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Syntax for Packing Paths

Quick DER logo

This specification describes the path format used by der_unpack() and der_pack() to pass through a DER binary and map it to (or from) an array of dercursor values.

A packing path is a sequence of instructions for one of the functions der_unpack() or der_pack(), which controls how those functions handle the DER elements in a given DER structure. A packing path may be considered a program in a very small domain-specific language. A simpler variation of a similar idea is the WALK SYNTAX, which limits itself to finding a single element, but also based on a (different) walking path expression.

A single packing path can replace dozens of lines of explicit function calls to manipulate and copy cursors. Standardized packing walks are generated for the ASN.1 definitions (from RFCs) that Quick DER knows about.

Declaring and Using a Walking Path

The walk path is described as a sequence of values (steps) that ends with DER_PACK_END. Here, path_demo is such a sequence. It is declared static const so that it may be placed in read-only memory, but that is not required.

#include <arpa2/quick-der.h>

static const derwalk path_demo [] = {

which is then used to unpack the DER binary data under a given dercursor crs with

int prsok;
dercursor outputs[NUMBER_OF_OUTPUTS_IN_PACK_PATH];
prsok = der_unpack (&crs, path_demo, outputs, 1);

The outputs is an array of dercursor that will be filled with information found in the path_demo. Explicit storage instructions will put the information there, so the required size of the array is equal to the fixed number of such instructions in path_demo. der_unpack() returns -1 on error, or 0 on success.

Diving in Head-First

The path described by path_demo should be a depth-first traversal of a static structure. That means that SEQUENCE OF and SET OF, the two ways of expressing dynamically sized structures in ASN.1, require special handling.

To dive in, use a flag DER_PACK_ENTER and to leave a nested structure, use the DER_PACK_LEAVE flag. To store intermediate values, use DER_PACK_STORE as a flag, as in

static const derwalk path_demo [] = {
        DER_PACK_ENTER | ...,
        DER_PACK_STORE | ...,

Note that DER_PACK_LEAVE is an instruction on its own. The other two forms are extended with a tag that is verified to match, for instance

static const derwalk path_demo [] = {

An example ASN.1 structure that could be traversed by this would be

demoStruct ::= SEQUENCE {
        demoCounter [0] INTEGER,
        demoName OCTET STRING

After invoking der_unpack() on this path, there are two values in the output array of dercursor, namely for the two DER_PACK_STORE instructions. From the following input data,

30 16                                -- tag SEQUENCE, length 16
   a0 03                             -- tag a0 for [0], length 3
      02 01 07                       -- tag INTEGER, length 1, value 7
   04 09 51 75 69 63 6b 20 44 45 52  -- tag 4, length 9, "Quick DER"

this would make output[0] point to the INTEGER value 7, with 1 byte length (i.e. output[0].derptr points to the seventh data byte, with value 0x07, and output[0].derlen is 1), and output[1] would point to the OCTETSTRING contents "Quick DER", with a length of 9 bytes (i.e. output[1].derptr points to the tenth data byte, value 0x51, and output[1].derlen is 9).

Note how nothing remains of the DER tags or lengths except the length in the cursor. This is what you should expect from a Quick and Easy DER parser -- the calling code should know what tag belongs with output[0] and output[1].

Dealing with Variable Structures

It is possible to not store everything we encounter. In the previous situation we might have used

static const derwalk path_demo [] = {

to find output[0] set to the DER sequence contained in [0] INTEGER, which means the INTEGER in DER coding, so in hex the bytes 02 01 07 instead of just to 07. This can be useful at some times.

Imagine the ASN.1 structure

aFewPrimes ::= SET OF INTEGER

which is a SET OF and can thus contain as many INTEGER values as desired. An example hexdump of a DER value listing the first 5 primes would be

31 0f        -- SET, containing 15 bytes
   02 01 02  -- INTEGER 2
   02 01 03  -- INTEGER 3
   02 01 05  -- INTEGER 5
   02 01 07  -- INTEGER 7
   02 01 0b  -- INTEGER 11

If we had to store each INTEGER in a separate output[] entry, we would need a variable-sized output array. What der_unpack() does in these cases is the same as demonstrated for [0] INTEGER above; it stores the entire structure contained inside the SET OF and leaves it for further processing.

The path expression to store this set would be

static const derwalk path_primes [] = {

The result would be stored in output[0] as the sequence 02 01 02 ... of length 15. Remember, Quick DER does no copying of data, and this means thar output[0].derptr points inside the original data to the third byte, and output[0].derlen is set to 15. To work with the stored SET OF, you might:

  • use der_iterate_first() and der_iterate_next() to find the individual values in the set;
  • manually skip through the list with der_skip() until it hits the end of the set;
  • counting the entries with der_countelements() and then allocate an array dercursor primal[5], in the heap or on the stack, and pass it into der_unpack () with the last parameter set to the count of 5.

Optionals, Choices and the ANYs

Not everything declared in ASN.1 is included in the binary DER format. Some parts are OPTIONAL (and may have a DEFAULT, which Quick DER does not capture) and others are a CHOICE from variants.

To encode an option, prefix DER_PACK_OPTIONAL, to the optional part. If the optional part is flagged wth DER_PACK_ENTER, then the optionality will continue to the corresponding DER_PACK_LEAVE. Note that ASN.1 ensures that the DER format can always be parsed based on a singly tag lookahead, which we exploit in this case.

A somewhat similar structure is the CHOICE which permits choosing a syntax variety from among alternatives. Again, ASN.1 ensures that parsing can be done based on the first tag. We use this once more, for paths between DER_PACK_CHOICE_BEGIN and DER_PACK_CHOICE_END. Note that the programmer of the walking path is responsible for proper nesting, also with respect to ENTER/LEAVE structure.

Finally, the forms ANY and ANY DEFINED BY are used in ASN.1 to describe wildcard typing. These have no representation in DER either, but at the point where it comes across the DER_PACK_ANY instruction, it will match anything, and store the result in the output array of dercursor. The stored result is special however, in that it includes the entire DER structure including tag and length bytes. This is because you will have to do further processing.

Overlay structures

The idea of static structure is a great benefit to us as programmers, because we can create overlay structures that consist solely of dercursor and other overlay structures. These give us a way to navigate through the data using ASN.1 labels.

The first ASN.1 structure

demoStruct ::= SEQUENCE {
        demoCounter [0] INTEGER,
        demoName OCTET STRING

could be overlaid with the C structure

typedef struct {
        dercursor demoCounter;
        dercursor demoName;
} ovly_demoStruct;

and the program could declare

ovly_demoStruct output;

and pass that to der_unpack() as (dercursor *) &output for type correctness.

The datafields could then be addressed with something like

printf ("Found \"%.*s\"\n", output.demoName.derlen, output.demoName.derptr);


There is a function der_pack() that does the exact opposite of der_unpack(), using the same walking paths.

Something to ignore until you run into trouble: You may need to der_prepack() first if you have nested elements that are not a SET (OF) or SEQUENCE (OF) or other form that is always Constructed. Without der_prepack() your DER representation may end up being Primitive.

ASN.1 Compiler and RFC Library

The can generate this syntax automatically from common ASN.1 files, including the overlay structures. The result of this is a headerfile providing macros that can fill paths, and structures that capture the structure of ASN.1 and specifically the labels used.

Now we have a compiler, we have started to collect RFCs (and we may later add other specifications) that use ASN.1 syntax, and to derive their header files for distribution in the developer version of Quick and Easy DER.

These things combined enable you to specify things like

#include <arpa2/quick-der.h>
#include <quick-der/rfc5280.h>

typedef DER_OVLY_rfc5280_Certificate Certificate;
derwalk path_cert [] = { DER_PACK_rfc5280_Certificate, DER_PACK_END };

void print (dercursor *input) {
        Certificate crt;
        if (der_unpack (&input, path_cert, (dercursor *) &crt, 1) == 0) {

In short, you are already up and running with DER-encoded PKIX Certificates.

And it will be

Quick... and Easy!