Releases: vatlab/sos
Release of 0.6.4
This release comes with a new parameter syntax and spyder support.
First release with a working Jupyter kernel
This release comes with a Jupyter kernel so that you can use SoS interactively. Please refer to 'Interactive SoS` in the documentation section for details.
Release of version 0.6.2, with reporting features
This release includes a new reporting feature that allows users to write report with the analysis.
Various small improvements
0.6.1 Prepare 0.6.1 release
Better linux support and dynamic input and output
This version fixes docker support under linux where selinux might disallow the execution of mounted script. It also supports dynamic input and output where input and output are determined at run time.
More stable docker support and some bug fixes
0.5.9 Update Python version requirement; bump SoS version
Some bug fixes and action download.
This version fixes all pending bugs and improves docker related actions. It also introduces a download
action that can be used to download multiple resource files simultaneously.
Better docker and nested workflow support.
This release introduces three runtime options
Option docker_file
import a docker file, docker_image
pull or use an existing docker image, and docker_volumes
specified how to share local disks to the docker container. With docker_image
specified, all script-executing actions such as run
and python
would execute script inside the container.
This release also significantly changes the implementation of nested workflows. Its syntax has been changed from
[A=B+C: source='bc.sos']
sos_run('B+C', source='bc.sos')
for a cleaner syntax and more flexibility. Please refer to the SoS documentation for details.
Release of version 0.5.5
This version uses billiard module of Python Celery to address a problem with nested workflows. It also adds a lot more actions for the execution of different types of scripts.
Version 0.5.4
This version changes the name and scope of step variables