A BDR helps to figure out in which direction we want to go together. We need to be able to articulate problems and solutions well. If we cannot explain a problem or its solution, we do not understand it. BDRs aim to help us structuring our thoughts and guiding our conversations. Any input is welcome. Below is explained how a BDR is structured and how it can be used.
The structure below shows how a BDR is outlined. It starts with the topic that describes the scope of the necessary decisions we have to make. The topic must be on point and should not have more than 5 words. The BDR continues with the context that describes the boundaries of the topic itself. The context explains why the BDR is necessary. The context describes why certain decisions must be made. Following comes the alternatives section that provides a list of options we have at our disposal. A decision must be derived from a listed alternative. Next come the decisions we make. This section explains what kind of decision we made and why we make it. Last but not least we conclude the BDR with consequences which describe the implications of the decisions we make. This section must make very clear what we expect to happen next.
# Topic
### Context
### Alternatives
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### Decisions
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### Consequences
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