: '/path/filename', args: ['arg1','arg 2','arg3']}"
      • Line-oriented YAML (%0A encodes the 'newline' character):
        code --open-url "vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/config?program: /path/filename%0Aargs:%0A- arg1%0A- arg 2%0A- arg3"


    • All URIs above are subject to normal URI encoding rules, therefore all '%' characters must be escaped as '%25'. A more rigorous launcher script would have done that :)
    • VSCode URIs may also be invoked using OS-specific tools:
      • Linux: xdg-open <uri>
      • MacOS: open <uri>
      • Windows: start <uri>


    Attaching debugger to the current process (C)

    char command[256];
    snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "code --open-url \"vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/config?{'request':'attach','pid':%d}\"", getpid());
    sleep(1); // Wait for debugger to attach

    Attaching debugger to the current process (Rust)

    Ever wanted to debug a build script?

    let url = format!("vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/config?{{'request':'attach','pid':{}}}", std::process::id());
    std::thread::sleep_ms(1000); // Wait for debugger to attach

    Debugging Rust unit tests

    • Create .cargo directory in your project folder containing these two files:
      • config (see also)
        runner = ".cargo/"
        code --open-url "vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/command?LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH&$*"
    • chmod +x .cargo/
    • Execute tests as normal.


    • Create
      code --open-url "vscode://vadimcn.vscode-lldb/launch/command?LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH&$*"
    • chmod +x
    • bazel run //<package>:<target>

    RPC Server

    Unfortunately, starting debug sessons via the "open-url" interface has two problems:

    • It launches debug session in the last active VSCode window.
    • It does not work with VSCode remoting.

    For these reasons, CodeLLDB offers an alternate method of performing external launches: by adding lldb.rpcServer setting to a workspace of folder configuration you can start an RPC server listening for debug configurations on a Unix or a TCP socket:

    • The value is the options object of the Node.js network server object.
    • As a rudimentary security feature, you may add a "token" attribute to the server options above, in which case, the submitted debug configurations must also contain token with a matching value.
    • After writing configuration data, the client must half-close its end of the connection.
    • Upon completion, CodeLLDB will respond with { "success": true/false, "message": <optional error message> }


    • Configuration in settings.json: "lldb.rpcServer": { "host": "", "port": 12345, "token": "secret" }
    • Launch: echo "{ program: '/usr/bin/ls', token: 'secret' }" | netcat -N 12345

    Remote debugging

    For general information on remote debugging please see LLDB Remote Debugging Guide.

    Connecting to lldb-server agent

    • Run lldb-server platform --server --listen *:<port> on the remote machine.
    • Create launch configuration similar to the one below.
    • Start debugging as usual. The executable identified by the program property will be automatically copied to lldb-server's current directory on the remote machine. If you require additional configuration of the remote system, you may use preRunCommands sequence to execute commands such as platform mkdir, platform put-file, platform shell, etc. (See help platform for a list of available platform commands).
        "name": "Remote launch",
        "type": "lldb",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/debuggee", // Local path.
        "initCommands": [
            "platform select <platform>", // Execute `platform list` for a list of available remote platform plugins.
            "platform connect connect://<remote_host>:<port>",
            "settings set target.inherit-env false", // See note below.
        "env": {
            "PATH": "...", // See note below.

    Note: By default, debuggee will inherit environment from the debugger. However, this environment will be of your local machine. In most cases these values will not be suitable on the remote system, so you should consider disabling environment inheritance with settings set target.inherit-env false and initializing them as appropriate, starting with PATH.

    Connecting to a gdbserver-style agent

    This includes not just gdbserver itself, but also execution environments that implement the gdbserver protocol, such as OpenOCD, QEMU, rr, and others.

    • Start remote agent. For example, run gdbserver *:<port> <debuggee> <debuggee args> on the remote machine.
    • Create a custom launch configuration.
    • Start debugging.
        "name": "Remote attach",
        "type": "lldb",
        "request": "custom",
        "targetCreateCommands": ["target create ${workspaceFolder}/build/debuggee"],
        "processCreateCommands": ["gdb-remote <remote_host>:<port>"]

    Please note that depending on protocol features implemented by the remote stub, there may be more setup needed. For example, in the case of "bare-metal" debugging (OpenOCD), the debugger may not be aware of memory locations of the debuggee modules; you may need to specify this manually:

    target modules load --file ${workspaceFolder}/build/debuggee -s <base load address>`

    Reverse Debugging

    Also known as Time travel debugging. Provided you use a debugging backend that supports these commands, CodeLLDB be used to control reverse execution and stepping.

    As of this writing, the only backend known to work is Mozilla's rr. The minimum supported version is 5.3.0.

    There are others mentioned here and here. QEMU reportedly supports record/replay in full system emulation mode. If you get any of them to work, please let me know!

    Example: (using rr)

    Record execution trace:

    rr record <debuggee> <arg1> ...

    Replay execution:

    rr replay -s <port>

    Launch config:

        "name": "Replay",
        "type": "lldb",
        "request": "custom",
        "targetCreateCommands": ["target create ${workspaceFolder}/build/debuggee"],
        "processCreateCommands": ["gdb-remote<port>"],
        "reverseDebugging": true

    Inspecting a Core Dump

    Use custom launch with target create -c <core path> command:

        "name": "Core dump",
        "type": "lldb",
        "request": "custom",
        "targetCreateCommands": ["target create -c ${workspaceFolder}/core"],

    Source Path Remapping

    Source path remapping is helpful in cases when program's source code is located in a different directory then it was in at build time (for example, if a build server was used).

    A source map consists of pairs of "from" and "to" path prefixes. When the debugger encounters a source file path beginning with one of the "from" prefixes, it will substitute the corresponding "to" prefix instead. Example:

        "sourceMap": { "/build/time/source/path" : "/current/source/path" }

    Parameterized Launch Configurations

    Sometimes you'll find yourself adding the same parameters (e.g. a path of a dataset directory) to multiple launch configurations over and over again. CodeLLDB can help with configuration management in such cases: you can place common configuration values into lldb.dbgconfig section of the workspace configuration, then reference via ${dbgconfig:variable} in launch configurations.

    // settings.json
            "dataset": "dataset1",
            "datadir": "${env:HOME}/mydata/${dbgconfig:dataset}" // "dbgconfig" properties may reference each other,
                                                                 // as long as there is no recursion.
    // launch.json
            "name": "Debug program",
            "type": "lldb",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/bin/program",
            "cwd": "${dbgconfig:datadir}" // will be expanded to "/home/user/mydata/dataset1"

    Debugger Features

    VSCode Commands

    Show Disassembly... Choose when disassembly is shown. See Disassembly View.
    Toggle Disassembly Choose when disassembly is shown. See Disassembly View.
    Display Format... Choose the default variable display format. See Formatting.
    Toggle Pointee Summaries Choose whether to display pointee's summaries rather than the numeric value of the pointer itself. See Pointers.
    Display Options... Interactive configuration of the above display options.
    Attach to Process... Choose a process to attach to from the list of currently running processes.
    Use Alternate Backend... Choose alternate LLDB instance to be used instead of the bundled one. See Alternate LLDB backends
    Run Diagnostics Run diagnostic test to make sure that the debugger is functional.
    Generate launch configurations from Cargo.toml Generate all possible launch configurations (binaries, examples, unit tests) for the current Rust project. The resulting list will be opened in a new text editor, from which you can copy/paste desired sections into launch.json.
    Command Prompt Open LLDB command prompt in a terminal, for managing installed Python packages and other maintenance tasks.
    View Memory... View raw memory starting at the specified address.
    Search Symbols... Search for a substring among the debug target's symbols.

    Debugger Commands

    CodeLLDB also adds in-debugger commands that may be executed in the Debug Console during a debug dession:

    debug_info Provides tools for investigation of debugging information. See debug_info -h for options.

    For more details about each command please use help <command>.

    Debug Console

    The VSCode Debug Console panel serves a dual purpose in CodeLLDB:

    1. Execution of LLDB commands.
    2. Evaluation of expressions.

    By default, console input is interpreted as LLDB commands. If you would like to evaluate an expression instead, prefix it with '?', e.g. '?a+2' (Expression type preffixes are added on top of that, i.e. '?/nat a.size()'). Console input mode may altered via "lldb.consoleMode": "evaluate" setting: in this case expression evaluation will be the default, while commands will need to be prefixed with either '/cmd ' or '`' (backtick).

    Regex Breakpoints

    Function breakpoints prefixed with '/re ', are interpreted as regular expressions. This causes a breakpoint to be set in every function matching the expression. The list of created breakpoint locations may be examined using the break list command.

    Conditional Breakpoints

    You may use any of the supported expression syntaxes to create breakpoint conditions. When a breakpoint condition evaluates to False, the breakpoint will not be stopped at. Any other value (or expression evaluation error) will cause the debugger to stop.

    Data Breakpoints

    Data breakpoints (or "watchpoints" in LLDB terms) allow monitoring memory location for changes. You can create data breakpoints by choosing "Break When Value Changes" from context menu in the Variables panel. (To access advanced features, such as breaking on memory reads, use LLDB watch command).

    Note that data breakpoints require hardware support, and, as such, may come with restrictions, depending on CPU platform and OS support. For example, on x86_64 the restrictions are as follows:

    • The monitored memory region must be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes in size.
    • There may be at most 4 data watchpoints.

    Hit conditions


        operator :: = '<' | '<=' | '=' | '>=' | '>' | '%'
        hit_condition ::= operator number

    The '%' operator causes a stop after every number of breakpoint hits.


    Expressions embedded in log messages via curly brackets may use any of the supported expression syntaxes.

    Disassembly View

    When execution steps into code for which debug info is not available, CodeLLDB will automatically switch to disassembly view. This behavior may be controlled using Show Disassembly and Toggle Disassembly commands. The former allows to choose between never, auto (the default) and always, the latter toggles between auto and always.

    While is disassembly view, 'step over' and 'step into' debug actions will perform instruction-level stepping rather than source-level stepping.

    disassembly view


    You may change the default display format of evaluation results using the Display Format command.

    When evaluating expressions in Debug Console or in Watch panel, you may control formatting of individual expressions by adding one of the suffixes listed below:

    suffix format
    c Character
    x Hex
    o Octal
    d Decimal
    u Unsigned decimal
    b Binary
    f Float (reinterprets bits, no casting is done)
    p Pointer
    s C string
    y Bytes
    Y Bytes with ASCII
    [<num>] Reinterpret as an array of <num> elements.

    For example, evaluation of var,x will display the value of var formatted as hex. It is also possible to combine number format and array specifiers like this: var,x[10].


    When displaying pointer and reference variables, CodeLLDB will prefer to display the value of the object pointed to. If you would like to see the raw address value, you may toggle this behavior using Toggle Pointee Summaries command. Another way to display raw pointer address is to add the pointer variable to Watch panel and specify an explicit format, as described in the previous section.


    CodeLLDB implements three expression evaluator types: "simple", "python" and "native". These are used wherever user-entered expression needs to be evaluated: in the Watch panel, in the Debug Console (for input prefixed with ?) and in breakpoint conditions.
    By default, "simple" is assumed, however you may change this using the expressions launch configuration property. The default type may also be overridden on a per-expression basis using a prefix.

    Simple expressions

    Prefix: /se
    Simple expressions are designed to enable performing basic arithmetic and logical operations on formatted views of the debuggee variables. For example, things like indexing an std::vector or comparing std::string to a string literal should "just work".

    The followng features are supported:

    • References to variables: all identifiers are assumed to refer to variables in the debuggee's current stack frame. The identifiers may be qualified with namespaces and template parameters (e.g. std::numeric_limits<float>::digits).
    • Embedded native expressions: these must be delimited with ${ and }.
    • Literals: integers, floats and strings, True, False.
    • Operators: (), **, *, /, //, %, <<, >>, ~, &, ^, |, ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, not, and, or with the same precedence as in Python.
    • Attribute access: <expr>.<attr>.
    • Indexing: <expr>[<expr>].

    Python expressions

    Prefix: /py
    Python expressions support full Python syntax. In addition to that, any identifier prefixed by $, will be replaced with the value of the corresponding debuggee variable. Such values may be mixed with regular Python variables. For example, /py [math.sqrt(x) for x in $arr] will evaluate to a list of square roots of the values contained in the array variable arr.

    The environment in which Python expressions are executed is shared with the internal Python interpreter of the debugger and is affected by the script ... command. This may be used to import Python modules you are going to use later. For example, in order to evaluate math.sqrt(x) above, you'll need to have imported the math package via script import math. To import Python modules on debug session startup, use "initCommands": ["script import ..."].

    Technical note
    Evaluation of Python expressions is performed as follows:

    • First, the expression is preprocessed and all tokens starting with '$' are replaced with calls to the __expr() function, For example, the expression [math.sqrt(x) for x in $arr] will be re-written as [math.sqrt(x) for x in __eval('arr')]
    • The resulting string is evaluated by the Python interpreter, with the __eval() function performing variable lookups and evaluation of native expressions, returning instances of Value.

    Native expressions

    Prefix: /nat
    Native expressions use LLDB's built-in expression evaluators. The specifics depend on source language of the current debug target (e.g. C, C++ or Swift).
    For example, the C++ expression evaluator offers many powerful features including interactive definition of new data types, instantiation of C++ classes, invocation of functions and class methods, and more.

    Note, however, that native evaluators ignore data formatters and operate on "raw" data structures, thus they are often not as convenient as "simple" or "python" expressions.

    Python Scripting

    Debugger API

    CodeLLDB provides extended Python API via codelldb module (which is auto-imported into debugger's main script context).

    • evaluate(expression: str, unwrap=False) -> Value | lldb.SBValue : Performs dynamic evaluation of native expressions returning instances of Value.
      • expression: The expression to evaluate.
      • unwrap: Whether to unwrap the result and return it as lldb.SBValue.
    • unwrap(obj: Value) -> lldb.SBValue : Extracts an lldb.SBValue from Value.
    • wrap(obj: lldb.SBValue) -> Value : Wraps lldb.SBValue in a Value object.
    • display_html(html: str, title: str = None, position: int = None, reveal: bool = False) : Displays content in a VSCode WebView panel:
      • html: HTML markup to display.
      • title: Title of the panel. Defaults to the name of the current launch configuration.
      • position: Position (column) of the panel. The allowed range is 1 through 3.
      • reveal: Whether to reveal a panel if one already exists.


    Value objects (source) are proxy wrappers around lldb.SBValue, which add implementations of standard Python operators.

    Installing Packages

    CodeLLDB bundles its own copy of Python, which may be different from the version of your default Python. As such, it likely won't be able to use third-party packages you've installed through pip. In order to install packages for use in CodeLLDB, you will need to use the LLDB: Command Prompt command in VSCode, followed by pip install --user <package>.

    Alternate LLDB Backends

    CodeLLDB can use external LLDB backends instead of the bundled one. For example, when debugging Swift programs, one might want to use a custom LLDB instance that has Swift extensions built in. In order to use an alternate backend, you will need to provide location of the corresponding LLDB dynamic library (which must be v10.0 or later) via lldb.library configuration setting.

    Where to find the LLDB dynamic library:

    • Linux: <lldb root>/lib/<verson>,
      <lldb root> is wherever you've installed LLDB, or /usr, if it's a standard distro package.
    • MacOS: <lldb framework>/LLDB if built as Apple framework, <lldb root>/lib/liblldb.<version>.dylib otherwise.
      <lldb framework> is typically located under /Library/Developer/<toolchain>/.../PrivateFrameworks.
    • Windows: <lldb root>/bin/liblldb.dll.

    Since locating liblldb is not always trivial, CodeLLDB provides the Use Alternate Backend... command to assist with this task. You will be prompted to enter the file name of the main LLDB executable, which CodeLLDB will then use to find the dynamic library.

    Note: Debian builds of LLDB have a bug whereby they search for lldb-server helper binary relative to the current executable module (which in this case is CodeLLDB), rather than relative to liblldb (as they should). As a result, you may see the following error after switching to an alternate backend: "Unable to locate lldb-server-<version>". To fix this, determine where lldb-server is installed (via which lldb-server-<version>), then add this configuration entry: "lldb.adapterEnv": {"LLDB_DEBUGSERVER_PATH": "<lldb-server path>"}.

    Rust Language Support

    CodeLLDB natively supports visualization of most common Rust data types:

    • Built-in types: tuples, enums, arrays, array and string slices.
    • Standard library types: Vec, String, CString, OSString, Path, Cell, Rc, Arc and more.

    To enable this feature, add "sourceLanguages": ["rust"] into your launch configuration.


    Cargo support

    Several Rust users had pointed out that debugging tests and benchmarks in Cargo-based projects is somewhat difficult since names of the output test/bench binary generated by Cargo is not deterministic. To cope with this problem, CodeLLDB can query Cargo for a list of its compilation outputs. In order to use this feature, replace program property in your launch configuration with cargo:

        "type": "lldb",
        "request": "launch",
        "cargo": {
            "args": ["test", "--no-run", "--lib"],      // Cargo command line to build the debug target
                                                        // "args": ["build", "--bin=foo"] is another possibility
            // The rest are optional
            "env": { "RUSTFLAGS": "-Clinker=ld.mold" }, // Extra environment variables.
            "problemMatcher": "$rustc",                 // Problem matcher(s) to apply to cargo output.
            "filter": {                                 // Filter applied to compilation artifacts.
                "name": "mylib",
                "kind": "lib"

    Try to be as specific as possible when specifying the build target, because if there is more than one binary output, CodeLLDB won't know which one you want it to debug!

    Normally, Cargo output will be used to set the program property (but only if it isn't defined). However, in order to support custom launch and other oddball scenarios, there is also a substitution variable, which expands to the same thing: ${cargo:program}.

    CodeLLDB will also use Cargo.toml in the workspace root to generate initial debug configurations when there is no existing launch.json.

    Workspace Configuration

    Default Launch Configuration Settings

    lldb.launch.initCommands Commands executed before initCommands of individual launch configurations.
    lldb.launch.preRunCommands Commands executed before preRunCommands of individual launch configurations.
    lldb.launch.postRunCommands Commands executed before postRunCommands of individual launch configurations.
    lldb.launch.exitCommands Commands executed after exitCommands of individual launch configurations.
    lldb.launch.env Additional environment variables that will be merged with 'env' of individual launch configurations.
    lldb.launch.cwd Default program working directory.
    lldb.launch.stdio Default stdio destination.
    lldb.launch.expressions Default expression evaluator.
    lldb.launch.terminal Default terminal type.
    lldb.launch.sourceMap Additional entries that will be merged with 'sourceMap's of individual launch configurations.
    lldb.launch.relativePathBase Default base directory used for resolution of relative source paths. Defaults to "${workspaceFolder}".
    lldb.launch.sourceLanguages A list of source languages used in the program. This is used to enable language-specific debugger features.


    lldb.dbgconfig See Parameterized Launch Configurations.
    lldb.evaluationTimeout Timeout for expression evaluation, in seconds (default=5s).
    lldb.displayFormat The default format for variable and expression values.
    lldb.showDisassembly When to show disassembly:
  • auto - only when source is not available.,
  • never - never show.,
  • always - always show, even if source is available.
  • lldb.dereferencePointers Whether to show the numeric value of pointers, or a summary of the pointee.
    lldb.suppressMissingSourceFiles Suppress VSCode's messages about missing source files (when debug info refers to files not present on the local machine).
    lldb.consoleMode Controls whether the debug console input is by default treated as debugger commands or as expressions to evaluate:
  • commands - treat debug console input as debugger commands. In order to evaluate an expression, prefix it with '?' (question mark).",
  • evaluate - treat debug console input as expressions. In order to execute a debugger command, prefix it with '/cmd ' or with '`' (backtick),
  • split - (experimental) use the debug console for evaluation of expressions, open a separate terminal for LLDB console.
  • Advanced

    lldb.library The alternate LLDB library to use. This can be either a file path (recommended) or a directory, in which case platform-specific heuristics will be used to locate the actual library file.
    lldb.cargo Name of the command to invoke as Cargo.
    lldb.adapterEnv Extra environment variables passed to the debug adapter.
    lldb.verboseLogging Enables verbose logging. The log can be viewed in Output/LLDB panel.
    lldb.reproducer Enable capture of a reproducer. May also contain a path of the directory to save the reproducer in.
    lldb.terminalPromptClear A sequence of strings sent to the terminal in order to clear its command prompt. Defaults to ["\n"]. To disable prompt clearing, set to null.
    lldb.evaluateForHovers Enable value preview when cursor is hovering over a variable.
    lldb.commandCompletions Enable command completions in debug console.
    lldb.rpcServer See RPC server.