- Move to GitHub Pages
- Change url to https://apps.learnwebservices.com/services/hello?WSDL
- Simplify WSDL and SOAP messages in
web service - Dockerfile for clients: lwsapp-cxf-client, lwsapp-groovy-client, lwsapp-jaxwsri-client, lwsapp-springws-client
- Add SoapUI assert
- Redesign
- Server application in Docker
- HTTPS support
- PHP sample
- Dockerfile for clients
- Health check with Spring Boot actuator, and writes the version of the server application
- Proper 404 design for complex paths
- Favico
- Groovy client documentation
- Call web service with wget
- Call web service with HTTPie
- Spring Boot server application in a separate repository
- Add Travis build status
- Fix Lightbox (requires jQuery, not jQuery slim)
- Postman sample request
- Create Postman Monitoring
- Anchors for headings on the site
- Visual feedback for copy WSDL url
- Ruby client with Savon
- Contributors
- Java Apache CXF client
- Java Apache Axis2/Java client
- Add last modified date and version number to the top of the main page that links to the
file on GitHub - Spring Web Services client
- JMeter example project, and a gifanim that shows how to create a JMeter project
- Using web services with CURL
- Serve different page (textual format) to CURL
- English translation
- Example Vanilla JS client in pure JavaScript (Node.js)
- Vanilla JS client on the site
- Sitemap
- Licence files
- Readable WSDL page
- C# client
- Initial site
- Java Spring Boot server with CXF
- JAX-WS RI client
- Example Node.js client with SOAP library
- Python client with Zeep
- SoapUI project and gifanim