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Sam Huynh edited this page Apr 15, 2023 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the vait-discord-bot wiki!

Context Menu Commands

This section contains the list of functions that the user can run via Discord's Message Context Menu.

  • Pin: Allow a member to pin a message.

Member Commands

This section contains the full list of slash commands. Omit <> when entering params.

  • /8ball <question> Ask any question and receive a random response from the bot.
  • /allcap <text> Make your text looks like this T E X T.
  • /cowsay <text> Make a cow say your text.
  • /disclaimer en/vi Return a disclaimer text in the selected language, just for fun
  • /hit @username Hit up to 10 tagged users and they will receive a random damage.
  • /insult @username Generate a random insult, if a user is tagged, it will insult that person directly.
  • /mock Mock a previous chat message in SpOngEBob sTyLE.
  • /pin <messageId> Allow a member to pin a message by its ID.
  • /poll <question> <option1> <option2> Create a poll with up to 9 options.
  • /qotd Get a random inspiring quote of the day.
  • /referral new <service> <link or code> <expiry date> Add a new referral code for the selected service
  • /referral random <service> Get a random referral code of the selected service
  • /reminder on Save a reminder on a certain date & time.
  • /reminder in Save a reminder on ... minutes/days/months from the current time.
  • /reminder list List the current user's reminder on the current server.
  • /reminder delete <id> Delete a reminder by ID. This can only be done by the user that owns the reminder.
  • /rep check Check your current reputation scores.
  • /rep give @username Give a rep to the tagged user.
  • /rep leaderboard Prints out the top 10 of the current rep leaderboard of the server.
  • /weather <location> Check the current weather of a specific location.

Mod & Admin ONLY commands

This section contains Mod & Admin level commands.

  • /rep take @username Admin command. Take a rep from the tagged user.
  • /rep set @username <number> Admin command. Set the reputation number for the tagged user. must be a whole number.
  • /server-settings reminder-channel Admin command. Set the channel to broadcast reminders to.
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