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File metadata and controls

59 lines (44 loc) · 1.66 KB


This module is used to create serverless aws aurora cluster with either aurora-mysql or aurora-postgresql as database engine.

This module creates a VPC. Atleast 3 subnet CIDR's need to be passed in, to create private subnets with no internet access to and fro.

Note: Currently Postgresql 10.7 and MySQL 5.6.10a are only specific engine versions supported for serverless.


module "aurora_serverless" {
  allowed_security_groups = ["sg-083a4322855cb3f6f"]
  apply_immediately       = true
  database_name           = "foobar"
  engine                  = "aurora-postgresql"
  engine_version          = "10.7"
  monitoring_interval     = 10
  name                    = "test-postgresql"

  scaling_configuration = {
    auto_pause               = false
    max_capacity             = 16
    min_capacity             = 2
    seconds_until_auto_pause = 300
    timeout_action           = "ForceApplyCapacityChange"

  skip_final_snapshot = true
  storage_encrypted   = true
  source              = "Quinovas/aurora-serverless/aws"

  tags = {
    Terraform = true
    Purpose   = "RDS Aurora Serverless Cluster"

  vpc_config = {
    azs              = slice(data.aws_availability_zones.current.names, 0, 3)
    cidr_block       = ""
    database_subnets = ["", "", ""]

  vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-074f385d08f152856"]

data "aws_availability_zones" "current" {
  state = "available"


Module is maintained by QuiNovas


Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 ( See LICENSE for full details.