Released on ?.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Minimum Android version is now Android 12
🐛 Bugfixes
Released on 2024-11-20.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Planning tour is now possible with any location pin and by long-tapping a point on the map
- Height profile now shows track name and an info button to go to the track details page
- Improved parsing coordinates, recognizing more formats
- Using CesiumJS version 1.123.0
- Upgraded user interface to use .NET MAUI
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed exporting layers
- Hide color selection when editing a flight track
- Fixed clicking on links on the layer, location and track details pages
- Fixed "show details" and other functions for nearby POIs
Released on 2024-05-01.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Made popup dialogs a bit lighter in dark mode
- Using CesiumJS version 1.116.0
🐛 Bugfixes
- Hide track pin when closing track height profile view
Released on 2024-02-09.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Finding locations can now also parse coordinates in various formats
- Using CesiumJS version 1.114.0
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed saving added weather web links
- When adding a weather web link, pre-select the Group field
- When zoomed out far, fly nearer to the ground when flying to current position
Released on 2023-11-23.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Improved performance of track height profile view
- Moved layer to map overlays
- Corrected Sunset angle heading on the current position page
- Using CesiumJS version 1.111.0
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed crash when track height profile can't be sampled at import
- Fixed crash on location list page when location permission was not given yet
Released on 2023-04-17.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Using CesiumJS version 1.103
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed getting position updates when pressing the "Locate me" toolbar button
- Use correct location pin icon when adding a find result as location
- Determine altitude for "find result" location instead of showing 0 m
- Improved resolution of location pin images
- Fixed Alptherm auto login
- Fixed downloading images from weather pages that need a login
- Disable swiping in track details when hovering over the track's height profile
- Fixed displaying time scale in track height profile
- Fixed context menu icon color of Delete menu items
Released on 2022-12-01.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added new "Find nearby POIs" button in the map view that shows temporary point of interest markers on the map
- Added the "Waymarked Trails Hiking" map overlay
- The "find result" pin can now be hidden again
- Added "altitude offset" to Flying Range dialog
- Using CesiumJS version 1.99
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed a crash when opening the Current Position page directly after app startup
- Fixed crash when deleting the location list while the list is currently being filtered
- Fixed "Add new..." weather icon color in dark mode
Released on 2022-08-11.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- The Current Position page now has a second tab with a compass that rotates with the devices' compass, showing sunset and sunrise angles and set target direction
- Locations and points in the map can now be set as compass target, displaying a line on the ground to the target and a target endpoint pin
- In the Compass tab, a target direction angle can be set (without showing the target endpoint pin)
- Split heading into magnetic-north and geographic, true-north compass directions
- Improved performance when adding many locations
- Using CesiumJS version 1.96
Released on 2022-07-17.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Layers, tracks and locations now have a 3-dot-button to show the context menu
- The context menus now have icons and are displayed as popup dialogs
- Updated included Paraglidingspots European Alps locations to version 2.02
- Display name and description from CZML layers
- Using CesiumJS version 1.95
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed loading weather icons for some pages
- Fixed map starting location, using last zoomed-to location
- Fixed opening websites in external browser window
- Fixed finding current position after minimizing app
- Fixed showing toast messages and tour plan dialogs multiple times
Released on 2021-11-09.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added support for live tracking tracks using
links - Added group headings for list when selecting weather icons
- Improved track handling by using a memory cache for tracks
- When importing tracks from KML files, display track names based on KML tree structure
- Using CesiumJS version 1.87
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed saving images in weather web pages on Android 10 and above
- Fixed zooming to newly added locations
- Fixed displaying OpenFlightMaps layer
- Various other minor bugfixes
Released on 2021-03-14.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Support for Cesium OpenStreetMap Buildings layer; can be added to layer list
- For locations that have takeoff directions, the takeoff directions are now shown on the map as circle slices
- Automatically zoom to newly imported locations
- Added exporting CZML layers to .kmz files
- Added clustering of Location pins and Layer elements when zooming out
- Keep distance to terrain when zooming to different location pins or the current location; the viewing distance is also re-used after app restarts
- Using CesiumJS version 1.79.1
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed flight track colors when track contains many duplicate track points (e.g. from waiting at takeoff)
- Fixed importing GPX files with version 1.0
Released on 2020-12-21.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added support for Android 11
- Added showing height profile when tapping on a track
- Added zooming and panning to height profile graph
- Added setting app themes "light", "dark" and "same as device"
- Added showing sunrise and sunset times on the "Current Position" page
- Added dialog when importing airspaces to select which airspace classes to import
- Using magnetic compass for heading on the "Current Position" page when the device has one
- Using CesiumJS version 1.76
🐛 Bugfixes
- Various bugfixes and improvements
Released on 2020-08-19.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Using CesiumJS version 1.72
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed "Sampling track point heights..." not disappearing when device has no network connection
- Fixed crash when opening files from remote file providers (like OneDrive and Google Drive) but the device has no network connection
Released on 2020-08-11.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added info page containing the manual for all pages in the app
- Added importing locations from SeeYou waypoints.cup files
- Added exporting track to .gpx file
- Importing KML tracks from XC Tracer devices now calculate the time points automatically
- Long-tapping on images in the weather browser offers downloading that image
- Using CesiumJS version 1.72
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed displaying the map when there is no mobile network at app startup; the terrain is loaded when the mobile network is available again
- Fixed crash when navigating between different weather pages
- Fixed crash when deleting a location
- Fixed displaying OpenFlightMaps imagery layer
- Fixed displaying the Cesium Ion icon on the bottom of the screen
Released on 2020-02-17.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- All data is now stored in an SQLite database; improves speed of location list; migrating existing data occurs when upgrading to 1.7.0
- Added automatic logon for Alptherm website; can be configured on settings page
- Updated included ParaglidingSpots locations
- The info page now shows several pages, showing version info, this changelog and the credits
- Using CesiumJS version 1.66
🐛 Bugfixes
- Various bug fixes and improvements
Released on 2019-07-25.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added new "layer" menu where CesiumJS .czml files can be loaded as layers displayed on the map
- Added specifying "track point interval" when imported track has no time data (e.g. for KML LineStrings); useful for .kml files from XC Tracer II GPS
- Flying range cones can now be hidden using an icon in the description
- Supported opening .igc files downloaded from xcontest
- Updated waypoints for Crossing the Alps 2019
- Using CesiumJS version 1.59
Released on 2019-05-28.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added support for live waypoints that update themselves periodically; supported are live waypoints to Garmin inReach and SPOT devices
- Added support for
URLs for adding live waypoints - Added long-tap menu entry "show flying range" to display a half transparent cone that shows the flying range, based on the glide ratio
- When adding a flying track, terrain height is sampled so that track is never "under ground"; non-flying tracks are clamped to terrain now
- Added Sentinel-2 and imagery layer
- Added hiking tour planning support for some selected location waypoints in the Schliersee area.
- Improved retrieving and caching of weather dashboard icons
- Added Where-to-fly Windows app (beta)
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed opening .igc files from with negative latitudes or longitudes
Released on 2018-12-08.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added importing and showing tracks on map, new track list and track details page
- Added opening .igc files as tracks
- Added activity indicator in location list when list is being refreshed
- Weather links are now shown on a dedicated page with icons to change to other weather pages
- Added new map imagery type: OpenTopoMap
- Added button on settings page to clear cache used for map view
Released on 2018-07-21.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Updated waypoints for Crossing the alps 2018
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed bug where a newly added location (using find or long-tap to add) wasn't shown on map
- Fixed bug displaying distances with many fractional digits
Released on 2018-06-26.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Introduced hamburger menu with drawer to navigate between top-level pages
- Added weather dashboard, showing weather icons that can be links to external web pages or apps
- Redesigned "current position" page to use tiles
- Added sharing a location on the "location details" page
- Added waiting dialogs when importing locations
- Crossing the alps: added waypoints and a fixed red polyline with the planned route
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed opening downloaded .kml, .kmz and .gpx files
- Fixed crash on Android before 8.0; the "Skyways" overlay is not available on these devices
- Other small bugfixes and improvements
Released on 2018-05-18.
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed crash at startup for some Android devices
- Fixed loading terrain height data
- Fixed displaying large number of pins when many locations are loaded
Released on 2018-05-04.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added "Location list" and "Location details" pages, showing list and details of the loaded placemarks
- Added map overlay "Thermal Skyways ("
- Added long-tap gesture on map, in order to add custom waypoint
- Added "Find location" function to search for addresses or other place names
- Added importing GPX files for locations
🐛 Bugfixes
- Fixed crash when picking files from "Downloads" or other special folders
- Many other bugfixes and minor changes
Released on 2018-02-03.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Added imagery layer "Aerials + Labels (Bing Maps)"
- Added map overlays "Contour lines", "Slope + contour lines" and "NASA Black Marble"
Released on 2018-01-29.
✨ New Features / Improvements
- Showing 3D map of mountains to hike up and fly down, with shading based on daylight settings
- Showing locations and detail infos, based on imported KML placemarks, e.g. take off and landing place locations
- Showing the current location, and share it with other apps