Where-to-fly uses several components and resources.
The app uses CesiumJS to visualize a 3D map. The component is licensed using the Apache License 2.0.
The app uses the Microsoft App Center SDK packages to distribute the app and to collect crash information. The components are licensed using the MIT License
The app uses the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit library. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the Markdig library to format MarkDown as HTML. The component is licensed using the BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License.
The app uses the SharpKML library to load Google Earth .kml and .kmz files. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the Refit library to send REST based web service requests. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the Html Agility Pack to parse HTML content. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the sqlite-net library to store all data. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the SkiaSharp library to draw custom controls. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the Chart.js library to display height profiles. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the chartjs-adapter-dayjs-4 library to integrate the Day.js library into Chart.js. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the Day.js library to format date and time values in Chart.js. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses a modified version of the chartjs-plugin-crosshair library to provide a crosshair for height profiles. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the chartjs-plugin-zoom library to provide zooming into height profiles. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The app uses the Hammer.js library for touch gesture handling in the chartjs-plugin-zoom plugin. The library is licensed using the MIT License.
The backend uses the QuickGraph library for tour planning. The library is licensed using the Microsoft Public License.
The app uses the Thermal Skyways from https://thermal.kk7.ch/, with kind permission from Michael of https://kk7.ch/.
The app uses the Waymarked Trails Hiking overlay imagery from https://waymarkedtrails.org/, licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 DE license.
The following icons are from the Google Material icon set:
- autorenew
- bus
- close
- close-circle-outline
- compass
- crosshairs-gps
- delete
- delete-forever
- directions
- dots-vertical
- eye
- format-list-bulleted
- information-outline
- layers-outline
- magnify
- magnify-plus-outline
- map
- map-marker
- menu
- navigation
- parking
- playlist-plus
- settings
- settings-outline
- share-variant
- train
- camera
- refresh
- export-variant
- bookmark-plus-outline
- close
- arrow-expand-horizontal
- camera-outline
- cloud-upload-outline (modified)
The Google Material Icons are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
The following icons in the App are from the Material Design Icons page:
- ruler - distance.png - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- compass-rose - Michael Richins @MrGrigri
- church - church.png - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- castle - castle.png - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- bridge - bridge.png - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- arrow-up - up.png - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- arrow-down - down.png - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- weather-partlycloudy - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- border-none-variant - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- calendar-clock - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- map-marker-distance - Michael Richins @MrGrigri
- map-marker-plus - Cody @XT3000
- eye-off-outline - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- layers-plus - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- gesture-spread - Michael Richins @MrGrigri
- gesture-tap - Michael Richins @MrGrigri
- timeline-clock-outline - Austin Andrews @Templarian
- magnify-scan - Sascha Wohlgemuth @whlgmth
All custom icons are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Some icons used in the App are used from the Mapbox Maki icon set: https://www.mapbox.com/maki-icons/
The Maki icon set is licensed using the CC0 license: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
The following icons are from the onlinewebfonts web page:
- Paragliding icon: Icon made from https://www.onlinewebfonts.com/icon/. The icon is licensed by CC BY 3.0.
The following icons are from Wikimedia Commons:
- Cave icon: Icon made by Carport; the icon is licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gfi-set01-cave.svg