Import the following optimization packages:
import optimus.optimization._
import optimus.optimization.enums.SolverLib
import optimus.optimization.model.MPFloatVar
Create a model and select a solver for it:
implicit val model: MPModel = MPModel(SolverLib.oJSolver)
Ok! Let's create a couple of variables:
val x = MPFloatVar("x", 100, 200)
val y = MPFloatVar("y", 80, 170)
Then we can define our optimization problem subject to a simple constraint using our known maths:
maximize(-2 * x + 5 * y)
add(y >:= -x + 200)
At last, we can solve the problem by starting the solver and displaying the results:
println(s"objective: $objectiveValue")
println(s"x = ${x.value} y = ${y.value}")
Finally, don't forget to release the memory used by the internal solver: