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639 lines (486 loc) · 18.6 KB

File metadata and controls

639 lines (486 loc) · 18.6 KB

Contributor Guide

├── dist
├── docs-archive
├── landing-pages
│   ├── dist
│   ├── site
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   │   ├── icons
│   │   │   └── scss
│   │   ├── content
│   │   │   └── en
│   │   │       ├── blog
│   │   │       ├── community
│   │   │       ├── docs
│   │   │       ├── install
│   │   │       ├── meetups
│   │   │       ├── privacy-notice
│   │   │       ├── roadmap
│   │   │       └── use-cases
│   │   ├── data
│   │   ├── layouts
│   │   ├── static
│   │   │   ├── icons
│   │   │   └── integration-logos
│   │   └── themes
│   │       └── docsy
│   └── src
│       └── js
├── license-templates
└── sphinx_airflow_theme
    ├── demo
    └── sphinx_airflow_theme

Working with the project

Work with the site and documentation requires that your computer be properly prepared. Most tasks can be done by the script

Prerequisite Tasks

The following applications must be installed to use the project:

  • git
  • docker (for the shell language linter)
  • Node 16
  • Hugo

It is also worth adding SSH keys for the server to trusted ones. It is necessary to clone repositories. You can do this using following command:

ssh-keyscan -t rsa -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Debian installation

To install git on Debian, run the following command:

sudo apt install git -y

To install docker, run the following command:

curl -fsSL -o && sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Git must have commit author information configured, run these commands

git config --global '<>'
git config --global '<you name>'

To install Node 16, first install the Node version manager, nvm. Then, install Node 16 with these commands:

nvm install 16
nvm use 16

To install hugo on Debian, run the following command:

sudo apt install hugo -y

macOS installation

To install git on macOS, install the XCode Command Line Tools with the following command:

xcode-select --install

Then, install Homebrew. Once that has completed, you can install Hugo:

brew install hugo

To install Node 16, first install the Node version manager, nvm. Then, install Node 16 with these commands:

nvm install 16
nvm use 16

Static checks

The project uses many static checks using fantastic pre-commit. Every change is checked on CI and if it does not pass the tests it cannot be accepted. If you want to check locally then you should install Python3.6 or newer together with pip and run following command to install pre-commit:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To turn on pre-commit checks for commit operations in git, enter:

pre-commit install

To run all checks on your staged files, enter:

pre-commit run

To run all checks on all files, enter:

pre-commit run --all-files

Pre-commit check results are also attached to your PR through integration with Travis CI.

Clone repository

To clone repository from to local disk, run following command

git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive

Use script

In order to manage your local environment for the project, use the script. provides the following commands.

build-site            Prepare dist directory with landing pages and documentation
preview-landing-pages Starts the web server with preview of the website
build-landing-pages   Builds a landing pages
prepare-theme         Prepares and copies files needed for the proper functioning of the sphinx theme.
install-node-deps     Download all the Node dependencies
check-site-links      Checks if the links are correct in the website
lint-css              Lint CSS files
lint-js               Lint Javascript files
help                  Display usage

How to add a new blogpost

To add a new blogpost with pre-filled frontmatter, in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site run:

hugo new blog/

That will create a markdown file <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/content/<LANGUAGE VERSION>/blog/ with following content:

title: "My New Blogpost"
linkTitle: "My New Blogpost"
author: "Your Name"
twitter: "Your Twitter ID (optional, remove if not needed)"
github: "Your Github ID (optional, remove if not needed)"
linkedin: "Your LinkedIn ID (optional, remove if not needed)"
description: "Description"
tags: []
date: "2019-11-19"
draft: true

Below frontmatter, put your blogpost content.

When you finish your writing blogpost, remember to remove draft: true from frontmatter.

To add a new blogpost manually, create a markdown file in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/content/<LANGUAGE VERSION>/blog/<filename>.md. The filename will also serve as URL for your blogpost.

Then, at the top of the file, add frontmatter in following format:

title: "<blogpost title>"
linkTitle: "<blogpost link title>"
author: "<author's name>"
twitter: "<optional - author's Twitter ID>"
github: "<optional - author's Github ID>"
linkedin: "<optional - author's Linkedin ID>"
description: "<short description>"
tags: ["<tag1>", "<tag2>", ...]
date: <date in YYYY-MM-DD format>

Below frontmatter, put your blogpost content.

How to add a blog post with images

In order to add a new blog post with images, you need to add it in sub-folder of the "blog" folder and name your markdown file "". Images placed in this folder can be referred to directly from the markdown file using this directive:

![Alt text](image.png)

How to add a new case study

To add a new case study with pre-filled frontmatter, in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site run:

hugo new use-cases/

That will create a markdown file <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/content/<LANGUAGE VERSION>/use-cases/ with following content:

title: "My Use Case"
linkTitle: "My Use Case"
    text: "Quote text"
    author: "Quote's author"
logo: "logo-name-in-static-icons-directory.svg"
draft: true

##### What was the problem?

##### How did Apache Airflow help to solve this problem?

##### What are the results?

When you finish your writing blogpost, remember to remove draft: true from frontmatter.

To add a new case study manually, create a markdown file in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/content/<LANGUAGE VERSION>/use-cases/<filename>.md. The filename will also serve as URL for the case study.

Then, at the top of the file, add frontmatter in following format:

title: "<case study title>"
linkTitle: "<case study link title>"
    text: "<quote text>"
    author: "<quote author's name>"
logo: "<logo filename (with extension)>"

Below frontmatter, put your blogpost content in following format:

#### What was the problem?

##### How did Apache Airflow help to solve this problem?

#### What are the results?


Important - put the logo file in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/usecase-logos/icons/ directory. Then, in the frontmatter, refer to it just by filename.


Path to logo file: /landing-pages/site/static/usecase-logos/my-case-study.svg

Case study in /landing-pages/site/content//use-cases/

title: "<case study title>"
linkTitle: "<case study link title>"
    text: "<quote text>"
    author: "<quote author's name>"
logo: "my-case-study.svg"

#### What was the problem?

##### How did Apache Airflow help to solve this problem?

#### What are the results?

How to add a new integration

In order to add a new integration, add an entry in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/static/integrations.json file, following the format:

  "name": "<integration name>",
  "url": "<url to docs with integration description>",
  "logo": "/integration-logos/<filename with extension>"

Integrations are displayed in random order, which might be different on each site reload. To search for your integration, use the search functionality.

Providing an integration logo is optional. However, please take note that integrations with logo are be promoted by being displayed before integrations without a logo.

How to add a new meetup

In order to add an upcoming meetup, find your group in <ROOT DIRECTORY>/landing-pages/site/static/meetups.json file and put the meetup's date in following format:

MON, JAN 01, 6:00 PM

If your meetup group isn't on the list, add it following the format of existing entries.

Preview changes on pull requests (CI/CD)

  1. Github Action has been configured to automatically publish artifacts for pull requests, so we can preview changes from Github Ui.

  2. After downloading the artifacts, unpack the archive and start the local HTTP server, run the following command.

Python 3

python -m http.server --cgi 8000

Python 2.7

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

How to release new documentation

Building documentation for the Apache Airlfow project also requires Python3.6 with pip and graphviz. You also need to have additional apache/airflow repository available.

Prerequisite Tasks

You should install and set up all software from "Working with the project/Prerequisite tasks" section.

The following additional application must be installed to use the project:

  • python3.6 or newer
  • pip
  • graphviz

Debian installation:

To install graphviz, pip for Debian, run following commands:

sudo apt install graphviz python3-pip -y

You should also add $HOME/.local/bin to $PATH, run following command:

export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH;

Clone repositories

It is necessary to configure 2 variables that point to directories with repositories and one that describe current Airflow version. The next steps will assume that these variables are available.

git clone "${AIRFLOW_REPO}"
git clone "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}"

cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git submodule update --init --recursive


To release a new documentation, follow these steps:

  1. To prepare and install Sphinx theme, run following commands:

    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && bash build-site
    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && bash prepare-theme
    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/sphinx_airflow_theme" && pip3 install -e .
  2. To build documentation, run following commands:

    cd "${AIRFLOW_REPO}" && git checkout "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"
    cd "${AIRFLOW_REPO}" && pip3 install -e '.[doc]'
    cd "${AIRFLOW_REPO}/docs/" && bash
  3. Copy generated files from ${AIRFLOW_REPO}/docs/_build/html to ${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/docs-archive/<version>/

    mkdir -p "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/docs-archive/${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"
    cp -r "${AIRFLOW_REPO}/docs/_build/html/." "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/docs-archive/${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"

    You can also mark the release as the latest stable version:

    echo "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" > "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/docs-archive/stable.txt"
  4. Make a commit with generated documentation only.

    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git checkout -b "docs-for-${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"
    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git add .
    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git commit -m "Docs for ${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"
  5. To send changes to the remote server:

    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git push origin "docs-for-${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"

Publish site on Apache server (CI/CD)

Github Action has been configured to automatically publish artifacts for pull requests, so you can preview changes.

Publish site on Apache server (manual way)

It is recommended to use Github Action to publish changes to the website, but in case of problems it is also possible to publish changes to the website manually.

Prerequisite tasks

You should install and set up all software from "Working with the project/Prerequisite tasks" section.

The next steps will assume that these variable are available.


You need to have the two copy of apache/airflow-site repository. The first contains master branch checked, the second - asf-site. To clone repository run following commands:

git clone "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}"

cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_ASF_SITE_REPO}" && git checkout asf-site
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git submodule update --init --recursive

Known issues:

Git worktree does not work properly with repositories that have submodules. Therefore, do not use this features and make multiple full copies of the repositories.


  1. To run build site, run following command

    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && bash build-landing-pages
    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && bash build-site
  2. Remove all files from asf-site branch

    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_ASF_SITE_REPO}" && git ls-files | xargs -P 16 rm -rf
  3. Copy new release

  4. Commit changes

    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_ASF_SITE_REPO}" && git add .
    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_ASF_SITE_REPO}" && git commit -m "Update - $(date)"
  5. Push changes

    cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_ASF_SITE_REPO}" && git push origin asf-site

Release and publish documentation in one go

Prerequisite tasks

You must have the software discussed in "Working with the project/Prerequisite tasks" and "How to release new documentation" section installed.


It is necessary to configure 3 variables that point to directories with repositories and one that describe current Airflow version. The next steps will assume that these variables are available.


Run following commands to do a lot of magic in one go.

# Clone repository
git clone "${AIRFLOW_REPO}"
cd "${AIRFLOW_REPO}" && git checkout "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"
git clone "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}"
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git submodule update --init --recursive
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git checkout -b "docs-${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_ASF_SITE_REPO}" && git checkout asf-site

# Install Python dependencies for Airflow
cd "${AIRFLOW_REPO}" && git checkout 1.10.9 && pip3 install  -e .[doc]

# Build image for site environment
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && bash build-image

# Install themes
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && bash build-site
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && bash prepare-theme
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/sphinx_airflow_theme/" && pip3 install -e .

# Build docs
cd "${AIRFLOW_REPO}/docs/" && bash

# Copy docs
rm -rf "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/docs-archive/${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"
mv "${AIRFLOW_REPO}/docs/_build/html" "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/docs-archive/${AIRFLOW_VERSION}"

# Set current version as stable
echo "${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" > "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}/docs-archive/stable.txt"

# Create commit
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git add .
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git commit -m 'Docs for ${AIRFLOW_VERSION}'

# Push new documentation
cd "${AIRFLOW_SITE_REPO}" && git push origin origin

Once it is accepted and merged, wait for Github Action build to publish the changes.

Additional tips:

Using VM on GCP

You should set following variable:


If you want to create VM on GCP, you could use following command:

gcloud compute instances create "${GCP_INSTANCE_NAME}" \
    --custom-memory=32GB \
    --custom-cpu=6 \
    --zone="${GCP_ZONE}" \
    --image-family="debian-10" \

To connect via SSH and forward local SSH key to VM, forward ports from VM run following command:

gcloud beta compute \
       ssh \
       --zone "${GCP_ZONE}" \
       "${GCP_INSTANCE_NAME}" \
       -- \
       -A \
       -L "8000:" \
       -L "3000:" \
       -L "1313:"

To delete VM, run following command:

gcloud compute instances delete "${GCP_INSTANCE_NAME}"  --zone="${GCP_ZONE}"

Use RAM disk for build

If you wanna create RAM disk, run following command:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ramdisk && sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=16g tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk

To force Python to use RAM disk, run following command:

rm -rf $HOME/.local/lib/python3.7
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/lib/
mkdir -p /mnt/ramdisk/python3.7
ln -s  /mnt/ramdisk/python3.7 $HOME/.local/lib/python3.7

All environment variable used in guide should look as following:
