Use this file as a guideline for testing the various features in the practice tool.
- 1.02.0
- 1.02.1
- 1.02.2
- 1.02.3
- 1.03.0
- 1.03.1
- 1.03.2
- 1.04.0
- 1.04.1
- All No Damage: neither you or enemies should take damage.
- No Death: you and enemies take damage, but you don't die.
- No Update AI: enemies start/stop their AI.
- One shot: you deal 999999 damage.
- Inf Consumables: consumable count doesn't go down when used.
- Inf Stamina: stamina doesn't deplete when attacking/running during a fight.
- Inf Focus: focus doesn't deplete when using Ashes of War or Spells in a fight.
- No Gravity: you are able to walk on air.
- No Collision: you should fall below the floor.
- Deathcam: should toggle top-down camera.
- Hitbox flags: should appear/disappear.
- Stable pos: a red ball should appear below the character.
- Show/hide map/character: self-descriptive.
- Save position: should change the numbers on 2nd line when saving.
- Load position: should reposition and reorient character.
- Nudge: should change character's height.
- Speed: should change character's animation speed.
- Add runes: self-descriptive.
- Quitout: should exit to main menu.
- Item spawn: should spawn the desired item.
- Item spawn: should apply upgrades and affinity correctly to the spawned item.
- Item spawn: should provide the specified amount of items.
- Item spawn: should filter correctly.
- Edit stats: should apply the correct stats and not crash for each stat.