Mixins |
Arguments (with default values) |
css3-prefix |
Will add browser specific prefixes to supplied property (and will set it to supplied value) |
background-gradient |
Start Color: #3C3C3C, End Color: #999999 |
background-horizontal |
Start Color: #3C3C3C, End Color: #999999 |
background-radial |
Start Color: #FFFFFF, Start position: 0%, End Color: #000000, End position: 100% |
background-size |
Width: 100%, Height: 100% |
background-opacity |
Color: #000, Opacity: .85 |
border-radius |
Radius: 5px |
border-radius-separate |
Top Left: 5px, Top Right: 5px, Bottom Left: 5px, Bottom Right: 5px |
box |
Orientation: horizontal, Pack: center, Align: center |
box-rgba |
R: 60, G: 3, B: 12, Opacity: 0.23, Color: #3C3C3C |
box-shadow |
X: 2px, Y: 2px, Blur: 5px, Color: rgba(0,0,0,.4) |
box-sizing |
Type: border-box |
columns |
Count: 3, Gap: 10 |
double-borders |
Color One: #3C3C3C, Color Two: #999999, Radius: 0 |
flex |
Value: 1 |
flip |
Value: ScaleX: -1 |
font-face |
Value: Font Family: myFont, Eot File Src: myFont.eot, Woff File Src: myFont.woff, Ttf File Src: myFont.ttf |
opacity |
Opacity: 0.5 |
outline-radius |
Radius: 5px |
resize |
Direction: both |
rotate |
Degree: 0, M11: 0, M12: 0, M21: 0, M22: 0 |
text-shadow |
X: 2px, Y: 2px, Blur: 5px, Color: rgba(0,0,0,.4) |
transform |
Parameters: null |
transform-style |
Style: preserve-3d |
transition |
What: all, Length: 1s, Easing: ease-in-out |
triple-borders |
Color One: #3C3C3C, Color Two: #999999, Color Three: #000000, Radius: 0 |
keyframes |
Animation name - pass animation css as body |
animation |
name duration timing-function delay iteration-count direction fill-mode play-state (http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_animation.asp) |
word-wrap |
$wrap: break-word |