- PR (by @stringfellow) Use dynamic event handlers on elements to prevent nonce-based CSP errors (unsafe-inline disallowed) - #675
- PR (by m417z) Use proper jQuery objects instead of strings for better security - #630
- Added (by @misanek) "regex" filtering mode checkbox (currently available for the text filter) - #490
- Added babel transpiled version (es5) in /build folder
- Fixed cumulative filtering issue (not calling proper dt api / version)
- Added "column_selector" - more flexability in column selectors (instead of hard coded column_number)- #513
- Support for stateSave with serverSide currently only for filter_type: 'text'
- Support Date Range Picker plugin (datepicker_type: 'daterangepicker') - #537
- Added column_data_type: 'html5_data_complex' type to parse value/display from datatable html5 attributes - #581
- Added range_data_type: 'delimiter' , to allow range slider filter to handle multiple values per cell - #580
- Added initOnDtXhrComplete: Allows to set a callback function to be called after dt xhr finishes - #609
- Added initDefaults: Init global defaults for all yadcf instances. Usage example: yadcf.initDefaults({language: {select: 'Pick some'}}); thanks goes to @bytestream
- Misc bug fixed issues:
- #469 - Cannot apply style_class on date filter
- #470 - filter_delay not working on range_date
- #482 - Autocomplete is not reading filter_plugin_options
- #493 - Set the state preselected value only if the option exists in the select dropdown
- #510 - Can't handle null value case in deep data properties
- #522 - Selectize bug (initSelectPluginCustomTriggers 'select_type': 'custom_select' )
- #524 - range_date filter with bootstrap-datetimepicker date format issue (moment_date_format)
- #500 - multi_select not working "The select2('close') method was called on an element that is not using Select2.
- #530 - Using Select2 with ajax load multiselect my tags are removed instantly.
- #531 - Ctrl+A does not work inside text searches.
- #534 - initMultipleTables trows a TypeError: "tablesArray[i] is undefined"
- #540 - Individual Search Columns in the footer with ScrollX not searching properly
- #552 - Error when using orthogonal data and text_data_delimiter (support columns.data.filter)
- #554 - DT render not working properly - range number / slider filters
- #557 - startsWith being ignored when exclude option set
- #553 - Using orthogonal data and text_data_delimiter with columns.data function
- #535 - Feature request: DataTables Editor DateTime picker support.
- #562 - multi_select_custom_func not considered in exGetColumnFilterVal
- #564 - Error undefinded ColumnObj with ServerSide, Range_Number and Custom_Range_Delimiter
- #587 - Applying style_class to range_date uses the wrong element
- #602 - Filter not working on dynamic input in Firefox but in Chrome
- #603 - Date range with jquery-ui datepicker disables "future" dates even after they have been cleared
- #149 - forgot to define html5_data attribute column x error
- #612 - Pre Selecting an escaped value
- #610 - Configure globally
- #614 - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'yadcfState' of null
- and more
- Added support for col reorder in range filters - #429
- Added new datepicker_type: 'bootstrap-datepicker', (use it with moment library) make sure you set separate date format for the plugin and for moment library - see example is the github issue, #435
- Misc bug fixed issues: #422 - column_data_type html doesn't fallback to text #424 - Parsing html-lists in table-cells for use in filter #425 - Filter fails when using data-* #426 - Bug in column_inner_data_helper, related to #441 - Continue stabilzing integration with 'bootstrap-datepicker' #442 - Date picker is still shown on click of another input filed #450 - Select2 stay opened when clicking on another field #456 - beta 16 error Uncaught TypeError: Object.entries is not a function #459 - Empty lists with type 'selector' re-add previous list as object #455 - Data is hidden when initialising a range_number_slider on a fully data empty column #461 - Problem with ColReorder and column without filter #457 - new div is created every time date selected (date-range) + selection (inuse class) not removed when using clear button bug
- New filter type: date date custom, a date filter based on custom function, filter_type: "date_custom_func", #409
- Fixed language url / scrollX/Y filters does not load #292
- Some of additional fixed issues #328
- New feature - call a callback function after yadcf init is done - onInitComplete (read docs for more info)
- Add support for style_class attribute to range filters #405
- Misc bug fixed issues #399 / #389 / #404 #406 / #411 / #417
- Added support to AMD and CommonJS #356
- Improved filter values alpha numeric sorting, sort_as: "alphaNum"
- Fixed autocomplete in cumulative mode filtering
- Fixed chosen in cumulative mode filtering #344
- Support jQuery 3 (for .dataTable({}).yadcf api) #360
- Fixed chosen with serverSide: true #374
- Some of additional fixed issues #346 / #362 / #363
- Fixed autocomplete with dt in ajax source #282
- New option, omit_default_label - Prevent yadcf from adding "default_label" (Select value / Select values)
- Fixed destroy for multiple tables #293
- Allow selecting date and time (without closing filter) in date filtering #296
- Added global property - filters_tr_index: Allow to control the index of the inside the thead of the table, e.g when one is used for headers/sort and another is used for filters #297
- Fixed values with quotation marks filtered incorrectly by filter_type select #317
- Added moment_date_format for better parsing when using datepicker_type: 'bootstrap-datetimepicker'
- Support jQuery 3 #336
- Some of additional closed issues #295 / #308 / #314 #342 / #351 / #347
- Cumulative filtering - filter values are being populated from the filtered rows (remaining table data after filtering) #196
- Time (single / range) filtering is now possible (hh:mm / HH:mm when using datepicker_type: 'bootstrap-datetimepicker') #168
- Added initSelectPluginCustomTriggers - Allows to set any select jquery plugin initialize and refresh functions.(PR by gauravjhs)
- Fixed auto complete filter
- Fixed select2 (v.4.x) with server side processing #216
- Fixed select2 reset #232
- Destroy third party plugins on datatable destroy #213
- Prevent column sort when hitting Enter in filter #233
- Added data_as_is attribute to use when you want to define your own for the filter #245
- Ignore empty/sparse rows for range filters #273
- Some of additional closed issues #227 / #236 / #257 #242 / #264 / #265 / #252 #270 / #262 / #272 / #263 #271 / #276 / #279
- Add regex for filter_match_mode property (xmikew)
- Added
to thesort_as
and addedsort_as_custom_func
- New property, style_class - allows adding additional class/classes to filter
- Added "exclude" filtering checkbox (currently available for the text filter)
- New property, append_data_to_table_data to place your data array in addition to the values that yadcf grabs from the table
- Aded support for Select2 v.4.0
- Added exResetFilters function to reset specific filters (one or more) #162
- Added html5_data support for range_number and range_number_slider #158
- Added externally_triggered and exFilterExternallyTriggered function to allow creating "search forms" , fill the filters and hit the "filter" button to filter them all http://yadcf-showcase.appspot.com/dom_source_externally_triggered.html
- ColReorder support for all filter types! #138
- Added multi_select with selects & chosen for initMultipleTables and initMultipleColumns #132
- Predefined data can be added in addition to values that yadcf grabs from the table column, usage - append_data_to_table_data: true , #178
- custom_func and multi_select_custom_func passing third argument (array that holds the values of the entire row) to the custom function, #179
- New property for filter, style_class - allows adding additional class/classes to filter - available for the following filters: select / multi_select / text / custom_func / multi_select_custom_func
- TL;DR (Features / Enhancements / Bugs)
- Support complex headers (rowspan / colspan) #119
- Support for ColReorder including server side and state saving (at the moment for 'select' and 'text' filters) #107 and #151
- Added initMultipleColumns function to allows to add filter for multiple columns on a table #79
- initMultipleTables is now supports select filter type too #132 (still a work in progress)
- Allow advanced selection of value from html code inside the td element - html_data_type support now 'selector' type (must provide value for 'with html_data_selector' too), #116
- Skip empty strings in the column (avoid entering empty strings into the select / auto_complete filters) #112
- Support custom_func / multi_select_custom_func in exResetAllFilters and exFilterColumn functions #126
- Bugs / Features #136 / #131 / #142 / #123 / #139 / #148 #144 / #155
- New filter type: multi select filter based on custom function, filter_type: "multi_select_custom_func", #99
- Added new attribute, html5_data, for HTML5 data-* attributes support(http://www.datatables.net/examples/advanced_init/html5-data-attributes.html), #106
- Support for datatables destroy event, #102
- Fallback for column_data_type: "html" without real html but simple text
- New Feature, added support for sScrollX / sScrollY #43
- New Feature, filters can be placed in the footer or header #85
- New Feature, filter_type: 'custom_func' support state saving #92
- New Feature, Select2 allow use of placeholder with allowClear properties #91
- Bugs fix #89 #68 (sub issue) #95 #93
- New feature, added initFilterMultipleTables function, one (currently only filter_type: "text") filter for multiple tables - filter at once! #80
- New feature, added exResetAllFilters function: Allows to reset all filters externally/programmatically (support ALL filter types!!!) , perfect for adding a "reset all" button to your page! #78
- exGetColumnFilterVal support new Datatable (Capital "D") https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/daniels_code/4ryW4_0P2EE
- Fixed IE8 issues #73
- Migrated to MIT license #82
- Better support for columnDefs
- Date filtering with server side configuration will send the value / from-to (if range date) as is (without converting into milliseconds)
- Bug fixes
- Added new filter type: filter based on custom function, filter_type: "custom_func". Read docs (in yadcf js) and see showcase example http://yadcf-showcase.appspot.com/DOM_source.html, #61
- exFilterColumn is now support sever side mode (non range filters only) #69
- Fixed range sliders combined with filter_container_id property #68
- Escape special chars in multi select filter #74
- Additional minor bug fixes
- Added integration with Datatables new API (Capital "D") - use new yadcf init function, yadcf.init(table, array of objects); usage example: http://yadcf-showcase.appspot.com/DOM_Ajax_Multiple_1.10.html
- Added integration with Select2 plugin #63
- Added integration with DataTables ColVis plugin #56
- Added support for server-side processing filtering(1.10.0) - all filters are fully working on server-side processing
- filter_delay is now supported in text / range_number / range_date filters / range_number_slider filters, this option can be really handy when working with server-side processing (but not only)
- Added optional delay (usage example filter_delay: 1000) for filter_type: "text" (allows to delay filtering while typing characters) #51
- Allow hide filter reset button for filter_type: "multi_select" #55
- Added placeholder for multiple select mode (without Chosen integration) #54
- Added another external API function : exGetColumnFilterVal, Allows to retrieve column current filtered value (support ALL filter types!!!) #45
- "data" property supports array of objects [{value: 'Some Data 1', label: 'One'}, {value: 'Some Data 3', label: 'Three'}] (supported in select / multi_select filters) #48
- Bug fix #49
- Several code optimizations
- Reimplemented exFilterColumn to support ALL filter types!!! + Now it can be used even for multiple pre filtered columns #46
- Bug fix #47
- Added new filter type: multiple selection, filter_type: "multi_select". With or without Chosen plugin support (select_type: 'chosen') (#41) , thanks goes to Ryan Harris #23
- Bug fix
- Added new filter type: text input (a simple input text) filter_type: "text" (#34)
- Added new feature: case_insensitive, can be set to false or true (default) (#35)
- Added new mode "startsWith" for filter_match_mode (#37)
- Added new feature: hide filter reset button (merged pull #30 <- Thanks to Gator92)
- Added integration with Chosen plugin (for the select filter)
- For the integration with Chosen: added two new attributes, 'select_type' to allow turning of simple select into chosen select and 'select_type_options' used to pass an object to the chosen constructor , don't forget to include the chosen js file and read/look at the docs/showcase
- Added new filter type: date input, make use of the jQuery UI Datepicker widget, filter_type: "date" (#26)
- Several code enhancements
- Added support for mData (including deeply nested objects) #20
- Bug fix
- New feature: filter_match_mode, Allows to control the matching mode of the filter (supported in select and auto_complete filters), Possible values: contains / exact
- Added first external API function : exFilterColumn, allows to trigger filter externally/programmatically (currently support only filter_type : "select") , perfect for showing table after its being filtered (onload) (#14)
- Added support for aoColumns { "bVisible": false } (#16)
- Added support for column_data_type & html_data_type in Range Number Slider Filter (#15)
- Added new attribute to yadcf constructor: ignore_char, Tells the range_number and range_number_slide to ignore specific char while filtering (that char can used as number separator) #9
- Fixed autocomplete in external container (thanks to tobbi007) https://github.com/vedmack/yadcf/commit/716fdd0d3c11ada048a51dd5ec9bbd9213b5ea8d
- Added new filter type: range between two dates with jQuery UI Datepicker widget, filter_type: "range_number_slider" (#6)
- Added new attribute to yadcf constructor: date_format, it defines the format in which the date values are being parsed into Date object and also in which format the datepicker will display the selected dates, default value: "mm/dd/yyyy"
- Added new filter type: range between two numbers with jQuery UI Slider widget, filter_type: "range_number_slider" (#6)
- Fixed IE8 issues (#7)
- Added new filter type: range between two numbers
- Added new attribute to yadcf constructor: filter_type (String), possible values are select / auto_complete / range_number, (default is select)
- In order to set custom labels for the range inputs use the filter_default_label attribute with array of two string as input , example: filter_default_label: ["myFrom", "myTo"]
- enable_auto_complete attribute is now deprecated, although its still can be used I recommend to use filter_type: "auto_complete"
- Added two attributes:
- sort_as : Defines how the values in the filter will be sorted, alphabetically or numerically (default is alphabetically)
- sort_order : Defines the order in which the values in the filter will be sorted, ascending or descending (default is ascending)
- Better align of filter + close button (inside a wrapper div)
- Added support for multiple tables
- Added enable_auto_complete option
- Several code enhancements (added ids to filters etc...)