Inconsistent behaviour for @click handler: works in dev, production build produces TypeError: class constructors must be invoked with 'new' #97
bug: upstream
Bug in a dependency of this repository
Inconsistency between dev & build
p3-minor-bug 🔨
An edge case that only affects very specific usage (priority)
Describe the bug
This is perhaps a misuse of the
handler, however the inconsistency in behaviour between dev and build mode was quite confusing.I did something like this in the click handler (this is in App.vue in my reproduction example):
Message.ts looks like this:
When running
npm run dev
the code logs the 'hello' message in the console.However if a build is made (
npm run build
thennpm run preview
) clicking on the button produces an error:TypeError: class constructors must be invoked with 'new'
Steps to reproduce
No response
System Info
Used Package Manager
vite:config bundled config file loaded in 69.27ms +0ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck (root: /Users/Vlad/Downloads/vue-project) +0ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck (root: /Users/Vlad/Downloads/vue-project) +1ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck (root: /Users/Vlad/Downloads/vue-project) +0ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck (root: /Users/Vlad/Downloads/vue-project) +0ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck end +1ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck end +0ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck end +0ms
vite:esbuild init tsconfck end +0ms
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vite:config } +5ms
vite v4.0.4 building for production...
transforming (10) node_modules/@vue/shared/dist/shared.esm-bundler.js vite:resolve 1.08ms ./base.css -> /Users/Vlad/Downloads/vue-project/src/assets/base.css +0ms
✓ 14 modules transformed.
dist/index.html 0.42 kB
dist/assets/index-9e356910.css 2.35 kB │ gzip: 0.88 kB
dist/assets/index-75f900e6.js 52.61 kB │ gzip: 21.26 kB
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: