- ci: 🛠 pr 模版 (05a1d02)
- feat: ✨ 权限路由 (7c98cb5)
- feat: ✨ 添加夜间主题切换 (06aa81c)
- feat: ✨ 跳转登录页 (0521d53)
- feat: ✨ 修改 请求报错提示 (92a9d24)
- feat: ✨ 修改主题颜色 (72e242c)
- feat: ✨ add @jsxiaosi/eslint-config-react (13db953)
- feat: ✨ add ant less (f487d99)
- feat: ✨ add ant redux (af754fb)
- feat: ✨ add home (b8f381a)
- feat: ✨ add project (c7b9c6b)
- feat: ✨ add react-intl (d997cb6)
- feat: ✨ ch md (b8da08f)
- feat: ✨ gitHub Actions (08ac9c8)
- feat: ✨ package (8246238)
- feat: ✨ pwa (5f8b604)
- feat(app.tsx): ✨ [App] add 标签页 (7cb8661)
- feat(hooks): ✨ 升级react@19 (2a582a6)
- feat(layout): ✨ [layout] add 侧边栏设置 (0585f2a)
- feat(layout): ✨ add 色弱 灰色 redux-persist (2b2ec65)
- feat(layout): ✨ add emotions css-in-js (3ee69e5)
- feat(layout): ✨ appAccount (ca63cf0)
- feat(layout): ✨ sidebar (4edf8a2)
- feat(layout): ✨ tabs (f706c2a)
- feat(locales): ✨ [locales] 监听路由报错 (1df5ca4)
- feat(package): ✨ eslint (e9ce525)
- feat(package): ✨ prettier (9918450)
- feat(pages): ✨ [Pages] add 权限切换 (b345524)
- feat(pages): ✨ 详情页 (d3585e8)
- feat(pages): ✨ add login axios (7c713d8)
- feat(pages): ✨ permissions (da8262f)
- chore: 🔨 删除 VITE_KEY_ALIVE 环境变量 (148a2fb)
- refactor: ♻️ store 调用 (166ba51)
- refactor(layout): ♻️ keepAllve 重构 keepalive-for-react 插件 (a56f7cb)
- refactor(locales): ♻️ 国际化 (69d9bdb)
- refactor(pages): ♻️ login (7ac1d29)
- refactor(vite build): ♻️ mock (05f68e2)
- build: 📦️ ant pro (bb2ae03)
- build: 📦️ package.json (21d6e3a)
- build: 📦️ plugin-react-swc (3fefeaa)
- build: 📦️ pretty-quick (4bb7b16)
- build: 📦️ update @jsxiaosi/eslint-config (e9bc9b5)
- build: 📦️ vite 4.3 (6c812ce)
- build: 📦️ vite4 (19ef4d4)
- build(package): 📦️ 升级依赖 (d2b14cb)
- build(router): 📦️ eslint (828850c)
- fix: 🐛 修改mock请求时间 (721bd47)
- fix: 🐛 cN md (f39e433)
- fix: 🐛 eslint (97a884b)
- fix: 🐛 html loading (e077c79)
- fix: 🐛 lint-staged 查找不到文件 (fcdeb32)
- fix: 🐛 mork (0d211a1)
- fix: emotion WebkitLineClamp (6ecee07)
- fix(layout): 🐛 [layout] tabs size="small" (7517410)
- fix(layout): 🐛 keepalive Authority judgment (a4e9aee)
- fix(layout): 🐛 layoutApp (2c8f484)
- fix(layout): 🐛 menu 国际化 (cbb17c7)
- fix(layout): 🐛 repair that the switch permission page did not refresh (7d2d898)
- fix(layout): 🐛 sidebar (a85089b)
- fix(layout): 🐛 sitebar (7636e1d)
- fix(layout): 🐛 tabsPage (e43e018), closes #1
- fix(locales): 🐛 国际化类型,index.html (b4564e6)
- fix(package): 🐛 husky (e127169)
- fix(router): 🐛 datainfo page Display Error (624dc0d)
- fix(router): 🐛 when the routing setting alwaysShow is false, undefined problems will occur (7925de9)
- fix(store): 🐛 user (7198854)
- fix(utils): 🐛 axios type error (e2f9779)
- style: 💄 console.log (3b72771)
- style(eslint): 💄 eslint-style (14a3787)
- fix(router,pages): 🐛 permissions (43f167d)
- perf(hooks,router): ⚡️ 路由参数优化 (8e37a65)
- perf: ⚡️ html、README.md (19a0ebe)
- perf(layout): ⚡️ 优化layout (94f21f9)
- perf(layout): ⚡️ sitebar,route (7251e3d)
- docs: 📝 add README LICENSE (44d526f)
- docs: 📝 img (5122396)
- docs: 📝 main English (3dfcaaf)
- docs: md (ec74e9d)
- docs: md (6d97cbc)
- wip(router): 🚀 [App] add route (1bb2274)