Initializes the Everlend market by the PoolMarket account. PoolMarket is a storage for single key - Manager. 'Manager' is a key which should be a tx signer when create new pools, and creating/update borrow authorities.
Initializes necessary accounts for creating a new pool, stores relevant keys, such as token_mint, token_account, pool_mint.
Initializes a PoolBorrowAuthority account, which is used by depositor contract to get liquidity from pool for depositing to money markets
Updates share_allowed for PoolBorrowAuthority account
Removes PoolBorrowAuthority account
Transfers spl tokens from user to pool (TokenAccount) and mints collateral token to user.
flowchart LR
A([Start]) --> CAS{Assert signer}
CAS --> DP[/pool<br>pool_token_account/]
DP --> AT[Transfer]
AT --> AM[Mint]
AM --> B([Stop])
flowchart LR
subgraph Funds flow
direction LR
U(User) --> GP([General Pool])
Move collateral tokens to transit account and create withdraw request
Burn collateral tokens and withdraw funds from the pool
User by Depositor to transfer spl tokens from GeneralPool to LiquidityTransitAccount using PoolBorrowAuthority
Return spl tokens back to GeneralPool from LiquidityTransitAccount