Nebula Agent is an daemon service in each machine of nebula cluster. It helps to keep track of nebula metad/storaged/graphd, start/stop them, call local rpc of them. It is only used for backup and restore tools for now.
If you are in linux amd64 environment, you could download it directly.
- Download the agent.
$ wget
- Change the agent name.
$ mv agent-0.1.1-linux-amd64 agent
- Add execute permission to agent.
$ chmod +x agent
If you are in other environments, you should first install (golang)[] 1.16+ and git. Then you could download the repo and build agent binary yourself.
- Clone repo.
$ git clone
- Change directory to nebula-agent.
$ cd nebula-agent
- Compile with
$ make
- Add execute permission to agent.
$ cd bin
$ chmod +x agent
If you want to use nebula-agent, you should start one and only one nebula-agent service in each nebula cluster machine which contains metad/storaged/metad services. It should be given an agent daemon address and the metad address. If you have multi-metad in one nebula cluster, any address of them will be OK.
Usage of agent:
--agent string
The agent server address
--meta string
The nebula metad service address, any metad address will be ok
Open debug will output more detail info
--hbs int
Agent heartbeat interval to nebula meta, in seconds (default 60)
An example:
./agent --agent="" --meta=""
Nebula Agent provide two type of services now: file management in nebula machines and agent service.
// UploadFile upload file from agent machine to external storage
rpc UploadFile(UploadFileRequest) returns (UploadFileResponse);
// DownloadFile download file from external storage to agent machine
rpc DownloadFile(DownloadFileRequest) returns (DownloadFileResponse);
// MoveDir rename dir in agent machine
rpc MoveDir(MoveDirRequest) returns (MoveDirResponse);
// RemoveDir delete dir in agent machine
rpc RemoveDir(RemoveDirRequest) returns (RemoveDirResponse);
// ExistDir check if dir in agent machine exist
rpc ExistDir(ExistDirRequest) returns (ExistDirResponse);
// start/stop/get status of metad/storaged/graphd service
rpc StartService(StartServiceRequest) returns (StartServiceResponse);
rpc StopService(StopServiceRequest) returns (StopServiceResponse);
rpc ServiceStatus(ServiceStatusRequest) returns (ServiceStatusResponse);
// ban read/write by call graphd's api
rpc BanReadWrite(BanReadWriteRequest) returns (BanReadWriteResponse);
rpc AllowReadWrite(AllowReadWriteRequest) returns (AllowReadWriteResponse);