This document describes the Lua scripting functionality of RemotePhotoTool.
RemotePhotoTool Lua scripting allows to control cameras connected to the host computer via scripts written in the Lua language. The script can access all properties and functions of the camera in the same way as the RemotePhotoTool application. The scripting engine uses a cooperative multitasking scheduler to asynchronously run code and wait for events sent from the camera. All these features together allows to write Lua scripts that perform functions that would not be possible when using the user interface of RemotePhotoTool alone.
Note that the remote control function is different to the approach to control camera functions directly inside the device, as some projects such as CHDK and MagicLantern allow. The Lua scripts only run on the host (the connected computer). Of course these projects can be used in parallel to RemotePhotoTool.
The Lua language runtime is used inside the RemotePhotoTool to run code. The language runtime is complemented with several additional libraries that provide bindings to C++ code that actually accesses the camera functions. The same C++ code also drives the functions of RemotePhotoTool. The Lua scripts specially written to run inside RemotePhotoTool cannot be run with the standalone Lua interpreter, since the mentioned bindings are missing.
If you want to refresh your Lua programming skills, read the "Lua quick reference" chapter coming up next. If you're interested in how RemotePhotoTool implements multithreading, read the chapter "Scheduler". If you want to directly dive into programming your camera with Lua, continue with the chapter "Camera interface".
The next chapters describe the way how Lua scripting is integrated into the RemotePhotoTool applications.
The main RemotePhotoTool application has several "photo modes" that provide different ways to interact with the connected cameras. One of the photo modes is the "Scripting" photo mode that lets you load pre-written Lua scripts. All other photo modes require a connection to a connected camera, whereas the "Scripting" photo mode can be accessed without a connection, too.
The "Scripting" contextual menu band that is available in the "Scripting" photo mode offers several commands:
- Open: Opens a Lua script file (extension .lua) into the main view.
- Reload: Reloads a Lua script, e.g. when editing with an external editor.
- Run: Starts the currently loaded script.
- Stop: Stops the currently loaded script, resetting script execution.
- Edit: Starts the RemoteScriptingEditor application.
The main view of the photo mode shows the read-only Lua script that is loaded. Editing of the script is possible using the "Edit" menu command that starts the RemoteScriptingEditor application, or with any other editor of your choice. Remember to reload the script when editing the file with another editor. Note that after editing using the "Edit" menu command, the file is reloaded automatically.
Below the main view there is an "Output" window that shows script output and error messages. It can be resized to see more of the output text.
The status bar of the application offers a pane on the right end of the bar, to show the status of the script. The status of the script represents exactly the states that the Scheduler is in. Refer to the chapter "Scheduler" above about what possible states there are.
The RemoteScriptingEditor is a standalone application that can be used to write, run and test Lua scripts. The application can be started in the "Scripting" photo mode using the "Edit" command, or can be started using the Program menu short cut in the Windows Start menu.
The menu band (also called "ribbon") offer several commands. Possible keyboard short cuts for the commands are shown below the command text.
The "File" tab offers a menu to access files, and also offers an "Exit" option to exit the application. You can also exit the application using the [x] in the title bar, or by double-clicking on the application icon in the title bar. The tab also shows a list of "Recent Files" that were opened before.
The "Home" tab contains multiple groups of commands. The commands in the "File" group do the following:
- New: Creates a new empty Lua script in the main view.
- Open: Opens a Lua script file (extension .lua) into the main view.
- Save: Saves a modified Lua script with the name used while opening. When the file wasn't saved before, the file name must be entered in the file save dialog.
- Save As: Saves a modified Lua script with another file name.
The menu band commands in the "Edit" group do the following:
- Paste: Inserts previously copied or cut text from the clipboard.
- Cut: Cuts out text and moves it to the clipboard.
- Copy: Copies text to the clipboard.
- Select All: Selects all text in the editor.
- Undo: Undoes the last editing step, such as clipboard commands or key strokes.
- Redo: Re-does previously undone editing steps, effectively maintaining a sort of "editing history".
The menu band commands in the "Find" group do the following:
- Find: Starts a dialog where text to find can be entered.
- Find Next: After finding the first occurrence of a text, use this to find further occurrences.
- Replace: Starts a dialog where text to replace with alternative text can be entered.
The menu band commands in the "Run" group do the following:
- Run: Starts the currently loaded script.
- Stop: Stops the currently loaded script, resetting script execution.
The menu band commands in the "View" group do the following:
- Menu band: Switches from the menu band ("ribbon") view to the classic application menu.
- Output pane: Toggles showing/hiding the output window below the main view.
The main view of the application shows the Lua script that is currently loaded. It can be edited using the keyboard, context menu commands and the menu band commands. Line numbers are shown on the left side, so that error messages with Lua script line numbers can be matched to the correct script line.
Below the main view there is an "Output" window that shows script output and error messages. It can be resized to see more of the output text.
The status bar of the application offers a pane on the right end of the bar, to show the status of the script. The status of the script represents exactly the states that the Scheduler is in. Refer to the chapter "Scheduler" above about what possible states there are.
Here's a quick introduction to the Lua scripting language, in case you want to refresh your skills or just want to see the syntax of the language. For a complete introduction to Lua, see the official manual:
Lua is a dynamically typed language; this means that variables don't have types, only values do. The available types are: nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread and table. The types work as you would expect them in other languages.
-- this is a comment
i = 3 -- assignment to global variable
local text = "Hello World!" -- local variable inside a function
The function type can be used to pass around functions to be called, and are also used for bindings to C++ functions. Functions assigned to variables capture the values from their environment they use, so that the values are available once the function is called.
function transmogrify(a, b) -- specifies a function
local resultSum = a + b;
return resultSum, a * b; -- Lua supports multiple return values
local transform = function(a, b) -- stores function in local var
return a * b + 1;
local result = transform(5, 4); -- calls stored function
The userdata type is an opaque value for managing data passed from C++. It usually is used to pass around data blocks to other functions. The thread type can be used for running multiple threads of execution (see more in the "Scheduler" chapter).
Finally, the table type is used to represent objects, that means collections of values and functions associated with that data. Tables can also be used as other data-structuring mechanisms.
Transmogrifier = { -- specifies a table with that name
magicFactor = 4.0;
objectToModify = { -- a nested table
name = "Calvin";
transmogrify = function(self) -- receives the outer tabl
print("magicFactor = " .. self.magicFactor .. "!\n");
return 42;
-- syntactic sugar for calling a function inside a table,
-- with passing the table as first argument
Lua has the usual control structures available:
while i > 0 do
print("number: " .. i .. "\n"); -- the dot-dot operator concatenates strings
i = i - 1;
local i = 5;
print("modulo: " .. (i % 3) .. "\n");
i = i - 1;
until i == 0;
for i = 1, 100 do
local text = "";
if i % 3 == 0 then text = text .. "Fizz"; end;
if i % 5 == 0 then text = text .. "Buzz"; end;
if text == "" then text = text .. i; end;
print(text .. ", ");
There is also a for-statement for collections, and a goto statement.
Lua uses garbage collection as automatic memory management. Values that are not referenced anymore are collected at an unspecified moment in time.
Some notes about the language:
The equality operator is ==, but the inequality operator is ~=
There is no ternary ?: operator as in other languages, but you can use this construct:
local text = (i % 1) and "odd" or "even"
You can also look at the following example Lua script, and you can use it to play around with the Lua language itself:
The Lua language runtime uses a scheduler to run scripts. This is done to implement cooperative multitasking that is needed to handle concurrent execution of code. The "cooperative" means that there is only one piece of code running at any time, and that the code must give up on its execution to allow other code to run, e.g. in response to events triggered by the camera.
The scheduler executes Lua script code in several threads. Since the multithreading used by the scheduler is cooperative, only one "thread of execution" can be run at the same time. There is one main thread, which is the thread where code execution starts at the first line.
Some functions available in the Lua scripting environment allow to register handler functions for different camera events. These are Lua functions that you can pass as parameters to these functions. Once the event is triggered, the function is called in an additional thread (which is never the main thread).
The scheduler knows several states it can be in. These are:
Idle: There is no Lua script code executing, and there are no handlers waiting that could be triggered by a camera event. This is the initial state when no script was started yet, or the last run script stopped executing without having handler waiting. When a script is started, the scheduler changes to the Running state.
Running: Lua script code is currently running; this state makes no distinction if the main thread or a handler is running. If the script exits without registering handlers to wait for events, the scheduler changes to the Idle state. If handlers were registered, the scheduler changes to the Waiting state.
Waiting: There is no Lua script code running, and the main thread isn't running. There are one or more handlers waiting for a camera event. When an event occurs and the handler is called, the scheduler changes back to the Running state. If all handlers for events are un-registered, the scheduler changes back to the Idle state when the script code ends.
Debug: This is a special state that the scheduler enters when a debugger is attached to the scheduler, and either a breakpoint is hit, the debugger pauses execution during the Running state, or when stepping through the code. Note that there's currently no debugger available in RemotePhotoTool.
Error: This is a special state that the scheduler enters when the Lua function error() is called. Note that this state currently can't be entered, and the error() call does nothing.
In summary, the scheduler provides running the Lua code, and handlers registered for events are run when the main thread gives up its execution. When there are no handler registered anymore, the scheduler stops running again.
In order to securely run Lua scripts on your computer, the RemotePhotoTool provides almost all of the built-in Lua libraries described in the Lua manual. Some of the libraries are not loaded, or some functions of libraries are not available, though. This way no Lua script, either written by yourself or downloaded from somewhere else can modify and compromise your computer. Note that Lua scripts may still be able to damage your camera, so always check twice before running a script.
The following Lua libraries are available when running under RemotePhotoTool, RemoteScriptingEditor or RemotePhotoToolCmdline:
- Basic library (with restrictions, see below)
- Coroutine library
- String library
- UTF8 library
- Table library
- Math library
- OS library (with restrictions, see below)
The following restrictions are made to the mentioned libraries. The Basic library is missing the following functions:
- dofile
- load
- loadfile
The OS library is missing the following functions:
- os.execute
- os.exit
- os.getenv
- os.remove
- os.rename
- os.tmpname
The following Lua libraries are not available:
- Package library
- IO library
- Debug library
The camera interface is provided as several additional tables and functions that can be accessed in the script.
The Lua scripting starts up running all global Lua code, then tries to find the table-object called App. In it there must exist a function named run() that is called. The table should look like this:
App = {
function = run(self)
-- write your code here
The first step to work with the camera interface is to get an instance of the camera interface, then call functions on it.
local instance = Sys:getInstance();
local allCameras = instance:enumerateDevices();
-- The enumerateDevices() function returns nil when no device is connected
if (allCameras and allCameras.length > 0) then
print("Number of cameras: " .. allCameras.length .. "\n");
for index = 1, allCameras.length do
local cameraInfo = allCameras[index]
print("Camera #" .. index .. ": " .. .. "\n");
You can also register a function that should be called once a camera has been connected and is available.
The onConnected function is called with the "App" as only parameter. You can then retrieve the list of devices using enumerateDevices(), as shown before. The callback function may be also called when a disconnects, so be sure to check the length of the list of cameras.
The list of cameras consist of a list of SourceInfo tables that list some information about the device, such as name and deviceId:
for idx = 1, allSourceInfos.length, 1 do
local sourceInfo = allSourceInfos[idx];
print("Camera #" .. idx .. ": " .. ..
", device id: " .. deviceId .. "\n");
At this stage the camera isn't connected yet and can't be queried. The open() function of the SourceInfo table object opens the camera for access:
local sourceDevice = sourceInfo:open();
Now the script can access infos about the camera, such as capabilities, device properties and other infos.
local capRemoteReleaseControl = sourceDevice:getDeviceCapability(
print(" can remote release shutter: " ..
(capRemoteReleaseControl and "yes" or "no") .. "\n");
Here's how to enumerate device properties:
local devicePropertyList = sourceDevice:enumDeviceProperties();
for idx = 1, devicePropertyList.length, 1 do
local devicePropertyId = devicePropertyList[idx];
local deviceProperty = sourceDevice:getDeviceProperty(devicePropertyId);
-- do something with deviceProperty
To actually control the camera, you first have to enter "remote release control". Some cameras extend their lens only at this stage of connection:
local remoteReleaseControl = sourceDevice:enterReleaseControl();
The RemoteReleaseControl offers many informations and ways to control the camera, including:
- Reading and setting image properties (properties that affect the final image)
- sending commands, e.g. to adjust the auto focus
- setting "shutter release" settings
- pressing the shutter release button
- accessing live viewfinder images
- starting bulb shooting (if supported by the camera)
See the reference description for the RemoteReleaseControl table object for a complete overview of the functions available, or study the examples available with RemotePhotoTool.
The example scripts provided with RemotePhotoTool show all functions that are currently possible with Lua scripting. You can use these as starting places and can extend the scripts, or you can learn about how the many functions available to the Lua scripts are used correctly.
Note that you can always look up functions and table-object structures that are used in the examples, in the Reference chapter below.
The examples shown here as excepts are also available as complete and standalone Lua scripts that you can download and modify. The scripts are stored at GitHub:
The remainder of this chapter describes the different Lua example scripts and highlight the code that is essential for using the scripts.
Usually the camera may not be connected via USB yet, so there's the possibility to wait for an updated of the connected cameras list.
This creates an event to wait for an actual camera to connect, and starts waiting for a camera by registering a handler (onConnected):
self.eventCameraConnect = Sys:createEvent();
Note that the handler is only called when our Lua script isn't running code, but does the following:
- the script is waiting on an event
- the script's function has exited, or
- the script has yielded
As we have set up an event to wait for a camera to connect, wait for it:
-- only waits for some seconds, then exists
local ret = self.eventCameraConnect:wait(15.0);
if (ret == false) then
print("No camera connected for 15.0 seconds; exiting.\n");
In case we wait for 15 seconds, but the event is never "signaled" (e.g. was set by another thread), print a message before exiting.
The handler function can be defined like this:
onConnected = function(self)
local instance = Sys:getInstance();
local allSourceInfos = instance:enumerateDevices();
-- more code here
Since the list of source infos that enumerateDevices() can be empty, we have to check for this case:
if (allSourceInfos ~= nil and allSourceInfos.length > 0) then
-- more code here
print("No cameras connected. Continue waiting...\n");
In the case where the list is empty, we just continue waiting. When the list isn't empty, we can examine the list further. However, we first un-register the handler again, so that the handler doesn't get called multiple times:
-- now do something with the list of cameras, e.g. printing properties
As last step in the onConnect() function, we signal our main thread of execution that there was actually a camera connected:
-- signal finished handler
When our handler exits, the wait() call on the eventCameraConnect object returns, and the return code can be examined, as mentioned above.
Once you have a SourceDevice table object, you can check the capabilities of the device and enumerate the device properties.
local sourceDevice = sourceInfo:open();
print(" model name: " .. sourceDevice.modelName .. "\n");
print(" serial no: " .. sourceDevice.serialNumber .. "\n");
The device capabilities describe if a camera has some specific function:
local capRemoteReleaseControl = sourceDevice:getDeviceCapability(
print(" can remote release shutter: " ..
(capRemoteReleaseControl and "yes" or "no") .. "\n");
local capRemoteViewfinder = sourceDevice:getDeviceCapability(
print(" can show viewfinder: " ..
(capRemoteViewfinder and "yes" or "no") .. "\n");
Based on the device capabilities you should decide if a camera can use a functionality or not.
The device properties can be enumerated and listed this way:
local devicePropertyList = sourceDevice:enumDeviceProperties();
if (devicePropertyList and devicePropertyList.length > 0) then
print(" number of device properties: " ..
devicePropertyList.length .. "\n");
for idx = 1, devicePropertyList.length, 1 do
local devicePropertyId = devicePropertyList[idx];
local prop = sourceDevice:getDeviceProperty(devicePropertyId);
print(" property: id=" .. ..
", name=\"" .. ..
"\", value=\"" .. prop.asString ..
"\", readonly=" .. (prop.isReadOnly and "yes" or "no") .. "\n");
Device properties are values that are stored in the camera, but usually don't have an influence in the parameters when taking a photo. See image properties below.
To actually take an image using the connected camera, get the "remote release control" table object first, when you have a SourceDevice object:
local remoteReleaseControl = sourceDevice:enterReleaseControl();
In this script, we have a dedicated openCamera() function that takes a sourceInfo table object, checks the device capabilities, enters the "release control" mode and returns the resulting RemoteReleaseControl table object. You can use this convenience function to save a bit of typing.
-- opens the camera to take images
openCamera = function(self, sourceInfo)
print("Opening camera " .. .. "\n");
local sourceDevice = sourceInfo:open();
local capRemoteReleaseControl = sourceDevice:getDeviceCapability(
if (not capRemoteReleaseControl) then
print("Camera can't be remote controlled!");
return nil;
local remoteReleaseControl = sourceDevice:enterReleaseControl();
return remoteReleaseControl;
Now that you have the remoteReleaseControl object, you can prepare taking an image by setting "release settings"; first get the current settings:
local releaseSettings = remoteReleaseControl:getReleaseSettings();
Setting saveTarget determines where the images are stored; see the reference for possible values of this constant:
releaseSettings.saveTarget = Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToHost;
We also need a file name that the output file should get, when transferred to the host. Note that when the image is only stored on the camera, the file name is ignored.
local randomName = math.random(1, 9999);
releaseSettings.outputFilename = "IMG_" .. randomName .. ".jpg";
As last value before storing the settings, we register a handler function that is called when transfer of an image has finished:
releaseSettings.onFinishedTransfer = App.onFinishedTransfer;
Now we can send commands, e.g. for adjusting auto focus:
And finally we can virtually press the shutter release button:
Note that the release() function immediately returns, as the "shutter release" is done asynchronously.
The handler function we previously set, can look like this:
onFinishedTransfer = function(self, releaseSettings)
print("Received image: " .. releaseSettings.outputFilename .. "\n");
The releaseSettings object is a copy of the settings we previously set, above. The function uses an event to signal that the image has been transferred, in the same way as when waiting for a camera. For this to work, we create an event object (it's best to create it before the release() call:
self.eventFinishedTransfer = Sys:createEvent();
After the release() call (which returns immediately, not waiting for the photo to be taken, we just wait for the event to be signaled:
local result = self.eventFinishedTransfer:wait(10.0);
print(result and "Finished.\n" or "Failed waiting for image.\n");
After waiting, we could finish the script, or we could take another image, or whatever is being desired to do. Once you're not interested in the event that an image has been transferred, reset the handler function like this:
local releaseSettings = remoteReleaseControl:getReleaseSettings();
releaseSettings.onFinishedTransfer = nil;
When you're done with controlling the camera, you can quit the "release control" mode again:
On some cameras, this causes the lens to retract into the camera case again.
The live viewfinder of most cameras can be used to fetch live images from the camera. On DSLR cameras the mirror is locked up, which may consume more battery power than just taking images.
Note that the viewfinder can be used to implement "mirror lockup" on DSLR cameras, by activating viewfinder, waiting for some fractions of seconds, then take a photo. This may be useful for long exposure images.
To use the viewfinder, you must already have entered the "release control" mode by getting the RemoteReleaseControl table object:
local remoteReleaseControl = sourceDevice:enterReleaseControl();
Once again you could use the openCamera() function mentioned above.
We first check the capabilities, if viewfinder operations are supported at all:
local capViewfinder = remoteReleaseControl:getCapability(
if (not capViewfinder) then
print("Viewfinder not supported by this camera.");
Then we can start the live viewfinder:
local viewfinder = remoteReleaseControl:startViewfinder();
Again there is a handler function involved that is called when a new viewfinder image is transferred from the camera. We also create an event to signal our main thread once an image arrived:
self.eventViewfinder = Sys:createEvent();
The handler function we previously set, can look like this:
onViewfinderImageAvail = function(self, viewfinder, imageData)
print("Received an image from viewfinder\n");
-- unregister handler
It receives the App object in the first parameter, a copy of the viewfinder table object in the second, and the image data in the third.
The viewfinder object can be used to unregister the handler, as shown.
The imageData object is a Lua userdata object that wraps the actual data bytes. Unfortunately at the moment you can't do much with this data. The data block contains JPEG image data.
The remainder of the main function (after calling startViewfinder()) just waits for the event that we registered before:
local imageWasAvail = self.eventViewfinder:wait(10.0);
print("Captured " .. (imageWasAvail and "a viewfinder image!" or "no viewfinder image.") .. "\n");
To stop the viewfinder, you can do this:
After the close call no handler can be set anymore.
This script doesn't interact with a camera, but should demonstrate the behavior of the Lua scripting Scheduler object when running multiple threads of execution, which are executed co-operatively.
There is a distinction if we are running on the main thread (the one that starts by running in
App = {
run = function(self)
print("on main thread: " ..
(Sys:isMainThread() and "yes" or "no") .. "\n");
-- more code here
First we create an event object to play around with it:
self.event = Sys:createEvent();
The self parameter of the run() function (and all further functions) is always the App object itself.
We also define another function that should run on another thread of execution:
threadFunc = function(self)
print("on main thread: " .. (Sys:isMainThread() and "yes" or "no") .. "\n");
if (not Sys:isMainThread()) then
The function first outputs if it's on the main thread (which depends on how we call it). Then it signals the event we created before. The last statement leaves the function by yielding when not on the main thread. We get to that soon.
Now when we would call the threadFunc() function on our main thread (go ahead and try it out in the RemoteScriptingEditor!), it would first print "yes", then would signal the event, then return normally.
Lua has some built-in libraries, and one of them is called "coroutine". It enables us to start "threads of execution" separately from the main thread. First, a coroutine object is created, by passing a function to coroutine.create(), like this:
self.thread = coroutine.create(self.threadFunc);
The returned object is a thread object that can be resumed:
coroutine.resume(self.thread, self);
The second parameter is passed on to the threadFunc() function. The resume() call pauses the main thread and starts to execute the thread by calling threadFunc(), but not on the main thread anymore.
Our function would print "no", as it's not on the main thread anymore, then would signal the event by calling signal(), and then calling coroutine.yield(), which temporarily stops the thread again. The thread becomes "yielded" and can be activated again using coroutine.resume().
When we would instead exited the threadFunc() function normally, the thread would become "finished", and when resumed with coroutine.resume() would restart the function at the beginning.
The next script code in the main thread is:
local ret = self.event:wait(10.0);
We just wait there for the event to be signaled, which should be done when the threadFunc() function runs.
Internally the wait() function also uses the same function that the coroutine library uses to start, resume and yield threads.
This script is a combination of all previous scripts and ties all functions together. The example script isn't discussed further, see the different scripts above for examples of the individual functions.
This reference lists all Lua functions and tables available in the scripting environment of RemotePhotoTool.
Note that all function are specified with their return value first, if there is one, the function name, and potential function arguments in parenthesis.
print(text) function returning nul, with one parameter
string getVersion() function returning a string value
If the arguments are optional, square brackets are placed around the arguments, too.
If the function is to be called as part of an object, the name of the table is set before the function, with a colon between table name and function name.
Sys:getInstance() function of an instance of table Sys
When using the function in code, you have to use the actual table object to call it.
This function prints the passed text to the console window. Note that this function overwrites the global Lua function also called print().
The global Sys table provides access to system-specific functions.
Sys = {
getInstance = function() { ... };
isMainThread = function() { ... };
createEvent = function() { ... };
This is the entry point to the camera interface. The function returns a table to interact with the camera functions. See table Instance for more infos.
Returns a boolean value (true or false) that determines if the code that is calling this function is running on the main thread. Depending on being on the main thread or not, you can call methods that asynchronously wait for events to happen. Generally, when not being on the main thread, such calls would result in an error and would stop the running script.
For a discussion of the scheduler, see the chapter about the Scheduler above.
Creates a new event object and returns it, in the form of a table object. The table object has no values, but several functions. See table Event for more infos.
An event table object is created using Sys:createEvent(). The event object is used for signalling events in the cooperative multithreaded scripting environment that is running the scripts. The event table has no specified values, but it has some functions:
event = {
signal = function() { ... };
reset = function() { ... };
wait = function(...) { ... };
For a discussion of the scheduler, see the chapter about the Scheduler above.
Signals the event. A thread that is waiting on this event using the wait() function is resumed to be run, after the function that called signal() has returned from execution.
Resets the event to be non-signaled. This is used to prepare an event object to be reused again. This makes the event a manual-reset event.
Waits for the event to be signaled from another thread. The parameter passed to this function is optional, and can be omitted. It specifies the number of seconds to wait for the event. When omitted, it is waiting indefinitely.
If the event wasn't signalled yet, the function returns after the waiting time has elapsed; it returns false in this case. If the event was signaled during waiting, it returns before the waiting time has elapsed, and it returns true.
The instance table object is the starting point to interact with the cameras attached to the computer. The instance table is returned by the function Sys:getInstance(). Each call to the function returns a new object, but that object provides the same functions, and so can be considered a "singleton". The Instance table has several functions:
instance = {
getVersion = function() { ... };
enumerateDevices = function() { ... };
asyncWaitForCamera = function(...) { ... };
Returns a version string that can be printed. It has the same content as the about box text of the RemotePhotoTool application.
Enumerates all currently connected camera devices and returns it in a table that is used as an array. It has values with a 0-based index as key, and a length value that specifies how many values there are. The returned values are SourceInfo table objects.
Here's an example table:
devices = {
length = 2;
[1] = sourceInfoFirstDevice;
[2] = sourceInfoSecondDevice
The SourceInfo table object can be used to interact with the cameras further.
Waiting for cameras to be connected is done asynchronously. This function lets you register a Lua function that is called as soon as a new camera has been connected, or when a camera is switched off. The function you pass (along with all needed closure values) is stored internally and are not garbage collected.
The passed function is only called when the scheduler is in the Waiting state; the code calling this function must either wait on an event or return from execution, in order to let the callback function be called. For more infos about waiting states and asynchronous functions, see the chapter about the Scheduler above.
The callback function can be omitted; the effect is that waiting for the event is canceled, and your previously registered function and its closure variables are removed, and may be garbage collected.
Note that as soon as you opened a camera object, you have other means to detect if the opened camera disconnects. This function should not be used for this reason.
The source info table describes the found camera object, without opening it. Opening the object usually has a delay of a fraction of a second. The table has some values and some functions available:
sourceInfo = {
name = "Canon PowerShot G9";
deviceId = "{EEC5AD98-8080-425f-922A-DABF3DE3F69A}\\0002";
open = function(){ ...}
Opens the camera device for reading properties and performing actions with it. Executing this normally takes a fraction of a second. On some camera models the lens is extended. The returned value is a SourceDevice table.
The source device table has the following values and functions:
sourceDevice = {
modelName = "Canon PowerShot G9";
serialNumber = "1234567890";
getDeviceCapability = function(deviceCapability) { ... };
enumDeviceProperties = function() { ... };
getDeviceProperty = function(devicePropertyId) { ... };
enterReleaseControl = enterReleaseControl() { ... };
The connection to the camera is closed by setting the sourceDevice value to nul and waiting for the garbage collector to collect the object. Currently there is no deterministic point in time when the camera connection is closed.
Queries for a device capability, which can either be true or false. If a capability is false, some functions of the camera can't be carried out.
The following capabilities exists, as constants:
Constants.SourceDevice.capRemoteReleaseControl: Determines if remote release control is available for this camera; this value determines if SourceDevice:enterReleaseControl() can be called. This capability should be available for all cameras, except maybe the very old Canon PowerShot models.
Constants.SourceDevice.capRemoteViewfinder: Determines if remote viewfinder is available for this camera; this value determines if RemoteReleaseControl::startViewfinder() can be called.
Enumerates all device properties of the camera and passes it in an array of device property IDs, stored in an array table. The device properties can be accessed by calling SourceDevice:getDeviceProperty() with the device property ID.
Device properties are values stored in the camera that describe camera device properties, such as model name, owner or battery status. The values don't change often. For a detailed list of all device property values, use RemotePhotoTool's "Device Properties Photo Mode" that lists all values supported by your camera.
Here's an example table:
deviceProerties = {
length = 21;
[1] = devicePropertyIdForModelName;
[2] = devicePropertyIdForOwner;
[21] = devicePropertyIdForBatteryStatus;
For a given device property ID, returns a DeviceProperty table with infos about the property. See description of table DeviceProperty to see which infos are returned.
Enters into a mode where you can actually control the remote camera. A RemoteReleaseControl table object is returned. On most camera devices without changeable lenses (e.g. PowerShot cameras), this extends the lens and switches off the live viewfinder on the device.
The RemoteReleaseControl table contains the following functions:
remoteReleaseControl = {
-- miscellaneous
getCapability = function(remoteReleaseCapability) { ... };
getReleaseSettings = function(releaseSettings) { ... };
setReleaseSettings = function(releaseSettings) { ... };
-- event handling
addPropertyEventHandler = function(callbackFunction) { ... };
removePropertyEventHandler = function(handlerId) { ... };
addStateEventHandler = function(callbackFunction) { ... };
removeStateEventHandler = function(handlerId) { ... };
addDownloadEventHandler = function(callbackFunction) { ... };
removeDownloadEventHandler = function(handlerId) { ... };
-- properties
enumImageProperties = function() { ... };
getImageProperty = function(imagePropertyId) { ... };
getImagePropertyByType = function(imagePropertyType) { ... };
getShootingModeImageProperty = function(shootingMode) { ... };
setImageProperty = function(imageProperty) { ... };
numAvailableShots = function() { ... };
-- viewfinder related
startViewfinder = function() { ... };
-- remote release related
sendCommand = function(cameraCommand) { ... };
release = function() { ... };
startBulb = function() { ... };
-- cleanup
close = function() { ... };
Queries for capabilities of remote release control, which can either be true or false. If a capability is false, some functions of the camera can't be carried out.
The following capabilities exists, as constants:
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capChangeShootingParameter: Determines if any shooting paramter can be changed using remote release control. This capability may be false for the very old PowerShot camera models only.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capChangeShootingMode: Determines if the "Shooting mode" property can be changed using remote release control. Usually on DSLR cameras the shooting mode can only be changed by using the dial on the camera. The Powershot cameras allow to change the shooting mode independent of the dial position on camera. This can be used to notify the script user that the dial must be put to the proper position.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capZoomControl: Determines if the zoom setting can be controlled using remote release control. For all bridge cameras this determines if you can move the lens using the zoom image properties. For all DSLR cameras this means if the digital magnification of the live viewfinder image is possible. The actual zoom must be operated on the lens itself.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capViewfinder: Determines if the viewfinder can be used to stream live preview images to the host PC. This capability may be false for the very old PowerShot camera models only.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capReleaseWhileViewfinder: Determines if the shutter release can be operated while the viewfinder is active. This capability may be false for the very old PowerShot camera models only.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capAFLock: Determines if the auto focus lock camera function can be used. The AF lock prevents re-focusing of the image when the shutter is released. Note that the AF lock cannot currently be controlled using Lua scripting.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capBulbMode: Determines if the camera supports bulb mode shooting. Most newer DSLR cameras support this mode. All of the bridge cameras don't support bulb shooting. See RemoteReleaseControl:startBulb() for more infos.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capUILock: Determines if the camera UI (the buttons and dials on the camera) can be locked, so that changes on the camera are ineffective to the actual release settings. Note that the UI lock cannot currently be controlled using Lua scripting.
Returns the current release settings that are used when taking images. The table returned by this function can be used to call setReleaseSettings() with modified table values.
See the description of the ReleaseSettings table to see what values can be used in this table.
Sets new release settings that are used from this call on. The settings are stored internally and can be retrieved with getReleaseSettings() again.
See the description of the ReleaseSettings table to see what values can be used in this table.
Note that on most cameras, pressing the shutter release button on the camera itself also triggers taking photos. To also get notified when these images are taken, set a default ReleaseSettings value with a handler to process these out-of-bounds images.
Adds an event handler to notify script when an image property of the camera has been changed. The callback function should look as follows:
callbackFunction = function(self, propertyEvent, eventParam) { ... }
The propertyEvent is a number value and can be compared with the following constants:
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.propEventPropertyChanged: The value of a property has changed; either because the user changed a dial on the camera or due to the camera changing a parameter. The eventParam parameter is equal to the image property ID that was updated. If the eventParam value is 0, it is unknown which property changed; in this case it's best to get current values of all properties that are of interest.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.propEventPropertyDescChanged The property description of a property has changed; this means that e.g. the read-only status of a property has changed, or the list of available values for a property has changed. The eventParam value contains the image property ID of the property that has changed, or 0 if it is not known.
The function returns a handler ID of the callback handler that can be used to unregister the handler again. See method removePropertyEventHandler().
Note that all event handlers are automatically removed when the remote release control object is closed.
Removes a property event handler from the remote release control. After calling this function, the handler previously registered with addPropertyEventHandler() won't be called again.
Adds an event handler to notify script when an state event happened on the camera. The callback function should look as follows:
callbackFunction = function(self, stateEvent, eventParam) { ... }
The stateEvent is a number value and can be compared with the following constants:
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.stateEventCameraShutdown: This event is sent when the camera is being shut down. No more operations on remote release control are possible.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.stateEventRotationAngle: This event is sent when the camera is rotated, changing from landscape to portrait view or vice versa. The eventParam may or may not tell the new direction of the camera.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.stateEventMemoryCardSlotOpen: This event is sent when the memory card slot was opened; when this event happens, no more actions should be performed, since pictures may not be written to the camera memory card.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.stateEventReleaseError: This event is sent when an attempt at releasing the shutter was made, but there was an error; e.g. the auto focus couldn't determine focus, or other errors while releasing.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.stateEventBulbExposureTime: This event is sent during bulb operations, to tell the number of seconds already elapsed. The eventParam value is the number of seconds since start. See BulbReleaseControl table for how to control camera in Bulb mode.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.stateEventInternalError: This event is sent when an internal error occured.
Note that not all cameras send all the existing state events.
The function returns a handler ID of the callback handler that can be used to unregister the handler again. See method removeStateEventHandler().
Note that all event handlers are automatically removed when the remote release control object is closed.
Removes a state event handler from the remote release control. After calling this function, the handler previously registered with addStateEventHandler() won't be called again.
Adds an event handler to notify script when an image is downloaded from the camera. The callback function should look as follows:
callbackFunction = function(self, downloadEvent, eventParam) { ... }
The downloadEvent is a number value and can be compared with the following constants:
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.downloadEventStarted: Indicates that a download of an image has started, either because RemoteReleaseControl:release() was called, or because the user pressed the shutter release button on the camera. The eventParam value is set to 0 always.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.downloadEventInProgress: Is called when progress is made on downloading the image from camera to PC. The eventParam value is set to the percentage of completion of transfer. Note: If you're connected to a very old Canon Powershot camera that uses the CD-SDK, the value is set to 0, 1 or 2, and not the percentage.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.downloadEventFinished: Indicates that a download of an image has finished. The eventParam value is set to 0 always. After this download event was set, the onFinishedTransfer handler from ReleaseSettings is called.
Note that download events only occur when the relase settings (see table ReleaseSettings) are configured to save the image on the PC (saveTarget has to be set to saveToCamera or saveToBoth).
The function returns a handler ID of the callback handler that can be used to unregister the handler again. See method removeDownloadEventHandler().
Note that all event handlers are automatically removed when the remote release control object is closed.
Removes a download event handler from the remote release control. After calling this function, the handler previously registered with addDownloadEventHandler() won't be called again.
Enumerates all image properties of the camera and passes it in an array of image property IDs, stored in an array table. The image properties can be accessed by calling RemoteReleaseControl:getImageProperty() with the image property ID.
Image properties are values used during taking images to determine how the image is taken and processed. Among the values are "shooting mode", aperture Av value, shutter speed Tv value, ISO value, and many others. For a detailed list of all image property values, use RemotePhotoTool's "Image Properties Photo Mode" that lists all values supported by your camera.
Note that some values might not be available during some shooting modes, e.g. in Av mode the Tv value can't be set, or in M mode the EV value can't be set.
Here's an example table:
imageProperties = {
length = 80;
[1] = imagePropertyIdShootingMode;
[2] = imagePropertyIdAperture;
[80] = imagePropertyIdWhiteBalance;
For a given image property ID, returns a ImageProperty table with infos about the property. See description of table ImageProperty to see which infos are returned.
Returns an image property, by given type. Due to the different cameras, models and SDKs used, the image property IDs don't have the same numbers. To access most common properties, this method can be used to use a type to get the image property. See description of table ImageProperty to see which infos are returned.
Note that when the camera doesn't support the image property, the function returns nil. Also note that the image property may be read-only, so that you can't set a new value.
The folowing constants can be used for imagePropertyType:
Constants.ImageProperty.shootingMode: Returns the shooting mode, e.g. Auto, Program, Av, Tv, M, or any other modes that the camera supports. Note that often this property is not settable.
Constants.ImageProperty.driveMode: Returns the drive mode, e.g. Single, Continuous, Self-timer.
Constants.ImageProperty.ISOSpeed: Returns the current ISO speed; some cameras have a dial to adjust this on the fly.
Constants.ImageProperty.meteringMode: Returns the current exposure metering mode, e.g. Center-weight, Spot, Average, etc.
Constants.ImageProperty.AFMode: Returns the current auto focus mode, e.g. One-Shot AF, Continuous AF, Manual focus, etc.
Constants.ImageProperty.Av: Returns the currently set aperture value; depending on what shooting mode is set, this may or may not be settable and/or enumerable (e.g. in Av you can set an aperture, whereas in Tv the value is automatically chosen by the camera).
Constants.ImageProperty.Tv: Returns the currently set shutter speed value; depending on what shooting mode is set, this may or may not be settable and/or enumerable (e.g. in Tv you can set a shutter speed, whereas in Av the value is automatically chosen by the camera).
Constants.ImageProperty.exposureCompensation: Returns the current exposure compensation value that adjusts how light or dark the image will be; on most cameras you can adjust this from +2 to -2, in 1/3 steps.
Constants.ImageProperty.flashExposureComp: Returns the current flash exposure compensation value; when flash is enabled, the camera chooses an adequate flash intensity, and with this property you can adjust the value down or up; on most cameras you can adjust this from +2 to -2, in 1/3 steps.
Constants.ImageProperty.focalLength: Returns the current focal length of the lens of the camera, measured in mm. This value is read-only for most cameras, and zoom is set with image property type currentZoomPos instead.
Constants.ImageProperty.flashMode: Returns the current flash mode, e.g. Off, Auto, On, Red-eye, Slow sync, etc.
Constants.ImageProperty.whiteBalance: Returns the current white balance setting, e.g. Auto, Sunny, Cloudy, or any other white balance settings the camera supports.
Constants.ImageProperty.AFDistance: Returns the current auto focus distance after focusing.
Constants.ImageProperty.currentZoomPos: Returns the current zoom position; this property can also be used to set a new zoom position on some cameras. On Canon DSLR cameras, this sets the magnification of the live viewfinder image, which can be 1x, 5x or 10x.
Constants.ImageProperty.maxZoomPos: Returns the maximum zoom position on the camera.
Constants.ImageProperty.availableShots: Returns the number of available shots to store, depending on the size of the memory card in the camera.
Constants.ImageProperty.saveTo: Returns where images taken by RemoteReleaseControl:release(), or when the user presses the shutter button, are stored. Possible values are:
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToCamera: Images are only stored on camera memory card; no download events are generated, as the images are not transferred to PC.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToHost: Images are only transferred to PC, but not stored on camera memory card.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToBoth: Images are stored on camera memory card and are transferred to PC.
Constants.ImageProperty.batteryLevel: Returns the current battery level. The last value always is the one describing the most empty state.
Constants.ImageProperty.imageFormat: Returns the image format that is currently set.
Returns an image property value that can be used to set a new shooting mode. Note that for some cameras, shooting mode can't be set (e.g. Canon DSLRs). In this case you have to notify the user that he has to change the shooting mode dial to the appropriate mode.
The folowing constants can be used for shootingMode:
Constants.ShootingMode.shootingModeP: Sets Program mode. Av and Tv can't be controlled in this mode and is chosen by the camera, depending on metering mode. Exposure compensation can be used to darken or lighten the image, though.
Constants.ShootingMode.shootingModeTv: Sets "Tv" or shutter priority mode. Shutter speed can be adjusted in this mode, and aperture (Av) is chosen by the camera. Exposure compensation can be also be used here.
Constants.ShootingMode.shootingModeAv: Sets "Av" or aperture priority mode. Aperture can be adjusted in this mode, and shutter speed (Tv) is chosen by the camera. Exposure compensation can be also be used here.
Constants.ShootingMode.shootingModeM: Sets manual mode; both aperture (Av) and shutter speed (Tv) can be controlled in this mode. Exposure compensation is ignored and is read-only. Note: Use this mode to shoot in bulb mode, if the camera supports it. Bulb shooting is done using the RemoteReleaseControl:startBulb() function.
The image property returned here can be set using the RemoteReleaseControl.setImageProperty() function.
Sets a new value for an image property. The imageProperty value passed must be a table with the ImageProperty table layout. There are several ways to get a table with this format:
Call getImageProperty() and modify the "value" field to set a different value. The meaning of the value is camera and image property dependent.
Call getImagePropertyByType(), which, like getImageProperty(), returns an ImageProperty table.
Call getShootingModeImageProperty() to get a predefined shooting mode value that can be set.
Get a possible value from the validValues array of the ImageProperty table.
Construct a table with the layout of the ImageProperty table; possible values for the image properties can be collected by using RemotePhotoTool's Camera Info dialog or the RemotePhotoToolCmdline tool with the --image-props option. Note that these values always are camera-dependent!
The field "id" of the table is used to identify the image property. The field "value" is used as a new value for the property.
The new value is converted to the format expected by the camera. If it doesn't match, an error is reported. The following value types are possible to use in the "value" field: boolean, number, string.
Returns the number of shots available on the storage medium of the camera, using the current image format.
Starts viewfinder. The viewfinder is a source of thumbnail images that are normally shown on the LCD screen on the back of the camera. These thumbnails are sent continuously and are normally displayed by RemotePhotoTool. Using the viewfinder in scripting can let you analyze the viewfinder image.
On some cameras the LCD screen is turned off when starting the viewfinder.
See the Viewfinder table for more details how to use the viewfinder.
Sends a command to the camera to be carried out. The call to this function returns immediately. The following camera commands are available:
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.commandAdjustFocus: Starts auto-adjusting focus of current image.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.commandAdjustWhiteBalance: Starts auto-adjusting white balance of current image.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.commandAdjustExposure Starts auto-adjusting exposure of current image.
Starts taking an image asynchronously. The call to this function returns immediately, and the callback function that was set using setReleaseSettings() can be used to wait for taking and downloading the image.
There are some error conditions, e.g. the camera cannot focus. The error conditions must be monitored using the state event handler. See the function addStateEventHandler() for more infos.
Note that on most cameras, pressing the shutter release button on the camera itself also triggers taking photos.
Starts Bulb release control. This lets you control how long the shutter of the camera is opened to take a picture. Usually the camera must be set to shutter mode M and a Tv value of "Bulb" to enable the Bulb mode.
The call returns a BulbReleaseControl table that lets you control the length of the shutter opening. See description of the BulbReleaseControl table for more details.
Note that only some of the Canon DSLR cameras support Bulb mode. Use the function RemoteReleaseControl:getCapability() with the constant Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.capBulbMode to determine if the camera supports this mode.
Closes access to remote release control. On some cameras the lens is retracted back into the case. Access to the other functions of the RemoteReleaseControl table isn't possible anymore.
The DeviceProperty table contains the following functions:
deviceProperty = {
id = 12345;
name = "Camera Model";
asString = "Canon PowerShot G9";
value = "Canon PowerShot G9";
isReadOnly = true;
validValues = { ... };
The values have the following meaning:
- id: The device property ID that was passed to the getDeviceProperty() function.
- name: The display name of the property.
- asString: The value of the property, as displayable text.
- value: The value of the property; type depends on property.
- isReadOnly: Determines if the value can currently be set.
- validValues: Lists the values that the property may have.
The 'value' value can be of one of the following Lua types, depending on what the camera returns for the value: string, number, boolean, nil.
The 'validValues' value is an array describing all values currently possible for this device property. It may be nil, meaning that there are no valid values that can be set, so check before accessing the value. The validValues table has the following format:
validValues = {
length = 5;
[1] = { value = 1.0, asString = "Full battery" };
[2] = { value = 2.0, asString = "Good battery" };
[5] = { value = 5.0, asString = "Almost empty" };
There are no functions that can be called.
The ImageProperty table contains the following values:
imageProperty = {
id = 23456;
name = "Aperture";
asString = "f/2.8";
value = 32;
isReadOnly = false;
validValues = { ... };
The values have the following meaning:
- id: The image property ID that was passed to the getImageProperty() function.
- name: The display name of the property.
- asString: The value of the property, as displayable text.
- value: The value of the property; type depends on property.
- isReadOnly: Determines if the value can currently be set.
- validValues: Lists the values that the property may have.
The 'value' value can be of one of the following Lua types, depending on what the camera returns for the value: string, number, boolean, nil.
The 'validValues' value is an array describing all values currently possible for this image property. It may be nil, meaning that there are no valid values that can be set, so check before accessing the value. The validValues table has the following format:
validValues = {
length = 10;
[1] = { value = 32.0, asString = "f/2.8" };
[2] = { value = 35.0, asString = "f/3.2" };
[10] = { value = 56.0, asString = "f/8.0" };
Note that the valid values can change, e.g. when the shooting mode has changed, or e.g. the zoom is changed on the lens, modifying available aperture values. All changes in valid values are notified by sending a property changed event; see addPropertyEventHandler() function and the propEventPropertyDescChanged constant.
There are no functions that can be called.
The ReleaseSettings table that is used by the functions getReleaseSettings() and setReleaseSettings() contains the following values:
releaseSettings = {
saveTarget = Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToCamera;
onFinishedTransfer = function(self, releaseSettings) { ... };
outputFilename = "images\IMG_0001.jpg";
The saveTarget value determines where images taken are stored. See the values that can be used, below.
The onFinishedTransfer is a callback function that is called when an image has been transferred completely. The callback function receives a copy of the release settings that were used to take the image. The output filename then contains the actual absolute filename. The callback function should look as follows:
callbackFunction = function(self, releaseSettings) { ... }
The outputFilename is the next desired filename that is used when images should be transferred to host. The path is always relative to the currently running script and can't leave outside the folder where the script is stored. Non-existing subfolders are created before the image is stored. Forward slashes are converted to the Windows-style backward slashes before using the path. When the onFinishedTransfer callback is called, it contains the full path of the image stored.
The following constants can be used for saveTarget:
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToCamera: The images taken are saved on the camera only. The onFinishedTransfer callback function isn't called when the image has been stored on camera media.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToHost: The images are saved on the host only. The onFinishedTransfer callback is called when the transfer of the image has finished. No images are stored on the camera media.
Constants.RemoteReleaseControl.saveToBoth: The images are saved on the camera and on the host. The onFinishedTransfer callback is called when the transfer of the image has finished. The image is also stored on the camera media. The camera chooses the next filename in the DCIM schema for the image, which is independent of the value that was passed as outputFilename.
The Viewfinder table contains the following functions:
viewfinder = {
getCapability = function(viewfinderCapability) { ... };
setOutputType = function(outputType) { ... };
setAvailImageHandler = function([callbackFunction]) { ... };
getHistogram = function(histogramType) { ... };
close = function() { ... };
Queries for capabilities of the live viewfinder, which can either be true or false. If a capability is false, some functions of the camera can't be carried out.
The following capabilities exists, as constants:
Constants.Viewfinder.capOutputTypeVideoOut: Determines if the Video Out output type can be set, using the function Viewfinder:setOutputType(). Some SDKs may not provide a way to redirect the viewfinder output to the Video Out connector.
Constants.Viewfinder.capGetHistogram: Determines if the camera supports retrieving histogram data for viewfinder images. See Viewfinder:getHistogram() for more infos.
This function selects where the viewfinder image should be shown, in addition to transfer it to the PC.
The following constants can be used:
Constants.Viewfinder.outputTypeLCD: The live viewfinder image is also shown on the camera's LCD screen.
Constants.Viewfinder.outputTypeVideoOut: The live viewfinder image is also sent to the camera's Video Out connector, to be viewed on an external screen. Note: Doesn't work on Canon EOS based cameras, since the function can be controlled remotely.
Constants.Viewfinder.outputTypeOff: The live viewfinder image is only sent to the PC.
This function sets a handler function that is called every time a new viewfinder preview image arrives. The callback function receives the preview image. The callback function should look as follows:
callbackFunction = function(self, viewfinder, image-as-userdata) { ... }
The first argument is the App object. The second argument is the viewfinder instance object; it can be used to unregister the handler. The third argument is image data as Lua userdata object. Unfortunately you can't do much with the userdata value at the moment.
If no or a nil callback function is passed, the handler is unregistered. To receive calls to this callback function, the main thread must give up its execution. For more infos about asynchronous functions, see the chapter about the Scheduler above.
Returns the histogram of the last transferred viewfinder image. The histogram is the distribution of light and dark parts of the image. The histogram is only available when the camera has the capability, which you can check with:
The histogram type determines which histogram data is returned:
Constants.Viewfinder.histogramLuminance Returns the histogram data for overall luminance of the image.
Constants.Viewfinder.histogramRed Returns the histogram data only for the red channel of the image.
Constants.Viewfinder.histogramGreen Returns the histogram data only for the green channel of the image.
Constants.Viewfinder.histogramBlue Returns the histogram data only for the blue channel of the image.
The histogram table returned has the following layout
devices = {
length = 256;
[1] = intensityValue1;
[2] = intensityValue2;
[256] = intensityValue256;
Values at the low indexes represent intensities for dark colors, and values at high indexes represent intensities for light colors. Seen in another way the values are the number of colors in the image with this luminance or channel value.
The values are not normalized to any range. For that you have to find the highest value and divide all other values by it.
The function stops the live viewfinder, and the registered callback function isn't called anymore. No other operations on the viewfinder object can be done either.
The BulbReleaseControl table is used to control how long the bulb time of the image will be. The camera shutter is kept as long as the table-object is valid and the stop() function isn't called. With this, you can implement arbitrary shutter times.
The table contains the following functions:
bulbReleaseControl = {
elapsedTime = function() { ... }
stop = function() { ... }
Returns the number of seconds elapsed since opening bulb release control. The float value type allows to pass fractional values of seconds. The resolution of the timer is about 15 ms, or 0.015 seconds.
Stops bulb release control and closes the shutter. The image is then written to storage card, sent to the host PC or both, depending on the settings. After this function is called, the table-object isn't usable anymore, and to start a new bulb release, RemoteReleaseControl:startBulb() must be called again.