Configuration and support for using OrderlyWeb with montagu
The base config ./config/orderly-web.yml
is shared by all instances. Instance specific config
is contained in a file INSTANCE_NAME.yml
The first time you deploy to a new instance, run ./setup INSTANCE_NAME
- the only instance names
currently supported are uat
, science
, production
and latest
Then and for all subsequent deploys run ./start
By default ./start
will always pull and run the most recent docker images based on the configured tags.
For a quick rollback, or for testing purposes, you may wish to deploy specific versions of the orderly images.
To do so you can pass options to ./start
as follows:
./start --option web.image.tag=v1.1.0 --option orderly.image.tag=mrc-123
- Create a new ssh key with no password:
ssh-keygen -f ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""
- Go to and copy in the public key (
cat ssh/
) - do not click "allow write access" as we only need read access - Add the keys to vault with
vault write secret/vimc/reports/deploy public=@ssh/ private=@ssh/id_rsa
- Remove the ssh keys with
rm -r ssh
The documentation
folder contains scripts needed for populating the static documentation folder from a dropbox
- Builds a docker image and pushes it to the vimc private docker registry. Runs on TeamCity../run <share_link>
- Takes a dropbox share link and populates a volume nameddocuments
with the contents of the provided dropbox folder (by running the image created by 1.)