command use App.exec_()- Why is there a difference in PYTHONPATH?
have non-version metadata, e.g. for IT's host and version
- appinit
- vfxinit
- cgapp
- vfxapp
- launcher
- applauncher
verbosity via APPINIT_VERBOSE:
- currently in:
- appinit:init()
- sitehook/zzz_appinit.pth
- maya/userSetup.py
- houdinit/pythonrc.py
- move as much of the messages into appinit:init so that everything doesn't need to keep implementing the same verbosity logic
- currently in:
entrypoints to run after the app has setup: appinit_NAME_{gui,python}_{pre,post}_launch appinit_maya -> anything post launch appinit_maya_gui -> GUI post launch
document structure of entrypoints
do we provide enough hooks to find the rest of appinit just from the hook, or do we assume that the user must put all of that on the path(s) too?
hook onto Nuke