This is a Helm chart to install Vald components.
Current chart version is v1.7.5
Add Vald Helm repository
$ helm repo add vald
Run the following command to install the chart,
$ helm install vald-cluster vald/vald
is composed of the following sections:
- default configurations of common parts
- be overridden by the fields in each components' configurations
- configurations of gateways
- configurations of gateways
- configurations of vald-agent
- configurations of vald-discoverer
- configurations of manager components
- configurations of manager components
Key | Type | Default | Description |
agent.affinity.nodeAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
node affinity preferred scheduling terms |
agent.affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms | list | [] |
node affinity required node selectors |
agent.affinity.podAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity preferred scheduling terms |
agent.affinity.podAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity required scheduling terms |
agent.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"app","operator":"In","values":["vald-agent-ngt"]}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}] |
pod anti-affinity preferred scheduling terms |
agent.affinity.podAntiAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod anti-affinity required scheduling terms |
agent.annotations | object | {} |
deployment annotations |
agent.enabled | bool | true |
agent enabled |
agent.env | list | [{"name":"MY_NODE_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"spec.nodeName"}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":""}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAMESPACE","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"metadata.namespace"}}}] |
environment variables |
agent.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "" |
external traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local |
agent.hpa.enabled | bool | false |
HPA enabled |
agent.hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
HPA CPU utilization percentage |
agent.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
image pull policy |
agent.image.repository | string | "vdaas/vald-agent-ngt" |
image repository |
agent.image.tag | string | "" |
image tag (overrides defaults.image.tag) |
agent.initContainers | list | [] |
init containers |
agent.kind | string | "StatefulSet" |
deployment kind: Deployment, DaemonSet or StatefulSet |
agent.logging | object | {} |
logging config (overrides defaults.logging) |
agent.maxReplicas | int | 300 |
maximum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, this value will be ignored. |
agent.maxUnavailable | string | "1" |
maximum number of unavailable replicas |
agent.minReplicas | int | 20 |
minimum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, the replicas will be set to this value | | string | "vald-agent-ngt" |
name of agent deployment |
agent.ngt.auto_create_index_pool_size | int | 10000 |
batch process pool size of automatic create index operation |
agent.ngt.auto_index_check_duration | string | "30m" |
check duration of automatic indexing |
agent.ngt.auto_index_duration_limit | string | "24h" |
limit duration of automatic indexing |
agent.ngt.auto_index_length | int | 100 |
number of cache to trigger automatic indexing |
agent.ngt.auto_save_index_duration | string | "35m" |
duration of automatic save index |
agent.ngt.bulk_insert_chunk_size | int | 10 |
bulk insert chunk size |
agent.ngt.creation_edge_size | int | 20 |
creation edge size |
agent.ngt.default_epsilon | float | 0.1 |
default epsilon used for search |
agent.ngt.default_pool_size | int | 10000 |
default create index batch pool size |
agent.ngt.default_radius | float | -1 |
default radius used for search |
agent.ngt.dimension | int | 4096 |
vector dimension |
agent.ngt.distance_type | string | "l2" |
distance type. it should be l1 , l2 , angle , hamming , cosine ,poincare , lorentz , jaccard , sparsejaccard , normalizedangle or normalizedcosine . for further details about NGT libraries supported distance is and vald agent's supported NGT distance type is |
agent.ngt.enable_copy_on_write | bool | false |
enable copy on write saving for more stable backup |
agent.ngt.enable_in_memory_mode | bool | true |
in-memory mode enabled |
agent.ngt.enable_proactive_gc | bool | false |
enable proactive GC call for reducing heap memory allocation |
agent.ngt.index_path | string | "" |
path to index data |
agent.ngt.initial_delay_max_duration | string | "3m" |
maximum duration for initial delay |
agent.ngt.kvsdb.concurrency | int | 6 |
kvsdb processing concurrency |
agent.ngt.load_index_timeout_factor | string | "1ms" |
a factor of load index timeout. timeout duration will be calculated by (index count to be loaded) * (factor). |
agent.ngt.max_load_index_timeout | string | "10m" |
maximum duration of load index timeout |
agent.ngt.min_load_index_timeout | string | "3m" |
minimum duration of load index timeout |
agent.ngt.object_type | string | "float" |
object type. it should be float or uint8 or float16 . for further details: |
agent.ngt.search_edge_size | int | 10 |
search edge size |
agent.ngt.vqueue.delete_buffer_pool_size | int | 5000 |
delete slice pool buffer size |
agent.ngt.vqueue.insert_buffer_pool_size | int | 10000 |
insert slice pool buffer size |
agent.nodeName | string | "" |
node name |
agent.nodeSelector | object | {} |
node selector |
agent.observability | object | {"otlp":{"attribute":{"service_name":"vald-agent-ngt"}}} |
observability config (overrides defaults.observability) |
agent.persistentVolume.accessMode | string | "ReadWriteOncePod" |
agent pod storage accessMode |
agent.persistentVolume.enabled | bool | false |
enables PVC. It is required to enable if agent pod's file store functionality is enabled with non in-memory mode |
agent.persistentVolume.mountPropagation | string | "None" |
agent pod storage mountPropagation |
agent.persistentVolume.size | string | "100Gi" |
size of agent pod volume |
agent.persistentVolume.storageClass | string | "vald-sc" |
storageClass name for agent pod volume |
agent.podAnnotations | object | {} |
pod annotations |
agent.podManagementPolicy | string | "OrderedReady" |
pod management policy: OrderedReady or Parallel |
agent.podPriority.enabled | bool | true |
agent pod PriorityClass enabled |
agent.podPriority.value | int | 1000000000 |
agent pod PriorityClass value |
agent.podSecurityContext | object | {"fsGroup":65532,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch","runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for pod |
agent.progressDeadlineSeconds | int | 600 |
progress deadline seconds |
agent.resources | object | {"requests":{"cpu":"300m","memory":"4Gi"}} |
compute resources. recommended setting of memory requests = cluster memory * 0.4 / number of agent pods |
agent.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 2 |
number of old history to retain to allow rollback |
agent.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | string | "25%" |
max surge of rolling update |
agent.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | string | "25%" |
max unavailable of rolling update |
agent.rollingUpdate.partition | int | 0 |
StatefulSet partition |
agent.securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":false,"runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for container |
agent.server_config | object | {"healths":{"liveness":{},"readiness":{},"startup":{"startupProbe":{"failureThreshold":200,"periodSeconds":5}}},"metrics":{"pprof":{}},"servers":{"grpc":{},"rest":{}}} |
server config (overrides defaults.server_config) |
agent.service.annotations | object | {} |
service annotations |
agent.service.labels | object | {} |
service labels |
agent.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
service type: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort |
agent.sidecar.config.auto_backup_duration | string | "24h" |
auto backup duration |
agent.sidecar.config.auto_backup_enabled | bool | true |
auto backup triggered by timer is enabled |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.bucket | string | "" |
bucket name |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.client.credentials_file_path | string | "" |
credentials file path |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.client.credentials_json | string | "" |
credentials json |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.url | string | "" |
cloud storage url |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.write_buffer_size | int | 0 |
bytes of the chunks for upload |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.write_cache_control | string | "" |
Cache-Control of HTTP Header |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.write_content_disposition | string | "" |
Content-Disposition of HTTP Header |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.write_content_encoding | string | "" |
the encoding of the blob's content |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.write_content_language | string | "" |
the language of blob's content |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.cloud_storage.write_content_type | string | "" |
MIME type of the blob |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.access_key | string | "_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_" |
s3 access key |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.enable_100_continue | bool | true |
enable AWS SDK adding the 'Expect: 100-Continue' header to PUT requests over 2MB of content. |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.enable_content_md5_validation | bool | true |
enable the S3 client to add MD5 checksum to upload API calls. |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.enable_endpoint_discovery | bool | false |
enable endpoint discovery |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.enable_endpoint_host_prefix | bool | true |
enable prefixing request endpoint hosts with modeled information |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.enable_param_validation | bool | true |
enables semantic parameter validation |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.enable_ssl | bool | true |
enable ssl for s3 session |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.endpoint | string | "" |
s3 endpoint |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.force_path_style | bool | false |
use path-style addressing |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.max_chunk_size | string | "64mb" |
s3 download max chunk size |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.max_part_size | string | "64mb" |
s3 multipart upload max part size |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.max_retries | int | 3 |
maximum number of retries of s3 client |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.region | string | "" |
s3 region |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.secret_access_key | string | "_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_" |
s3 secret access key |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.token | string | "" |
s3 token |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.use_accelerate | bool | false |
enable s3 accelerate feature |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.use_arn_region | bool | false |
s3 service client to use the region specified in the ARN |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.s3.use_dual_stack | bool | false |
use dual stack |
agent.sidecar.config.blob_storage.storage_type | string | "s3" |
storage type | | bool | false |
HTTP client TCP dialer dual stack enabled | | string | "5m" |
HTTP client TCP dialer keep alive | | string | "5s" |
HTTP client TCP dialer connect timeout | | bool | true |
HTTP client TCP DNS cache enabled | | string | "24h" |
| | string | "1h" |
HTTP client TCP DNS cache expiration | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_fast_open functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality | | string | "/path/to/ca" |
TLS ca path | | string | "/path/to/cert" |
TLS cert path | | bool | false |
TLS enabled | | bool | false |
enable/disable skip SSL certificate verification | | string | "/path/to/key" |
TLS key path |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.backoff.backoff_factor | float | 1.1 |
backoff backoff factor |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.backoff.backoff_time_limit | string | "5s" |
backoff time limit |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.backoff.enable_error_log | bool | true |
backoff error log enabled |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.backoff.initial_duration | string | "5ms" |
backoff initial duration |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.backoff.jitter_limit | string | "100ms" |
backoff jitter limit |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.backoff.maximum_duration | string | "5s" |
backoff maximum duration |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.backoff.retry_count | int | 100 |
backoff retry count |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.expect_continue_timeout | string | "5s" |
expect continue timeout |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.force_attempt_http_2 | bool | true |
force attempt HTTP2 |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.idle_conn_timeout | string | "90s" |
timeout for idle connections |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.max_conns_per_host | int | 10 |
maximum count of connections per host |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.max_idle_conns | int | 100 |
maximum count of idle connections |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.max_idle_conns_per_host | int | 10 |
maximum count of idle connections per host |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.max_response_header_size | int | 0 |
maximum response header size |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.read_buffer_size | int | 0 |
read buffer size |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.response_header_timeout | string | "5s" |
timeout for response header |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.tls_handshake_timeout | string | "5s" |
TLS handshake timeout |
agent.sidecar.config.client.transport.round_tripper.write_buffer_size | int | 0 |
write buffer size |
agent.sidecar.config.compress.compress_algorithm | string | "gzip" |
compression algorithm. must be gob , gzip , lz4 or zstd |
agent.sidecar.config.compress.compression_level | int | -1 |
compression level. value range relies on which algorithm is used. gob : level will be ignored. gzip : -1 (default compression), 0 (no compression), or 1 (best speed) to 9 (best compression). lz4 : >= 0, higher is better compression. zstd : 1 (fastest) to 22 (best), however implementation relies on klauspost/compress. |
agent.sidecar.config.filename | string | "_MY_POD_NAME_" |
backup filename |
agent.sidecar.config.filename_suffix | string | ".tar.gz" |
suffix for backup filename |
agent.sidecar.config.post_stop_timeout | string | "2m" |
timeout for observing file changes during post stop |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff.backoff_factor | float | 1.2 |
restore backoff factor |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff.backoff_time_limit | string | "30m" |
restore backoff time limit |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff.enable_error_log | bool | true |
restore backoff log enabled |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff.initial_duration | string | "1s" |
restore backoff initial duration |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff.jitter_limit | string | "10s" |
restore backoff jitter limit |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff.maximum_duration | string | "1m" |
restore backoff maximum duration |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff.retry_count | int | 100 |
restore backoff retry count |
agent.sidecar.config.restore_backoff_enabled | bool | false |
restore backoff enabled |
agent.sidecar.config.watch_enabled | bool | true |
auto backup triggered by file changes is enabled |
agent.sidecar.enabled | bool | false |
sidecar enabled |
agent.sidecar.env | list | [{"name":"MY_NODE_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"spec.nodeName"}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":""}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAMESPACE","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"metadata.namespace"}}},{"name":"AWS_ACCESS_KEY","valueFrom":{"secretKeyRef":{"key":"access-key","name":"aws-secret"}}},{"name":"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY","valueFrom":{"secretKeyRef":{"key":"secret-access-key","name":"aws-secret"}}}] |
environment variables |
agent.sidecar.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
image pull policy |
agent.sidecar.image.repository | string | "vdaas/vald-agent-sidecar" |
image repository |
agent.sidecar.image.tag | string | "" |
image tag (overrides defaults.image.tag) |
agent.sidecar.initContainerEnabled | bool | false |
sidecar on initContainer mode enabled. |
agent.sidecar.logging | object | {} |
logging config (overrides defaults.logging) | | string | "vald-agent-sidecar" |
name of agent sidecar |
agent.sidecar.observability | object | {"otlp":{"attribute":{"service_name":"vald-agent-sidecar"}}} |
observability config (overrides defaults.observability) |
agent.sidecar.resources | object | {"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"100Mi"}} |
compute resources. |
agent.sidecar.server_config | object | {"healths":{"liveness":{"enabled":false,"port":13000,"servicePort":13000},"readiness":{"enabled":false,"port":13001,"servicePort":13001},"startup":{"enabled":false,"port":13001}},"metrics":{"pprof":{"port":16060,"servicePort":16060}},"servers":{"grpc":{"enabled":false,"port":18081,"servicePort":18081},"rest":{"enabled":false,"port":18080,"servicePort":18080}}} |
server config (overrides defaults.server_config) |
agent.sidecar.service.annotations | object | {} |
agent sidecar service annotations |
agent.sidecar.service.enabled | bool | false |
agent sidecar service enabled |
agent.sidecar.service.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "" |
external traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local |
agent.sidecar.service.labels | object | {} |
agent sidecar service labels |
agent.sidecar.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
service type: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort |
agent.sidecar.time_zone | string | "" |
Time zone |
agent.sidecar.version | string | "v0.0.0" |
version of agent sidecar config |
agent.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | 120 |
duration in seconds pod needs to terminate gracefully |
agent.time_zone | string | "" |
Time zone |
agent.tolerations | list | [] |
tolerations |
agent.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
topology spread constraints for agent pods |
agent.version | string | "v0.0.0" |
version of agent config |
agent.volumeMounts | list | [] |
volume mounts |
agent.volumes | list | [] |
volumes |
defaults.grpc.client.addrs | list | [] |
gRPC client addresses |
defaults.grpc.client.backoff.backoff_factor | float | 1.1 |
gRPC client backoff factor |
defaults.grpc.client.backoff.backoff_time_limit | string | "5s" |
gRPC client backoff time limit |
defaults.grpc.client.backoff.enable_error_log | bool | true |
gRPC client backoff log enabled |
defaults.grpc.client.backoff.initial_duration | string | "5ms" |
gRPC client backoff initial duration |
defaults.grpc.client.backoff.jitter_limit | string | "100ms" |
gRPC client backoff jitter limit |
defaults.grpc.client.backoff.maximum_duration | string | "5s" |
gRPC client backoff maximum duration |
defaults.grpc.client.backoff.retry_count | int | 100 |
gRPC client backoff retry count |
defaults.grpc.client.call_option.max_recv_msg_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client call option max receive message size |
defaults.grpc.client.call_option.max_retry_rpc_buffer_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client call option max retry rpc buffer size |
defaults.grpc.client.call_option.max_send_msg_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client call option max send message size |
defaults.grpc.client.call_option.wait_for_ready | bool | true |
gRPC client call option wait for ready |
defaults.grpc.client.circuit_breaker.closed_error_rate | float | 0.7 |
gRPC client circuitbreaker closed error rate |
defaults.grpc.client.circuit_breaker.closed_refresh_timeout | string | "10s" |
gRPC client circuitbreaker closed refresh timeout |
defaults.grpc.client.circuit_breaker.half_open_error_rate | float | 0.5 |
gRPC client circuitbreaker half-open error rate |
defaults.grpc.client.circuit_breaker.min_samples | int | 1000 |
gRPC client circuitbreaker minimum sampling count |
defaults.grpc.client.circuit_breaker.open_timeout | string | "1s" |
gRPC client circuitbreaker open timeout |
defaults.grpc.client.connection_pool.enable_dns_resolver | bool | true |
enables gRPC client connection pool dns resolver, when enabled vald uses ip handshake exclude dns discovery which improves network performance |
defaults.grpc.client.connection_pool.enable_rebalance | bool | true |
enables gRPC client connection pool rebalance |
defaults.grpc.client.connection_pool.old_conn_close_duration | string | "2m" |
makes delay before gRPC client connection closing during connection pool rebalance |
defaults.grpc.client.connection_pool.rebalance_duration | string | "30m" |
gRPC client connection pool rebalance duration |
defaults.grpc.client.connection_pool.size | int | 3 |
gRPC client connection pool size |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.backoff_base_delay | string | "1s" |
gRPC client dial option base backoff delay |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.backoff_jitter | float | 0.2 |
gRPC client dial option base backoff delay |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.backoff_max_delay | string | "120s" |
gRPC client dial option max backoff delay |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.backoff_multiplier | float | 1.6 |
gRPC client dial option base backoff delay |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.enable_backoff | bool | false |
gRPC client dial option backoff enabled |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.initial_connection_window_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client dial option initial connection window size |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.initial_window_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client dial option initial window size |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.insecure | bool | true |
gRPC client dial option insecure enabled |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.interceptors | list | [] |
gRPC client interceptors |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.keepalive.permit_without_stream | bool | true |
gRPC client keep alive permit without stream |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.keepalive.time | string | "120s" |
gRPC client keep alive time |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.keepalive.timeout | string | "30s" |
gRPC client keep alive timeout |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.max_msg_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client dial option max message size |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.min_connection_timeout | string | "20s" |
gRPC client dial option minimum connection timeout | | bool | true |
gRPC client TCP dialer dual stack enabled | | string | "" |
gRPC client TCP dialer keep alive | | string | "" |
gRPC client TCP dialer timeout | | bool | true |
gRPC client TCP DNS cache enabled | | string | "1h" |
gRPC client TCP DNS cache expiration | | string | "30m" |
gRPC client TCP DNS cache refresh duration | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_fast_open functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality | | string | "/path/to/ca" |
TLS ca path | | string | "/path/to/cert" |
TLS cert path | | bool | false |
TLS enabled | | bool | false |
enable/disable skip SSL certificate verification | | string | "/path/to/key" |
TLS key path |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.read_buffer_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client dial option read buffer size |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.timeout | string | "" |
gRPC client dial option timeout |
defaults.grpc.client.dial_option.write_buffer_size | int | 0 |
gRPC client dial option write buffer size |
defaults.grpc.client.health_check_duration | string | "1s" |
gRPC client health check duration | | string | "/path/to/ca" |
TLS ca path |
defaults.grpc.client.tls.cert | string | "/path/to/cert" |
TLS cert path |
defaults.grpc.client.tls.enabled | bool | false |
TLS enabled |
defaults.grpc.client.tls.insecure_skip_verify | bool | false |
enable/disable skip SSL certificate verification |
defaults.grpc.client.tls.key | string | "/path/to/key" |
TLS key path |
defaults.image.tag | string | "v1.7.5" |
docker image tag |
defaults.logging.format | string | "raw" |
logging format. logging format must be raw or json |
defaults.logging.level | string | "debug" |
logging level. logging level must be debug , info , warn , error or fatal . |
defaults.logging.logger | string | "glg" |
logger name. currently logger must be glg or zap . |
defaults.observability.enabled | bool | false |
observability features enabled |
defaults.observability.metrics.enable_cgo | bool | true |
CGO metrics enabled |
defaults.observability.metrics.enable_goroutine | bool | true |
goroutine metrics enabled |
defaults.observability.metrics.enable_memory | bool | true |
memory metrics enabled |
defaults.observability.metrics.enable_version_info | bool | true |
version info metrics enabled |
defaults.observability.metrics.version_info_labels | list | ["vald_version","server_name","git_commit","build_time","go_version","go_os","go_arch","ngt_version"] |
enabled label names of version info |
defaults.observability.otlp.attribute | object | {"namespace":"_MY_POD_NAMESPACE_","node_name":"_MY_NODE_NAME_","pod_name":"_MY_POD_NAME_","service_name":"vald"} |
default resource attribute |
defaults.observability.otlp.attribute.namespace | string | "_MY_POD_NAMESPACE_" |
namespace |
defaults.observability.otlp.attribute.node_name | string | "_MY_NODE_NAME_" |
node name |
defaults.observability.otlp.attribute.pod_name | string | "_MY_POD_NAME_" |
pod name |
defaults.observability.otlp.attribute.service_name | string | "vald" |
service name |
defaults.observability.otlp.collector_endpoint | string | "" |
OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint |
defaults.observability.otlp.metrics_export_interval | string | "1s" |
metrics export interval |
defaults.observability.otlp.metrics_export_timeout | string | "1m" |
metrics export timeout |
defaults.observability.otlp.trace_batch_timeout | string | "1s" |
trace batch timeout |
defaults.observability.otlp.trace_export_timeout | string | "1m" |
trace export timeout |
defaults.observability.otlp.trace_max_export_batch_size | int | 1024 |
trace maximum export batch size |
defaults.observability.otlp.trace_max_queue_size | int | 256 |
trace maximum queue size |
defaults.observability.trace.enabled | bool | false |
trace enabled |
defaults.server_config.full_shutdown_duration | string | "600s" |
server full shutdown duration |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.enabled | bool | true |
liveness server enabled | | string | "" |
liveness server host |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 2 |
liveness probe failure threshold |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/liveness" |
liveness probe path |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.httpGet.port | string | "liveness" |
liveness probe port |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.httpGet.scheme | string | "HTTP" |
liveness probe scheme |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
liveness probe initial delay seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 3 |
liveness probe period seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
liveness probe success threshold |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 2 |
liveness probe timeout seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.port | int | 3000 |
liveness server port |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.http.handler_timeout | string | "" |
liveness server handler timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.http.idle_timeout | string | "" |
liveness server idle timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.http.read_header_timeout | string | "" |
liveness server read header timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.http.read_timeout | string | "" |
liveness server read timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.http.shutdown_duration | string | "5s" |
liveness server shutdown duration |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.http.write_timeout | string | "" |
liveness server write timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.mode | string | "" |
liveness server mode | | string | "tcp" |
mysql network |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.probe_wait_time | string | "3s" |
liveness server probe wait time |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.ip_recover_destination_addr | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.ip_transparent | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.reuse_addr | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.reuse_port | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.tcp_cork | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.tcp_defer_accept | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.tcp_fast_open | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_fast_open functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.tcp_no_delay | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_option.tcp_quick_ack | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.server.socket_path | string | "" |
mysql socket_path |
defaults.server_config.healths.liveness.servicePort | int | 3000 |
liveness server service port |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.enabled | bool | true |
readiness server enabled | | string | "" |
readiness server host |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.port | int | 3001 |
readiness server port |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 2 |
readiness probe failure threshold |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/readiness" |
readiness probe path |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | "readiness" |
readiness probe port |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.httpGet.scheme | string | "HTTP" |
readiness probe scheme |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
readiness probe initial delay seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 3 |
readiness probe period seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
readiness probe success threshold |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 2 |
readiness probe timeout seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.http.handler_timeout | string | "" |
readiness server handler timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.http.idle_timeout | string | "" |
readiness server idle timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.http.read_header_timeout | string | "" |
readiness server read header timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.http.read_timeout | string | "" |
readiness server read timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.http.shutdown_duration | string | "0s" |
readiness server shutdown duration |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.http.write_timeout | string | "" |
readiness server write timeout |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.mode | string | "" |
readiness server mode | | string | "tcp" |
mysql network |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.probe_wait_time | string | "3s" |
readiness server probe wait time |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.ip_recover_destination_addr | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.ip_transparent | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.reuse_addr | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.reuse_port | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.tcp_cork | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.tcp_defer_accept | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.tcp_fast_open | bool | true |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.tcp_no_delay | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_option.tcp_quick_ack | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.server.socket_path | string | "" |
mysql socket_path |
defaults.server_config.healths.readiness.servicePort | int | 3001 |
readiness server service port |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.enabled | bool | true |
startup server enabled |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.port | int | 3000 |
startup server port |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | 30 |
startup probe failure threshold |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.httpGet.path | string | "/liveness" |
startup probe path |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.httpGet.port | string | "liveness" |
startup probe port |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.httpGet.scheme | string | "HTTP" |
startup probe scheme |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
startup probe initial delay seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | 5 |
startup probe period seconds |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
startup probe success threshold |
defaults.server_config.healths.startup.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 2 |
startup probe timeout seconds |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.enabled | bool | false |
pprof server enabled | | string | "" |
pprof server host |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.port | int | 6060 |
pprof server port |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.http.handler_timeout | string | "5s" |
pprof server handler timeout |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.http.idle_timeout | string | "2s" |
pprof server idle timeout |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.http.read_header_timeout | string | "1s" |
pprof server read header timeout |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.http.read_timeout | string | "1s" |
pprof server read timeout |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.http.shutdown_duration | string | "5s" |
pprof server shutdown duration |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.http.write_timeout | string | "1m" |
pprof server write timeout |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.mode | string | "REST" |
pprof server mode | | string | "tcp" |
mysql network |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.probe_wait_time | string | "3s" |
pprof server probe wait time |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.ip_recover_destination_addr | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.ip_transparent | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.reuse_addr | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.reuse_port | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.tcp_cork | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.tcp_defer_accept | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.tcp_fast_open | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_fast_open functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.tcp_no_delay | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_option.tcp_quick_ack | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.server.socket_path | string | "" |
mysql socket_path |
defaults.server_config.metrics.pprof.servicePort | int | 6060 |
pprof server service port |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.enabled | bool | true |
gRPC server enabled | | string | "" |
gRPC server host |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.port | int | 8081 |
gRPC server port |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.bidirectional_stream_concurrency | int | 20 |
gRPC server bidirectional stream concurrency |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.connection_timeout | string | "" |
gRPC server connection timeout |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.enable_reflection | bool | true |
gRPC server reflection option |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.header_table_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server header table size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.initial_conn_window_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server initial connection window size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.initial_window_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server initial window size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.interceptors | list | ["RecoverInterceptor"] |
gRPC server interceptors |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.keepalive.max_conn_age | string | "" |
gRPC server keep alive max connection age |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.keepalive.max_conn_age_grace | string | "" |
gRPC server keep alive max connection age grace |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.keepalive.max_conn_idle | string | "" |
gRPC server keep alive max connection idle |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.keepalive.min_time | string | "60s" |
gRPC server keep alive min_time |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.keepalive.permit_without_stream | bool | true |
gRPC server keep alive permit_without_stream |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.keepalive.time | string | "120s" |
gRPC server keep alive time |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.keepalive.timeout | string | "30s" |
gRPC server keep alive timeout |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.max_header_list_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server max header list size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.max_receive_message_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server max receive message size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.max_send_message_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server max send message size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.read_buffer_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server read buffer size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.grpc.write_buffer_size | int | 0 |
gRPC server write buffer size |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.mode | string | "GRPC" |
gRPC server server mode | | string | "tcp" |
mysql network |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.probe_wait_time | string | "3s" |
gRPC server probe wait time |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.restart | bool | true |
gRPC server restart |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.ip_recover_destination_addr | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.ip_transparent | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.reuse_addr | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.reuse_port | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.tcp_cork | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.tcp_defer_accept | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.tcp_fast_open | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_fast_open functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.tcp_no_delay | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_option.tcp_quick_ack | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.server.socket_path | string | "" |
mysql socket_path |
defaults.server_config.servers.grpc.servicePort | int | 8081 |
gRPC server service port | | bool | false |
REST server enabled | | string | "" |
REST server host | | int | 8080 |
REST server port | | string | "5s" |
REST server handler timeout | | string | "2s" |
REST server idle timeout | | string | "1s" |
REST server read header timeout | | string | "1s" |
REST server read timeout | | string | "5s" |
REST server shutdown duration | | string | "1s" |
REST server write timeout | | string | "REST" |
REST server server mode | | string | "tcp" |
mysql network | | string | "3s" |
REST server probe wait time | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_fast_open functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality | | string | "" |
mysql socket_path | | int | 8080 |
REST server service port | | string | "/path/to/ca" |
TLS ca path |
defaults.server_config.tls.cert | string | "/path/to/cert" |
TLS cert path |
defaults.server_config.tls.enabled | bool | false |
TLS enabled |
defaults.server_config.tls.insecure_skip_verify | bool | false |
enable/disable skip SSL certificate verification |
defaults.server_config.tls.key | string | "/path/to/key" |
TLS key path |
defaults.time_zone | string | "UTC" |
Time zone |
discoverer.affinity.nodeAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
node affinity preferred scheduling terms |
discoverer.affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms | list | [] |
node affinity required node selectors |
discoverer.affinity.podAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity preferred scheduling terms |
discoverer.affinity.podAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity required scheduling terms |
discoverer.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"app","operator":"In","values":["vald-discoverer"]}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}] |
pod anti-affinity preferred scheduling terms |
discoverer.affinity.podAntiAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod anti-affinity required scheduling terms |
discoverer.annotations | object | {} |
deployment annotations |
discoverer.clusterRole.enabled | bool | true |
creates clusterRole resource | | string | "discoverer" |
name of clusterRole |
discoverer.clusterRoleBinding.enabled | bool | true |
creates clusterRoleBinding resource | | string | "discoverer" |
name of clusterRoleBinding |
discoverer.discoverer.discovery_duration | string | "3s" |
duration to discovery | | string | "" |
name to discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.namespace | string | "_MY_POD_NAMESPACE_" |
namespace to discovery | | bool | false |
TCP dialer dual stack enabled | | string | "10m" |
TCP dialer keep alive | | string | "30s" |
TCP dialer timeout | | bool | true |
TCP DNS cache enabled | | string | "24h" |
TCP DNS cache expiration | | string | "5m" |
TCP DNS cache refresh duration | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_recover_destination_addr functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for ip_transparent functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_addr functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for reuse_port functionality | | bool | false |
server listen socket option for tcp_cork functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_defer_accept functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_fast_open functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_no_delay functionality | | bool | true |
server listen socket option for tcp_quick_ack functionality | | string | "/path/to/ca" |
TLS ca path | | string | "/path/to/cert" |
TLS cert path | | bool | false |
TLS enabled | | bool | false |
enable/disable skip SSL certificate verification | | string | "/path/to/key" |
TLS key path |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors | object | {"node":{"fields":{},"labels":{}},"node_metrics":{"fields":{},"labels":{}},"pod":{"fields":{},"labels":{}},"pod_metrics":{"fields":{},"labels":{}}} |
k8s resource selectors |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.node | object | {"fields":{},"labels":{}} |
k8s resource selectors for node discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.node.fields | object | {} |
k8s field selectors for node discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.node.labels | object | {} |
k8s label selectors for node discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.node_metrics | object | {"fields":{},"labels":{}} |
k8s resource selectors for node_metrics discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.node_metrics.fields | object | {} |
k8s field selectors for node_metrics discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.node_metrics.labels | object | {} |
k8s label selectors for node_metrics discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.pod | object | {"fields":{},"labels":{}} |
k8s resource selectors for pod discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.pod.fields | object | {} |
k8s field selectors for pod discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.pod.labels | object | {} |
k8s label selectors for pod discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.pod_metrics | object | {"fields":{},"labels":{}} |
k8s resource selectors for pod_metrics discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.pod_metrics.fields | object | {} |
k8s field selectors for pod_metrics discovery |
discoverer.discoverer.selectors.pod_metrics.labels | object | {} |
k8s label selectors for pod_metrics discovery |
discoverer.enabled | bool | true |
discoverer enabled |
discoverer.env | list | [{"name":"MY_NODE_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"spec.nodeName"}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":""}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAMESPACE","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"metadata.namespace"}}}] |
environment variables |
discoverer.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "" |
external traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local |
discoverer.hpa.enabled | bool | false |
HPA enabled |
discoverer.hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
HPA CPU utilization percentage |
discoverer.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
image pull policy |
discoverer.image.repository | string | "vdaas/vald-discoverer-k8s" |
image repository |
discoverer.image.tag | string | "" |
image tag (overrides defaults.image.tag) |
discoverer.initContainers | list | [] |
init containers |
discoverer.internalTrafficPolicy | string | "" |
internal traffic policy : Cluster or Local |
discoverer.kind | string | "Deployment" |
deployment kind: Deployment or DaemonSet |
discoverer.logging | object | {} |
logging config (overrides defaults.logging) |
discoverer.maxReplicas | int | 2 |
maximum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, this value will be ignored. |
discoverer.maxUnavailable | string | "50%" |
maximum number of unavailable replicas |
discoverer.minReplicas | int | 1 |
minimum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, the replicas will be set to this value | | string | "vald-discoverer" |
name of discoverer deployment |
discoverer.nodeName | string | "" |
node name |
discoverer.nodeSelector | object | {} |
node selector |
discoverer.observability | object | {"otlp":{"attribute":{"service_name":"vald-discoverer"}}} |
observability config (overrides defaults.observability) |
discoverer.podAnnotations | object | {} |
pod annotations |
discoverer.podPriority.enabled | bool | true |
discoverer pod PriorityClass enabled |
discoverer.podPriority.value | int | 1000000 |
discoverer pod PriorityClass value |
discoverer.podSecurityContext | object | {"fsGroup":65532,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch","runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for pod |
discoverer.progressDeadlineSeconds | int | 600 |
progress deadline seconds |
discoverer.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"600m","memory":"200Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"65Mi"}} |
compute resources |
discoverer.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 2 |
number of old history to retain to allow rollback |
discoverer.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | string | "25%" |
max surge of rolling update |
discoverer.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | string | "25%" |
max unavailable of rolling update |
discoverer.securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for container |
discoverer.server_config | object | {"healths":{"liveness":{},"readiness":{},"startup":{}},"metrics":{"pprof":{}},"servers":{"grpc":{},"rest":{}}} |
server config (overrides defaults.server_config) |
discoverer.service.annotations | object | {} |
service annotations |
discoverer.service.labels | object | {} |
service labels |
discoverer.serviceAccount.enabled | bool | true |
creates service account | | string | "vald" |
name of service account |
discoverer.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
service type: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort |
discoverer.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | 30 |
duration in seconds pod needs to terminate gracefully |
discoverer.time_zone | string | "" |
Time zone |
discoverer.tolerations | list | [] |
tolerations |
discoverer.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
topology spread constraints of discoverer pods |
discoverer.version | string | "v0.0.0" |
version of discoverer config |
discoverer.volumeMounts | list | [] |
volume mounts |
discoverer.volumes | list | [] |
volumes |
gateway.filter.affinity.nodeAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
node affinity preferred scheduling terms |
gateway.filter.affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms | list | [] |
node affinity required node selectors |
gateway.filter.affinity.podAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity preferred scheduling terms |
gateway.filter.affinity.podAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity required scheduling terms |
gateway.filter.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"app","operator":"In","values":["vald-filter-gateway"]}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}] |
pod anti-affinity preferred scheduling terms |
gateway.filter.affinity.podAntiAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod anti-affinity required scheduling terms |
gateway.filter.annotations | object | {} |
deployment annotations |
gateway.filter.enabled | bool | false |
gateway enabled |
gateway.filter.env | list | [{"name":"MY_NODE_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"spec.nodeName"}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":""}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAMESPACE","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"metadata.namespace"}}}] |
environment variables |
gateway.filter.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "" |
external traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.egress_filter | object | {"client":{},"distance_filters":[],"object_filters":[]} |
gRPC client config for egress filter |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.egress_filter.client | object | {} |
gRPC client config for egress filter (overrides defaults.grpc.client) |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.egress_filter.distance_filters | list | [] |
distance egress vector filter targets |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.egress_filter.object_filters | list | [] |
object egress vector filter targets |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.gateway_client | object | {} |
gRPC client for next gateway (overrides defaults.grpc.client) |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.ingress_filter | object | {"client":{},"insert_filters":[],"search_filters":[],"update_filters":[],"upsert_filters":[],"vectorizer":""} |
gRPC client config for ingress filter |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.ingress_filter.client | object | {} |
gRPC client for ingress filter (overrides defaults.grpc.client) |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.ingress_filter.insert_filters | list | [] |
insert ingress vector filter targets |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.ingress_filter.search_filters | list | [] |
search ingress vector filter targets |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.ingress_filter.update_filters | list | [] |
update ingress vector filter targets |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.ingress_filter.upsert_filters | list | [] |
upsert ingress vector filter targets |
gateway.filter.gateway_config.ingress_filter.vectorizer | string | "" |
object ingress vectorize filter targets |
gateway.filter.hpa.enabled | bool | true |
HPA enabled |
gateway.filter.hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
HPA CPU utilization percentage |
gateway.filter.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
image pull policy |
gateway.filter.image.repository | string | "vdaas/vald-filter-gateway" |
image repository |
gateway.filter.image.tag | string | "" |
image tag (overrides defaults.image.tag) |
gateway.filter.ingress.annotations | object | {"":"true"} |
annotations for ingress |
gateway.filter.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
gateway ingress enabled | | string | "" |
ingress hostname |
gateway.filter.ingress.pathType | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
gateway ingress pathType |
gateway.filter.ingress.servicePort | string | "grpc" |
service port to be exposed by ingress |
gateway.filter.initContainers | list | [{"image":"busybox:stable","name":"wait-for-gateway-lb","sleepDuration":2,"target":"gateway-lb","type":"wait-for"}] |
init containers |
gateway.filter.internalTrafficPolicy | string | "" |
internal traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local |
gateway.filter.kind | string | "Deployment" |
deployment kind: Deployment or DaemonSet |
gateway.filter.logging | object | {} |
logging config (overrides defaults.logging) |
gateway.filter.maxReplicas | int | 9 |
maximum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, this value will be ignored. |
gateway.filter.maxUnavailable | string | "50%" |
maximum number of unavailable replicas |
gateway.filter.minReplicas | int | 3 |
minimum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, the replicas will be set to this value | | string | "vald-filter-gateway" |
name of filter gateway deployment |
gateway.filter.nodeName | string | "" |
node name |
gateway.filter.nodeSelector | object | {} |
node selector |
gateway.filter.observability | object | {"otlp":{"attribute":{"service_name":"vald-filter-gateway"}}} |
observability config (overrides defaults.observability) |
gateway.filter.podAnnotations | object | {} |
pod annotations |
gateway.filter.podPriority.enabled | bool | true |
gateway pod PriorityClass enabled |
gateway.filter.podPriority.value | int | 1000000 |
gateway pod PriorityClass value |
gateway.filter.podSecurityContext | object | {"fsGroup":65532,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch","runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for pod |
gateway.filter.progressDeadlineSeconds | int | 600 |
progress deadline seconds |
gateway.filter.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","memory":"700Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"150Mi"}} |
compute resources |
gateway.filter.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 2 |
number of old history to retain to allow rollback |
gateway.filter.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | string | "25%" |
max surge of rolling update |
gateway.filter.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | string | "25%" |
max unavailable of rolling update |
gateway.filter.securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for container |
gateway.filter.server_config | object | {"healths":{"liveness":{},"readiness":{},"startup":{}},"metrics":{"pprof":{}},"servers":{"grpc":{},"rest":{}}} |
server config (overrides defaults.server_config) |
gateway.filter.service.annotations | object | {} |
service annotations |
gateway.filter.service.labels | object | {} |
service labels |
gateway.filter.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
service type: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort |
gateway.filter.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | 30 |
duration in seconds pod needs to terminate gracefully |
gateway.filter.time_zone | string | "" |
Time zone |
gateway.filter.tolerations | list | [] |
tolerations |
gateway.filter.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
topology spread constraints of gateway pods |
gateway.filter.version | string | "v0.0.0" |
version of gateway config |
gateway.filter.volumeMounts | list | [] |
volume mounts |
gateway.filter.volumes | list | [] |
volumes | | list | [] |
node affinity preferred scheduling terms | | list | [] |
node affinity required node selectors | | list | [] |
pod affinity preferred scheduling terms | | list | [] |
pod affinity required scheduling terms | | list | [{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"app","operator":"In","values":["vald-lb-gateway"]}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}] |
pod anti-affinity preferred scheduling terms | | list | [] |
pod anti-affinity required scheduling terms | | object | {} |
deployment annotations | | bool | true |
gateway enabled | | list | [{"name":"MY_NODE_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"spec.nodeName"}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":""}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAMESPACE","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"metadata.namespace"}}}] |
environment variables | | string | "" |
external traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local | | string | "_MY_POD_NAMESPACE_" |
agent namespace | | object | {} |
gRPC client options for agents (overrides defaults.grpc.client) | | object | {} |
gRPC client for discoverer (overrides defaults.grpc.client) | | string | "200ms" |
| | int | 3 |
number of index replica | | int | 20 |
number of concurrency of multiXXX api's operation | | string | "" |
node name | | bool | true |
HPA enabled | | int | 80 |
HPA CPU utilization percentage | | string | "Always" |
image pull policy | | string | "vdaas/vald-lb-gateway" |
image repository | | string | "" |
image tag (overrides defaults.image.tag) | | object | {"":"true"} |
annotations for ingress | | bool | false |
gateway ingress enabled | | string | "" |
ingress hostname | | string | "ImplementationSpecific" |
gateway ingress pathType | | string | "grpc" |
service port to be exposed by ingress | | list | [{"image":"busybox:stable","name":"wait-for-discoverer","sleepDuration":2,"target":"discoverer","type":"wait-for"},{"image":"busybox:stable","name":"wait-for-agent","sleepDuration":2,"target":"agent","type":"wait-for"}] |
init containers | | string | "" |
internal traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local | | string | "Deployment" |
deployment kind: Deployment or DaemonSet | | object | {} |
logging config (overrides defaults.logging) | | int | 9 |
maximum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, this value will be ignored. | | string | "50%" |
maximum number of unavailable replicas | | int | 3 |
minimum number of replicas. if HPA is disabled, the replicas will be set to this value | | string | "vald-lb-gateway" |
name of gateway deployment | | string | "" |
node name | | object | {} |
node selector | | object | {"otlp":{"attribute":{"service_name":"vald-lb-gateway"}}} |
observability config (overrides defaults.observability) | | object | {} |
pod annotations | | bool | true |
gateway pod PriorityClass enabled | | int | 1000000 |
gateway pod PriorityClass value | | object | {"fsGroup":65532,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch","runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for pod | | int | 600 |
progress deadline seconds | | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","memory":"700Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"150Mi"}} |
compute resources | | int | 2 |
number of old history to retain to allow rollback | | string | "25%" |
max surge of rolling update | | string | "25%" |
max unavailable of rolling update | | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for container | | object | {"healths":{"liveness":{},"readiness":{},"startup":{}},"metrics":{"pprof":{}},"servers":{"grpc":{},"rest":{}}} |
server config (overrides defaults.server_config) | | object | {} |
service annotations | | object | {} |
service labels | | string | "ClusterIP" |
service type: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort | | int | 30 |
duration in seconds pod needs to terminate gracefully | | string | "" |
Time zone | | list | [] |
tolerations | | list | [] |
topology spread constraints of gateway pods | | string | "v0.0.0" |
version of gateway config | | list | [] |
volume mounts | | list | [] |
volumes |
manager.index.affinity.nodeAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
node affinity preferred scheduling terms |
manager.index.affinity.nodeAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.nodeSelectorTerms | list | [] |
node affinity required node selectors |
manager.index.affinity.podAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity preferred scheduling terms |
manager.index.affinity.podAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod affinity required scheduling terms |
manager.index.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod anti-affinity preferred scheduling terms |
manager.index.affinity.podAntiAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution | list | [] |
pod anti-affinity required scheduling terms |
manager.index.annotations | object | {} |
deployment annotations |
manager.index.enabled | bool | true |
index manager enabled |
manager.index.env | list | [{"name":"MY_NODE_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"spec.nodeName"}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAME","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":""}}},{"name":"MY_POD_NAMESPACE","valueFrom":{"fieldRef":{"fieldPath":"metadata.namespace"}}}] |
environment variables |
manager.index.externalTrafficPolicy | string | "" |
external traffic policy (can be specified when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort) : Cluster or Local |
manager.index.image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
image pull policy |
manager.index.image.repository | string | "vdaas/vald-manager-index" |
image repository |
manager.index.image.tag | string | "" |
image tag (overrides defaults.image.tag) |
manager.index.indexer.agent_namespace | string | "_MY_POD_NAMESPACE_" |
namespace of agent pods to manage |
manager.index.indexer.auto_index_check_duration | string | "1m" |
check duration of automatic indexing |
manager.index.indexer.auto_index_duration_limit | string | "30m" |
limit duration of automatic indexing |
manager.index.indexer.auto_index_length | int | 100 |
number of cache to trigger automatic indexing |
manager.index.indexer.auto_save_index_duration_limit | string | "3h" |
limit duration of automatic index saving |
manager.index.indexer.auto_save_index_wait_duration | string | "10m" |
duration of automatic index saving wait duration for next saving |
manager.index.indexer.concurrency | int | 1 |
concurrency |
manager.index.indexer.creation_pool_size | int | 10000 |
number of pool size of create index processing |
manager.index.indexer.discoverer.agent_client_options | object | {"dial_option":{"net":{"dialer":{"keepalive":"15m"}}}} |
gRPC client options for agents (overrides defaults.grpc.client) |
manager.index.indexer.discoverer.client | object | {} |
gRPC client for discoverer (overrides defaults.grpc.client) |
manager.index.indexer.discoverer.duration | string | "500ms" |
refresh duration to discover |
manager.index.indexer.node_name | string | "" |
node name |
manager.index.initContainers | list | [{"image":"busybox:stable","name":"wait-for-agent","sleepDuration":2,"target":"agent","type":"wait-for"},{"image":"busybox:stable","name":"wait-for-discoverer","sleepDuration":2,"target":"discoverer","type":"wait-for"}] |
init containers |
manager.index.kind | string | "Deployment" |
deployment kind: Deployment or DaemonSet |
manager.index.logging | object | {} |
logging config (overrides defaults.logging) |
manager.index.maxUnavailable | string | "50%" |
maximum number of unavailable replicas | | string | "vald-manager-index" |
name of index manager deployment |
manager.index.nodeName | string | "" |
node name |
manager.index.nodeSelector | object | {} |
node selector |
manager.index.observability | object | {"otlp":{"attribute":{"service_name":"vald-manager-index"}}} |
observability config (overrides defaults.observability) |
manager.index.podAnnotations | object | {} |
pod annotations |
manager.index.podPriority.enabled | bool | true |
index manager pod PriorityClass enabled |
manager.index.podPriority.value | int | 1000000 |
index manager pod PriorityClass value |
manager.index.podSecurityContext | object | {"fsGroup":65532,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch","runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for pod |
manager.index.progressDeadlineSeconds | int | 600 |
progress deadline seconds |
manager.index.replicas | int | 1 |
number of replicas |
manager.index.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"500Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"80Mi"}} |
compute resources |
manager.index.revisionHistoryLimit | int | 2 |
number of old history to retain to allow rollback |
manager.index.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | string | "25%" |
max surge of rolling update |
manager.index.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | string | "25%" |
max unavailable of rolling update |
manager.index.securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":65532,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65532} |
security context for container |
manager.index.server_config | object | {"healths":{"liveness":{},"readiness":{},"startup":{}},"metrics":{"pprof":{}},"servers":{"grpc":{},"rest":{}}} |
server config (overrides defaults.server_config) |
manager.index.service.annotations | object | {} |
service annotations |
manager.index.service.labels | object | {} |
service labels |
manager.index.serviceType | string | "ClusterIP" |
service type: ClusterIP, LoadBalancer or NodePort |
manager.index.terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | 30 |
duration in seconds pod needs to terminate gracefully |
manager.index.time_zone | string | "" |
Time zone |
manager.index.tolerations | list | [] |
tolerations |
manager.index.topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
topology spread constraints of index manager pods |
manager.index.version | string | "v0.0.0" |
version of index manager config |
manager.index.volumeMounts | list | [] |
volume mounts |
manager.index.volumes | list | [] |
volumes |