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File metadata and controls

255 lines (205 loc) · 11.1 KB


[ ] We want to be able to control the z order in which entities get drawn, right now that is kind of randomly decided when the world iterates over the entities in its draw loop. [ ] Choose a data structure for the entity list: - we need constant time lookup by id, but for drawables we would like to be able to keep a list sorted by z_order... would still like to be able to remove by id in constant time

[ ] make a shortcut to declare transitions for many from states at once addTransition({ from = { "a", "b", "c", to = "d", condition = function () return true end}}) [ ] world is global and that bothers me

Player Refactor

GOAL: I want to be able to swap out the modules easily. Right now the modules for player live in the player folder with player.lua; I would like to be able to define modules that declare an interface and exist independently of the entity. For example, a different weapon or new movement FSM that could be swapped in.

During this refactor I would also like to use the recording system as a test battery. My goal will be to record a replay and run it after each set of changes. If this doesn't work, then I will work on the replay system until it does.


new bugs

[ ] regression: shoot animation stopped playing for mega_blasts - nope, it is actually just playing for a very short period. Probably something to do with the cool_down state [ ] Once this refactor is done, play with "TODO #1". The dash key is being forcibly released during calls to player#move, but commenting out this line doesn't seem to break the game (it does change things, though, since the replays break). [ ] XBuster should not lose its charge after rock is hit


[ ] I should be able to change the way a player moves by changing the movement module [ ] I should be able to change the way a player shoots by changing the x_buster module [ ] I should be able to change the way a player takes damage by changing the armor module

[x] reduce coupling between movement module and player [x] Remove world from Moveement Module [x] Remove world from ArmCannon [x] Pull some functions like "move" into the Movement module somehow

[ ] reduce coupling between arm_cannon and player [ ] change the way we use "world" in the player and module code - basically, I'd like to not have to pass world around. We'll see how well this can be accomplished [ ] extract the common code for player and create Rock as a subclass [ ] FSM should be able to attach functions to a state after the fact as well as explicitly upon adding a state.


[ ] make the recorder accurate to within a fraction of a pixel - right now recordings stay accurate to within 1 pixel over longish periods. - make a recording of a 4 full player game and see if the accuracy is within 1 pixel. - try to make accuracy within 0.1 pixels


[x] We are losing collisions: sometimes I will shoot twice, and only one collision will be detected - hmm... but actually the bullets would still get removed when the left the screen so that can't be it... maybe the bullet object is never added? - moving the bullet creation code into the arm cannon resolved this: it was keydrops causing trouble again [x] A second shooting animation plays parallel to some of megaman's animations [x] switch to and from shooting animation based on the inactive state [x] The X-Buster should only enter shoot states when it can actually produce bullets. [x] limit the number of charge shots [x] bullets should collide with obstacles too

[x] Replay 1 still demonstrates a dropped charge shot [ ] bullets need animations too [ ] track bullets in a pool and ensure limits are respected

Shooting: Animation

[ ] bullets animation should trail behind their collision box, so the tip of the bullet should always be in the same position on the sprite [ ] blasts and mega_blasts are initially slower than pellets, during the muzzle flair animation, but then speed up: - blasts match pellet speed - mega_blasts overtake pellets


[x] Can somehow jump from air-dash again? [x] Regression: I seem to be able to fire multiple blasts again? [x] bug: I can mash shoot to release a constant stream of blasts

The keydrop saga

Two problems:

  • running "always" transitions in response to irrelevant keyreleased events
  • keys go from "pressed" to "held" in the update, so if we depend on keys being not held we run the risk of transitioning out of a state that we should have stayed in because another key was pressed before the update set holding to true.


  • wrap the x_buster keyreleased call and ensure it is only called when the key is "SHOOT".
    • another solution would be to do some additional check in the condition
  • set the key to pressed at the beginning of a keypressed event, and to held at the end. Set the key to released at the beginning of a keyreleased event and to false at the end. This work used to be done in the player update function.


  • the first problem is probably still a problem. I solved it with a band-aid around the x_buster keyreleased call in player's keyreleased callback. So there might be other "always" transitions that will suffer a similar fate.
  • the second problem is kind of a special case of the first: there is no way to avoid checking for state transitions during irrelevant key events because there is no way to know ahead of time what key event will be "irrelevant" to a particular state.
  • my solution to the second problem is a good one. It is code that I think we needed. It does not, however, address the problem in its entirety (in the sense mentioned immediately above).


[ ] When megaman is damaged, he should not be able to wall jump and shoot and charge [x] megaman should lose charge when damaged [ ] when megamans hit each other they should both take damage (this failed once) [x] When megaman wall jumps in the crook, he gets trapped forever [x] megaman should lose charge when damaged [x] Megaman loses shots when mashing keys [x] Megaman loses jumps when mashing keys [x] Megaman does a little dance when jump and dash are mashed - not a bug: when you mash dash and jump you get a little air (like, a pixel) and this cause you to fall for one frame when you come out of the dash. - we could ensure that the animation for falling doesn't run, but that is quite the hefty special case


[x] resolve the air-dash issues. (Draw a diagram for transitions from dashing) [x] In megaman X, while in the falling to standing transition, megaman can't jump. Any jump presses made during this transition are... DELAYED UNTIL IT IS FINISHED - he can jump normally if we skips that animation by landing into a run - will not fix [x] when megaman touches a wall his falling animation should run fast, then he clings [x] megaman bounces like a gimp when standing at the base of a wall [x] A second shooting animation plays parallel to some of megaman's animations [x] switch to and from shooting animation based on the inactive state [ ] when megaman is climbing and presses away from the wall (but still also pressing towards) he should get a little push away (about half his senses distance) (see the game) [x] when running and then push the opposite direction but without letting go of the original run direction, megaman goes to standing and faces in the original run direction.


[x] Should store position data, and bark if it gets out of sync [x] include a command to restart the game [x] write macros to a file, and then recall them [x] pressing q should start the recording, and then any other number key should choose what macro name to use. [x] however, VHS should not record these keypresses: it should only record controller input

[x] add asserts for testing against position data [x] The recordings all live in a track_list.lua file, and are a table of recordings indexed by that number [x] +/- should change the rate at which game.update gets called, slowing or speeding up the game [x] The game should "re-init" in the start init [x] VHS should store all the relevant position information, so that we can make assertsions about it. - padding is still good enough: we only need to make assertions after significant updates

[ ] Accept command-line args for playback rate, track file, and track [ ] the keypress functions needs to be moved into the game_state, as is right [x] Megaman should die immediately upon falling off the screen


The was once a monsterjam, I guess?


The Dead (working title) is a game in which the player takes on the role of a boss from megaman X, and must defeat megaman... again and again. In this minimal version we will have:

  1. The boss room, with Chill Penguin waiting
  2. the door slides up, and megaman enters
  3. the battle begins
  4. the player can use number keys to activate Chill Penguins abilities, and a cool-down will regulate their use
  5. megaman will be controlled by an AI that prioritizes shooting at the boss and not being hit
  6. if megaman loses, he explodes and we go back to step 1
  7. if megaman wins, the boss explodes and megaman teleports away

[ ] Entities for the player and boss [ ] Walls and a floor [ ] Physics and collision detection/resolution - the room should just be a rectangular bounding box [ ] Movement routines for the boss [ ] press 1. to slide across the room and back [ ] press 2. to shoot continuously [ ] to begin with megaman should be player controlled, so that we can tweak the physics, jump height etc... [ ] AI that makes local decisions based on its priorities

[ ] UI with health bars and the numbered abilities and cool-downs [ ] Music [ ] Sound effects [ ] Rad sprites and animations

How To AI

Maybe megaman has priorities: face the boss, maximize distance to the boss, stand so that shots hit the boss, don't get hit. At each moment, the buttons that megaman should be holding down could then be based on these priorities. As bullets get closer, the priority of holding the jump button increases. When the bullet is directly below megaman, the priority of jumping goes down, and the button gets released.

  • by default megaman is rapidly pressing the shoot button
  • face the enemy
  • avoid bullets by jumping over them
  • maybe in different states the enemy can count as a bullet (so when chill penguin is sliding megaman just treats him like a bullet)
  • distance from megaman to the boss should be maximized

[ ] megaman should be able to query the world for the distance to the nearest bullet, the position of the boss, and the bosses state. [ ] The world should have a method like, query(name) that returns whatever serialized data that entity exposes. So Chill Penguin should expose its position, and state. [ ] a method like nearest(name) that returns the position of the nearest thing with "name". Maybe name could be "power-up" or "bullet". - It should also return the bounding box so megaman can jump over objects of different sizes